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4.6k · Jan 2011
Amanda Jean Jan 2011
He says I'm toxic
But loves me still

Truth is...
You're my poison too
Every brush of our lips intoxicates me
Craving your taste
I'll give into pleasure
Clawing, stroking, licking
Spreading the disease

Toxic girl-
Poisonous boy
Every inch of my body tainted
Racing through my veins
The poison sets in

Truth is baby...
You poison me
I wanna infect you
4.5k · Jan 2011
Body Language
Amanda Jean Jan 2011
Playful squeals escape from curled up lips.
She tugs
He pulls
Their clothing never lasts
Bodies speak
Amanda Jean Jan 2011
Creating chaos to escape the madness.
Loosing my level headed, 
Out of control mind. 
Over thinking a fear of overly thinking.
A solid, shattered rock.
Building it up only to demolish it. 
Giving up on giving in.
Wholly torn.
Level headed, fool.
Out of control, control freak.
Loving enough to hate.
Giving enough to steal.
Caring enough lie.
Insane enough to try.
Wholly torn.
Level headed, fool.
Out of control, control freak.
Lonely, company.
Without company...lonely.
Profoundly shallow.
Hopefully doomed. 
Fantasizing reality. 
Wholly torn.
Level headed, fool.
Out of control, control freak.
2.9k · Jan 2011
Self Discovery
Amanda Jean Jan 2011
At the intersection of inspiration and enlightenment
That is where I find myself
Self discovery
A journey
Not a destination
2.5k · Jan 2011
Strangers & demons
Amanda Jean Jan 2011
He sees her now, merely a stranger in passing.
Disposing the past that led up to this.
It only takes a glance,
Their minds battle.
They are released.

Two demons.
One love.
An addiction to the addict,
A desire to be desired,
Two demons.
One lie.

She sees him, merely a stranger in passing.
His once soothing face now stirs up rage within her.
Her smile distorts, with only intentions of mocking him.
He receives her smile and replies with a menacing chuckle.
They break out once again.

Two demons.
One passion.
An overdose of emotion,
The pleasure of pleasing.
Two demons.
One mistake.

Two strangers cross paths,
Glaring straight ahead as if they are trying to penetrate everything before them.
No soul knows what they know.

Two demons.
One loss.

Hauntingly, they fade into the crowd.
2.1k · Jan 2011
Amanda Jean Jan 2011
You apologize as if you feel remorse.
You lie!
It's all about the sale.
I was merely your customer and the bed was your product.
Anything for a sale, anything to convince me you had what I wanted.
But you were the one that wanted what I had.
You apologize because you miss me.
Well baby, keep em comin cause I'm not buyin.
A lonely salesman is all you'll ever be.
Apologizing for your selfish words and charming lies.
Pity party honoring you, tragic life thats only yours.

Salesman, I'm not interested.
Your money does not impress.
Salesman, show me the door!
I don't care how sharp you dress.
Salesman, you had me fooled.
Your flashy cars and fancy toys were your favorite tool.
I don't give a **** what the world says you're worth,
because it's only a name, simply a title.
A lonely salesman is all you'll ever be, a
lonely salesman who thinks of me.

Keep dreaming baby cause I'm never coming back.
You had your way with me, stole it all in only a day.
'I love you' is what you speak, but 'I lust you' is all that leaks.
Talking large and living the same.
Hooking me was purely a mind game.
A lonely salesman is all you'll ever be, a
lonely salesman who thinks of me.
1.3k · Jan 2011
Grave Digger
Amanda Jean Jan 2011
White noise emanates from the television
Despite volume
Her thoughts shriek
His voice echos
Bouncing off the walls of her mind
With every blink a film strip of the past is replayed
She can't escape it
She's playing keep away with herself
And losing
Her head lay still
But the earth sways
Rocking her fading heart
She entrusted him
Already several shades of grey
He applied the final coat
Grave digger
Only one grave to dig
1.2k · Jan 2011
Amanda Jean Jan 2011
Abandon blacktop guides me home
I speed down the barren road
As a thick haze hangs in the air
Creating a blanket over head
It keeps me warm tonight
1.2k · Jun 2011
Pushing Daisies
Amanda Jean Jun 2011
The sound of your voice reaches out to choke me
Those eyes never so wild
Your macabre demeanor so comforting-
A gallery of strife
In a garden of dismay
Lay me down-suffocate me
String my heart on wire above your bed
But let each pump reflect what you said
Send my regards across the sea
For my eyes will never see thee
A transit lover you will be
Unless you accompany me
A love song-lost
Locked in a castle basement- ball and chain
Heard only by the mice
I'll linger like smoke from a fire that has burnt out
But will disappear in time
Pushing daisies has become my hobby
1.2k · Feb 2011
Free. To. Soar.
Amanda Jean Feb 2011
A single light-- illuminates
Shadows dance like marionettes
Across smooth pale skin
Vapor floats through a lonely light beam
The air saturated with
Tranquil exhales
Eyes on fire--Breaths intertwined
Toes curl under sheets of cotton
Body. Mind.
Move. Think.

