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791 · Aug 2015
Summer Nights
Amanda Nettles Aug 2015
it was those
summer nights
that you was good
it was those
summer nights
that you did
what you did
it was those
summer nights
I cried myself to sleep
it was those
summer nights
I wanted to die
it was those
summer nights
I gave up
it was those
summer nights
you punched
it was those
summer nights
I found the man upstairs
it was those
summer nights
I found love
it was those
summer nights
I became happy
those summer nights
were bad but also good
446 · Aug 2015
Amanda Nettles Aug 2015
iam confused
confused about life
confused on how
things work
confused on why
things happen to me
confused on
your love for me
confused on a lot
iam not confused
on how you treat me
on how i dont need you
on how i need to be strong
i may be confused
on some but not all
343 · Aug 2015
One Million Ways
Amanda Nettles Aug 2015
one million ways
to show how
i truly feel
one million ways
to show how
much you mean to me
one million ways
to love you
forever and always
one million ways
not to forget
your smell
your smile
your laugh
your love
319 · Aug 2015
My Love for You
Amanda Nettles Aug 2015
my love for you
is deep in my heart
my love for you
is always here
my love for you
is never questioned
my love for you
is not a fairytale
my love for you
is surrounded around you
my love for you
doesnt need to be found
my love for you
is only for you
my love for you
is unconditional
thats how much
i love you
i miss my ***** so much. she is always on my mind
313 · Aug 2015
Amanda Nettles Aug 2015
I was found broken
broken into millions
of tiny sharp pieces
I was broken
for so long
I was broken
but not lost
because of you
I was broken
when you left
I was broken
when you lied
I was broken
when I cut
I was broken
Iam tired of
being broken
Iam missing
puzzle pieces
but no longer
totally broken

— The End —