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 Mar 2017 Amanda Evett
M L Evett
New photons scatter through the sky
Refractions enter in my eye
The planet turns on axis high
And I see now a bright sunrise
 Mar 2017 Amanda Evett
M L Evett
Zephyrs blow o’er the meadows bright
As flowers dance to my delight
Sweet serenades from birds on high
Float to my ears, on grass I lie
Babbling brooks soft harmony add
I smile for this all makes me glad
Picnics spread their checkered banner
Fill the air with friendly banter
Rabbits do their hop-freeze-hop dance
And squirrels in acrobatics glance
At all us merrymakers spread
Below with all our jam and bread
The springtime at long last is here
This season is to me most dear
 Feb 2017 Amanda Evett
M L Evett
Deep in one late midnight's sleepless dream
That, while truly finite, endless seemed
Wandered I into a tree-ringed field
Where to me this odd scene was revealed

Between the trees, much like crystal glass
There was frozen water on the grass
Then transformed before my very eyes
Snow turned to cloud, and began to rise

The clouds puffed up, and let out a wail
And me, with rain, hail, began to flail
Shelter, found I, with a massive tree
From the vengeful maelstrom to be free

There I found, alone among the wild,
Was a very melancholy child
He told me stories that, once, were glad
Which he twisted, and made rather sad

When at last the rain had gone away
He then turned to go, without a wave
But gave me, with sympathetic sigh,
A fortune, that things would go awry

Ventured I, into the grass, so wet
Yellow boots spaloosing every step
Diamonds fallen from the sun did shine
Now the meadow seemed so very fine

Little rainbow fish swam to and fro
And a frog had found a boat to row
Songbirds tweeted from their twiggy beds
Smells of grass and rain filled up my head

Then I realized that he had been right
Even though the world did shine so bright
My boots had vanished, gone, from my feet
Which then made my toes so cold, I eeked

I awoke then with a mighty start
Great enough to nearly burst my heart
Then I found the flood around my toes
That, out of my wine glass, had arose
 Feb 2017 Amanda Evett
M L Evett
There once was a hedgehog who sang the blues,
And every day he'd sing his lonely tunes.
I asked him if he'd sing a happy song,
But he said not since he'd been wronged
By a certain red-hatted gnome
Who had driven him from his home.

That bad gnome, you see, had stolen his dreams,
And absconded with a mistress of seams.
With this seamstress the hedgehog had fallen in love
After she had sewn him some quite dashing gloves.
And while they then had a nice picnic,
In the rose garden, a place thought quite chic,
The gnome had more money
So she called him honey.

Then off they did roam, the seamstress and gnome,
Around the world, calling all places home.
The hedgehog ran off away from that place
Hoping to never again see Gnome's face.
But sadly Gnome found a job on TV
And every day he the hedgehog would see.

All this the hedgehog told me that night
As he sang in the pale moonlight.

Later that week I was back in that place
Where I found him with a smile on his face.
I asked him why he was so full of cheer.
And he told me that the seamstress was near.
She had left the gnome who was a rascal.
She had found with him naught but a fiasco.
From the hedgehog she had run,
But now to him she had come.
For she knew he did love her,
And he would be her lover.

Thus ends this story of seams and true love.
They lived ever after making their gloves.
For my wife, because she loves hedgehogs.
 Feb 2017 Amanda Evett
M L Evett
White snow sparkles bright
I breathe in the sharp cold air
A blood red leaf falls

Lamplight glows on snow
Wood smoke in the cold night air
Yule-tide memories

A squirrel on the snow
Scampers off without a sound
The fence is empty
 Feb 2017 Amanda Evett
M L Evett
A Trav’ler lost inside a world
Wants only love to be unfurled
Two roads diverge, both cloaked in mist
The one not chosen will be missed

A Trav’ler wanders ‘round the mews
Wants peace of mind, gets morning news
So many voices lacking tact
And telling that which is not fact

A Trav’ler's heart is filled to burst
And mind a maze of twists and turns
Now etches life onto a page
Black ink replaces blood today

A Trav’ler weaves yarn through the loom
And knows the thread leads to a doom
But trav’lling just to move through skein
Seems pointless and, oh so mundane

When trav’lling is all that you know
It can be hard to stop and think
Oh what is all this trav’lling for?
A Trav’ler shrugs, but dreams of more, to soar
 Feb 2017 Amanda Evett
M L Evett
Rain on asphalt in city lights
Glistens brightly in the night
Steam, exhaust wafts through the air
I run my fingers through your hair

At other times, I can't decide
Past, future battle in my mind
But right now I'm happy here
You are my life my darling dear

And if at times, I seem apart
Know you're always in my heart
Other things I can't decide
As city lights flit through my mind
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