Free. To. Soar.
1.0k · Jan 2012
Rosetta Stoned-Tool
Amanda Jean Jan 2012
The flame winks flirtatiously
Teasing the shadows that dance like gypsies
Gliding across the black backdrop sky
The shadows, frightened in the night
Yet disappear by day
Enter into another realm with infinite languages meshed into one
Making a foreign tongue familiar, opening the mind of the receiver
The flame cast the shadows
In a film all their own
An action without logic
A rhyme with no reason
An opinion without influence  
The eye of the spirit awakens
Opens up to a new world
Which was there all along
Escaping the ordinary
Communicating a reason for existence
And a melody from which the shadows dance
Leaving each a great distance from reality
For an absence of the mind results in a presence with the body
But a closeness with the spirit, an echo through eternity
I wrote this poem while listening to Rosetta ****** by Tool.
927 · Nov 2011
Her shattered world
Amanda Jean Nov 2011
Slipping into a substance-less trance
Unable to distinguish between reality and dreams
Strained in fast forward
She'll watch her body descend-
The bottom of the bottle is her closest friend
A toast to the pain that dwells inside
A sip to the fallen
In limbo
She hides

Shadows loom
Darkening her world
A melancholy place
Of strife and trauma

A fading glimpse of who she used to be
As his halo surrounds her
Preventing a hollow heart from caving in
Guardian angel-
Eye from which he held
Her shattered world together
This poem is based on a painting I did.
861 · Feb 2011
Sit. Stare.
Amanda Jean Feb 2011
Sometimes I sit |STARE|
Soaking up emotion like a sponge
Then squeezing it out as inspiration
It pools at my feet
Rises above my head
An ocean, now--
Embracing the monster wave
I drown

Crash. Into. Me.
824 · Jan 2011
Sin City
Amanda Jean Jan 2011
There is a city built just north of hell. Its residences live unaware and unsuspecting of their fate. Deadly sins spread like wild fire, the first leading to the next. Feeding off the weak, the selfish souls lie their way to the top. Stepping on all who stand in their way. The path they walk leads to an edge. If they do not change their route, to hell their souls will plummet. They love the sin they reside in; each day is as empty as the last. The pleasure outweighs the pain, for now.

This city is crawling with sin, infested with poisonous sins of every form. Lust drips off every mans lips. With every seductive woman comes a fallen man following close behind. Images cannot be escaped; they choke the throats of men slowly entangling them in a web of immorality. Even the most righteous of men begin to suffocate.

Greed rubs off the deceiver. The idea of being successful transforms from a goal into a cult. It is no longer a lifestyle, it is god. The larger the check the higher the status, the higher the status the larger the check.

Envy runs rampant as jealous hearts stare as others pass by. They covet their neighbor's possessions with evil intentions in their hearts. Few act out, but many struggle and are tortured by their need for more. Selfishly, the envious await their fellow sinner to let their guard down.

Gluttonous mouths devour every dish placed in in front of them. Inhaling more than they can swallow and giving into the succulent, sweet taste of abundance. Hardly pausing long enough to breathe let alone ponder someone in need.

Vanity and pride live within the smirks of every face. She walks the streets with a strut in her step, a massive diamond on her finger and an ego to match. Her body appears flawless but her soul is badly bruised. Her pride is a cover for what truly lies within her insecure heart.

