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Feb 2012 · 609
Soul Stealer
I am silver glass.
I reflect what i see.
You sit and stare and i stare back, you study and I learn.
You fidget and frown and try to accomplish the impossible.
I just grin like the monster I am.
And you are blind to the battle you are fighting.

I am just here until I shatter and crack.
And you would never look back.
I am cold and unyielding, selfish and critical, for I have no soul.
I do not regret showing you imperfections, because without them, you would have no use for me.

But what makes me laugh and cackle, until my sides split, is you need me.
You look on, unaware of the danger of staring too long.

But if you knew my secret, what a terrible thing that would be.
For you look at your outward appearance, while I look in.
Past the ribbons, silk, and powder, and see something truly horrifying.
For your soul is as tarnished and broken, as my glass is polished and smooth.

If only you knew what I truly am under the surface.
You would shatter and break everyone of my kind.
For I am the perfect monstrosity.

You look and I show you what needs to be seen.
But no one will ever figure out, the secret I keep.
Because I know you, I know your soul.
And I can bring you to your knees.
Because every time you glance at me,
I trap small pieces of you in a sea of cold mercury.

So there I have told you my secret, but you are none the wiser.
You will keep looking and I will keep stealing.
Because you keep trying and hoping to be,
Criticism is welcomed :D

— The End —