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Amanda Cooper Dec 2012
My eyes
Are empty,
Shallow, dull,
Why did you
Take the life
Out of me
When you left?
You don’t need it
You don’t use it
You don’t even
Think about it.
Hell, when’s the
Last time you
Thought about me?
It has probably
been a while,
So *******.
And tell her
I said
Amanda Cooper Dec 2012
The last time I read your words
We were in the same room
If only I knew at the time.
The last time I heard your voice
Would have been nice to see you
Or at least get an answer.
The last time I saw your face
I did not expect that to be
The last time.
Amanda Cooper Dec 2012
You asked me four times
Do you not understand the word
You pursued this
You wanted this
But the sober you regrets it
Which made me feel like ****
You even tried to make it look
Like it was all me.
Like I pursued this.
But I did want it.
The alcohol is to blame
For that.
If I was in my right mind,
I would have rejected the offer.
Oh wait, I have
Three times.
So you’re lucky
I was drunk.
Amanda Cooper Dec 2012
You’re too far away from me.
I need you so much closer.
I will never stop loving you.
Please say you feel the same.
I sit here; waiting and waiting.
I’m scared you’ll find someone else.
I want you to be happy.
Whatever happens, don’t forget about me.

— The End —