Wrath and rage build up as cars speed past one another. Their only concern, getting to their destination on time. No care for who they put as risk they drive as if they own the road. Nearly missing a van full of children, he continues on only focusing on the task at hand.

This city is a sin.
Are you its sinner?
805 · Jan 2011
The Observer
Amanda Jean Jan 2011
Mindless chatter fills the air,
Many conversations all combine into one noise,
Serious as life or death it could be,
But to the outsider it is nothing but nonsense.
Animated men and women fling hands and arms in excitement.
But the observer does not understand.

Lonely souls pass by,
Lifting books in search of comfort.
Gazing at those in conversation.
Longing to be apart of what appears to be useless exchanging of words.
In need of a friend.

They carry on,
Sipping coffee and tea.
Oblivious to those around them.

But the observer sees all.
Those caught up in the chaos of business,
Unaware of the broken souls around them...
and those who are just looking to escape,
Trying to forget.
Getting lost in a book.

The observer does not understand.
786 · Jan 2011
Amanda Jean Jan 2011
Frightening, yet soothing
Abrupt, yet infinite
Awkward, yet comfortable
Relaxing, yet stressful
Fills a room, yet leaves it empty
Absent, yet present
Broken, yet whole
Needed, not wanted
775 · Mar 2011
Amanda Jean Mar 2011
Roses betrothed to her bedside
They cling to one another for existence
Wilted blossoms-they are
Though dreary
Bowing flowers ring out melodies of sorrow
Enchanting aromas dance through the air
Her heart keeps time
Both beautys morn for the other
Black tears slip though cupped hands
Stripped of purpose-peddels drop

In the end every rose fades...
Call her rose tonight
731 · May 2011
Amanda Jean May 2011
Gossiping ferns tell the tale
While lofts of vines hang their vail
The whispering creek will never show
What the rocks beneath seek to know
Muffled by the trickling stream
The dishearten stones create a scene
Awestruck dew weeps
Bringing silence to every leaf
Past the daisies who shiver-these beauties dread the news they deliver
The morning absent from glory
When darkness descends-no end
Stars wink at trees in lust
"Shhh- hush your branches, it's a must!"
For revelation is not tonight
Despite the dandelions eager flight

There is one way to be sure...

Look within the trunk of a tree
Closely hear the bumble bees plea  
Feel the sensation of a butterflies wings
And embrace the chaos it brings

So when you sense the end is near, look to nature with a listening ear.
707 · Jan 2011
Amanda Jean Jan 2011
If I drift into slumber maybe I'll dream.
I'll dream to escape.

Reality is distant,
My dream is my command.
Perceiving in ways unexplained,
Ordinary is strange,
Strange has become ordinary.
The unattainable is obtained.
I can leap new bounds with ease!
Time is not valued,
For it is not limited.
Nothing can touch me,
I am immortal.
I'll journey to a place so mysterious
Even I, the imaginer could not fathom.

And maybe if I dream hard enough.... I'll never wake.
651 · Jan 2011
"So sorry baby...."
Amanda Jean Jan 2011
Hatred spews from their lips
The same lips that give the sweetest of kisses
She cries out in anger
"Don't touch me!"
He screams in rage
It rolls off their tongues
Far to easily
Painful words
Shoot out of their mouths
Smacking one another
Hurling them
Back and forth

They stare
Pain fills her eyes and rolls down her 'cute cheeks'
His cute cheeks
She longes toward him
Her whole body falls limp in his arms

"So sorry baby...."
615 · Jan 2011
Craving more
Amanda Jean Jan 2011
As I watch others travel to and fro I find my life appears sedentary.
My spirit longs to venture into distant lands which scream my name.
New sights, sounds, and smells.
A busy street,
or secluded plain.
A city great,
A town small.
I am intrigued by all.
I'll flip through pages of books
That reveal beauty through out the world.
Leaving my world feeling far enough to be another.
I long for adventure!
To journey beyond the black top,
and dance among the wild flowers.
A free sprit, trapped.
Dying to break out.
I crave so much more then the life I lead.

