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Nov 2014 · 302
There's a meaning
Or lesson
Behind everything
Its whether you chose to see it or not
That makes all the difference.

                           A. DeCoil
Nov 2014 · 302
And I hope when you find me
I'm still running wild
But freeer than ever
But only come looking
If your willing
To run just as wild with me.
                     A. DeCoil
Nov 2014 · 389
Suns & Moons
I wanna know
Every path you took
Every wrong
And right turn
I wanna know the difference
From who you are now
To who you were

I'm more interested in your flaws
All the things
That make you who you are
So take me on an adventure
Through your minds rivers

I wanna see the dark alley ways
As much as the sunny meadows
Expose it all to me
Give me a chance
To rake away the leaves
Filled with bitter memories

Open up
Give me some time
Let me fill your mind
With memories
As sweet as that Moscato wine
We shared that lovely night.

                           A. DeCoil
Nov 2014 · 286
To be honest
I don't remember who I was back then
The only thing I have left of her
Is the scent of my innocence
Lingering through the alley ways
Of what had once been
Because remembering the old me
Means remembering old memories
And that's just too much for me to handle tonight
So I'll just roll up tight
Let Miss Mary take the edge off
And call it a night
                A. DeCoil
Nov 2014 · 273
Let's go to the moon
Me and you
What do you say
Let's leave earth behind for the day

The stars are over rated
Reality's to complicated
but the man on the moon
I bet he's pretty cool

                  A. DeCoil
Oct 2014 · 371
Eyes as green as Mary
Representing my main lady
The one who keeps my sanity
always sticking by me

Lots of laughs
and heart to hearts
she's been my number one
from the start

Greater than anyone I know
the best when it comes to solving troubles
she'll lift you up
with just one hit
without her
life would be ****

Calm and wild
mellow and fun
she's every great thing
rolled into one

Life without her
would be too much to bear
cause she's the only one
Always there

So I'll roll her up
nice and tight
put her to my lips
and call it a night

                  A. DeCoil
Sep 2014 · 467
I want to get lost
In the depths of your thoughts
Be ruled
And controlled
By the demons in the alley ways
Of your soul.
It'd be such an evil pleasure of mine
May I ?

Sep 2014 · 268
Early morning;
My favorite time to write
The air and emotions
Are still settling from the previous night
And the words left unsaid
Still linger on my breath
So I'll write them down
Before they disappear
Though I wish I had the courage
To whisper them in your ear
Maybe then I'd have woken up
With you here.

Sep 2014 · 251
We lay together
In the same bed
Not touching
Barely even moving.
The possibilities are endless
But we'll save them for another night
I fall asleep to the sound of your breathing
Your body twitching.

Not from me
Though, that'd sure be heavenly.

Aug 2014 · 262
I went back home
Just to find out
I no longer belong.
They've got their perception of me
All wrong
Cause I'm happy as can be
Yet theyre saying
I'm living to free.
Aug 2014 · 260
The smell of your scent
Lingers on my lips
As you swear
You cant do this again.
But our bodies are too familiar
As you trace my skin
Eyes closed
With your fingertips.
Letting go of most of us
Was easy
Except the way you ease yourself inside of me.
Makes me question
What was going through my head
The day I left.
And in the morning, I know,
We'll try to convince ourselves that letting go
Is best.
But right now,
There's no greater feeling
Than my head on your chest.

Jul 2014 · 404
Happy Birthday
Because its like a temptation
every night
The moon awakening my inner soul
calling me for a late night adventure

And I don't think you understand
how hard it is
to turn down such
sweet sin.
The title is what makes it so incredibly meaningful.
Jul 2014 · 329
The flame of our love
In each of us
Is bright as can be
But its burning you and me

Because it's filled with passion
Thats burning our skin
Causing our tunnel of love
To go dim

We're just wasting our flames
On eachothers pain
Cause we cant let go
No matter how hot we're becoming to hold

We're losing sight of ourselves
To hold onto eachother
Although our flames combined
Seem to be damaging one another

So now im lost
Not sure what to do
Because life seeams just as dark
With or without you.

Jun 2014 · 667
I'm alone
Not lonely.
I'm quite
Not sad.
I'm passionate
Not dramatic.
I'm optimistic
Not unrealistic
I'm content by myself
Not anti-social.
I'm an observer
Not a loner.
I'm happy in my own skin
Not cocky.
I'm carefree
Not careless.
I'm a human
Not a doormat.

Jun 2014 · 343
a mess of love
The days are hot; long
The nights are cold; longer
My mind is in chaos
So much to say
But I cant seem to find the words
Your face is blank
Eyes empty
Mimicking your soul
Im begging for answers
Much needed closure
But you took advantage of me before
I guess this times no different
After all this time
All the damage done
I still long
To be wrapped up in your arms
To spend our nights dancing
Beneath the stars
But we never have
And we never will
All those nights with you
Made up in my mind
Thinking of how it could have been
But like everyone else
You pushed me to the side
While I followed the route
your lustful eyes were on
They just kept leading me further down
They were just leading me on
So there I was
A broken girl, lost
Caught up in your lust
Begging for more
As you claim its to late
Your already in love

Jun 2014 · 320
Sleep until the sun goes down
Then the world becomes your playground
Your Dreams become reality
You can be who you wanna be

Life becomes less serious
When you become delirious
To the world around
Make it your own

Jun 2014 · 346
they're just not enough
You say you want more
But I'm calling your bluff

they're  dangerously revealing
Causing my words to devour
The time lost
In these late hours

Commiting the inevitable crime
Breaking your heart
Alongside mine

Aching to be remembered
Lost in time
Dying with our embers

Our carefree souls
Perfectly intertwined
At such a wrong time

Such a simple motion
Lost in the camotion
Of life going on,
Though without you
It'll just seems wrong

It's time
Your no longer mine
Just promise you wont forget
All the wonderful times
Spent by each others side.


— The End —