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Nov 2010 · 531
Amanda Martin Nov 2010
It seems to me to be out of sight, out of mind;
but are there not cherishable memories left behind?
Have our experiences vanished from your thoughts?
Have our soft, 'i love you's', been buried, with the rocks?
What happened to 'us'?
These memories won't fade.
No matter what I do, they will inevitably leave a shade.
A shade of hope;
away, a wind can't gust.
Forgetting about those experiences,
is now what I've grown to consider,
a must.
Nov 2010 · 402
Amanda Martin Nov 2010
My words; I should probably edit.
But these words, they flow effortlessly from my mind.
I put everything out there one paper;
And I leave negativity behind.
I can now speak of my emotions,
with no discern or haste.
I now realize acting in that manner,
was nothing but a waste.
Of my time.. my energy..
Of my life.
When I let the words flow,
I begin to feel alright.
My mind isn't constantly searching
for sorrow or a fight.
I can now see things clearly,
you could say in a different light.
And I hope that one day you will see my change,
And give this a try, you might.
Nov 2010 · 586
Amanda Martin Nov 2010
Oh, routine.
My dear friend, we've grown to fond of one another.
The zone of my comfort has become the footsteps I follow in your light.
Yearning for change, I find myself;
Stuck, stuck, stuck.
Oh routine; tear your palms away from my skin.
Unhealthy is the nature of the lifestyle you have kept me trapped in.
Free me of your tyrant grasp;
Deplete of me my negative emotions.
Wishes; they could be nothing more then to have these wings clipped and to be set free.
I now untie these ropes that bound me down.
I now release myself of the burden of the unknown.
Deplete, release, rinse, and repeat.
Nov 2010 · 418
Amanda Martin Nov 2010
Ready to dive, hands in the sky.
The water here is shallow, although you percieve it a league.
The smart choice? Don't dive.
Looking at the depths you see nothing but a clear blue;
When you jump, this liquid changes to a
murky colour you're not used to.
Diving head first into this is not a thought to question.
You must take things slowly; ease yourself in.
Take precautions, for if not you will swim into waters
that will consume each ounce of your being.
You will lose yourself in this ocean, dear.
Take things a day at a time, and if any emotion
has a hold on  you, be sure it isn't fear.
Nov 2010 · 401
Amanda Martin Nov 2010
Now, I'm not too sure about happy endings;
Not too sure about second, third, fourth chances.
We've tried and we've tried; all I fed you were lies.
You saw through my actions, my words; You saw me.
You know me better then I know myself.
I guess it was for the best,
if that is what you want me to call this.
Inspiration; a hit or miss.
Well, it's a hit this time.
Hit me in the core of my heart and it is not going anywhere.
So thank you;
Thank you for helping me discover and grow fond of myself;
because without you here,
I've grown to know the person you so easily gave up.
And she is worth the world.
Nov 2010 · 726
Amanda Martin Nov 2010
A melody, a symphony.
A state of pure bliss; a state of love.
Our song came to an end.
Our encore was never to come.
I wake with the rising sun; Daily,
remembering what has come undone.
A state of pure bliss; Love,
rising with the sun; facing battles,
Growth. Love, come undone.
Nov 2010 · 488
Amanda Martin Nov 2010
A golden, cheerful companion, showing me the light of experience. Showing me the beauty in everything my eyes seem to reach. Cherishing you, I cannot do this to you. Too precious to me to engage in this behaviour so soon. But baby, don't fret. This is only the beginning;  the bloom. The end is not yet. There is more to this then you've grown to know. Building upon this is not a choice now. Working on ourselves, is what we face now.
Nov 2010 · 476
Amanda Martin Nov 2010
Recollecting those times, those memories.
Your essence, your spirit, your touch;
On my mind.
Feelings of nostalgia overwhelm my consciousness.
Trying to block you.. it.. out.
Forgive and forget, a saying unknown.
You've taken this time, you have grown.
Me? Still stuck running in place.
Faux smile on my face.
Trying to erase; you.
Nov 2010 · 619
Amanda Martin Nov 2010
Caught; tangled in the webs of self destruction.
Thoughts; controlling your every emotion.
Unseen; beliefs and morals.
Swallowed down the hatch.
Little left to grasp, concepts determine facts.
Strategically spinning, downwards; Downwards.
Spiralling out of control, not knowing how to face letting go.
Willingness, willing to grow.
Find your place, find your soul;
Find that smile again, find the whole.
Nov 2010 · 520
Amanda Martin Nov 2010
Apologies; sincere?
This we've been made clear.
Love was not enough to keep you near.
The fear.
The fear of losing you brought me to that instance.
Trust? Trust was never know.
Doubt? Doubt reigned my mind.
These feelings of mine, made you leave me behind.
Endings. I knew they would be this way.
Hope? False hopes.
Leading me nowhere but to grow fonder of feelings of despair.
Love? Love was not enough.
Never will be, never was.

— The End —