A photograph may be worth a thousands words,
But an experience is worth millions.
610 · Jan 2011
Miles Apart
Amanda Jean Jan 2011
Miles of road between us,
But every breath brings me closer to you.
A black top waste land stretching beyond my grasp,
Lonely highway desperately crawling your way,
Never ceasing,
Forever flowing.
I look ahead.
Slapped by a rush of air thrown through the unrolled glass,
Releasing a paranoid past to the wind,
Letting go of all I had become,
For a distant lover awaits.
Miles of road separate,
Another lost moment,
More time that got away.
SO many miles apart,
Longing for you to match the rhythm of my heart,
The melody is soft as I sing along,
Our lips have not touched,
Nor our cheeks brushed.
A violent stare in your direction,
My empty hand becomes bitter,
Only you can take away the sting.
These miles are tearing me apart.
Distant lover draw near to me!
600 · Jan 2011
Is she mad?
Amanda Jean Jan 2011
Is she mad?
No, not mad...

A dark shadow; hidden.
Only an outline can be seen, a figure that looked nothing short of deadly.
Stalking her target as a cat would stalk her prey.
Observing, plotting, waiting...
She sniffs out her victim.
Enlarging her pupils to an inhuman degree.
Quickly, she changes vantage points as her object of affection slowly faded into the night.
An evil grin overtakes her face and distorts her features.
She admits a low chuckle.

Her rage and desire for revenge was all she had.
Everything that made her who she was snatched from her under the cover of night.
Visions of his lustful eyes still sting her skin.
Sleeplessly, she lies there. Eyes wide.
A tear slowly curls and pools in the corner of her eye.
The nightmares and flashbacks never fade.
Lies were all that bound their love,
Her truth and her truth alone could not withhold him.
The color in her face diminished,
The twinkle in her eye did not shine any longer.
For she only allowed her beauty to be found within him.
But now....
He was gone.

She gazed at the bruises that seemed to crawl up her arms,
Pacing back and forth for several hours at a time....
Her feet grew numb and mind became cold.
No light ever reached the room where she resided,
No sound entered, nor departed.
Her existence was far from reality.
599 · Jan 2011
Amanda Jean Jan 2011
Beams of light dance through the trees,
Reflecting off their leaves which take on an orange appearance.
Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale.
At 5:23.

Eyes shut but vision clear,
Feet still while spirt soars.
Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale.
It's 5:23.

She gazes at him,
His mind on a journey,
Far beyond their grasp.
She joins him.
At 5:23.

He wears a radiant smile,
She looks back with curious eyes,
And an open mind.
Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale.

Time has no control,
Time is of no essence,
Time cannot hold them back.
The time is 5:23.
598 · Jan 2011
Our night
Amanda Jean Jan 2011
A night nothing short of a dream,
The waves compose a melody so sweet.
Stars shine, calling out our names with every twinkle.
But no star could compare to the sparkle in his eyes.

Bodies drenched with passion,
My heart leaped, body shook.
Never have I felt so overcome.

Nothing to hold me back,
The sound of the waves soothed a racing mind.
His tight embrace,
Quickened breath,
A moment as this would never happen again.

Two bodies become one,
So close, never let go.

It's our night,
Our time to shine.
I gave myself away as he softly whispered "I love you."
576 · Jan 2011
Amanda Jean Jan 2011
Four pale walls cage her
Colorless and uninspiring
Leaving a taste so bitter
If she leaves now she'll feel ashamed
But if she resides any longer she may not make it
Her mind races
Her skin crawls up and down her arms
Perfection has become perfect hell

Darkened by the mask she leads to believe is herself
Images of shadows in the distance dance by
Invading a vessel that is nothing more than helpless
Her body feels as if it is shaking from the inside
She is to weak to stand, to weak to fight
She feels faint, thin as a skeleton she collapses onto a bed so familiar
But so far from home

His face imprinted in the back of her mind
Her heart quickens
The pills slowly slip down her parched throat
She dreams to escape
She dreams to be close to him
She can still feel his touch though he is long gone

The color in her face has diminished
Her soul needs to be filled once again

His smile awakens the song in her heart
The twinkle in her eye
His kiss restores her
His eyes keep her warm on the nights she feels she will freeze

With him...
She can

— The End —