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Aug 2015 · 408
Amanda Bordrup Aug 2015
"Du er skrøbelig" sagde du.
Skrøbelig som glasskabet
I din stue.
Jeg skulle passe på
Med at åbne mig for meget.
Hvis jeg gjorde sådan
Ville jeg blive
Mere og mere ridset
Indtil jeg til sidst
Jul 2015 · 420
Amanda Bordrup Jul 2015
Er vi en historie
som folk ville skrive
bøger om? Spurgte jeg.
Du svarede med et grin
og sagde
At skønheden
i det spørgsmål var
at jeg sikkert allerede
havde skrevet svaret ned
Jun 2015 · 370
Amanda Bordrup Jun 2015
Jeg stjal altid blomster
Fra din have
I håb om at du ville
Føle dig mere hjemme
Når du besøgte mig
Jun 2015 · 312
Amanda Bordrup Jun 2015
De læber jeg kysser
Som ikke er dine
Føles giftige
May 2015 · 350
Amanda Bordrup May 2015
Havet giver mening for mig
Da det forklæder sig
Som skønhed og rolighed
Men narrer den der vil udforske
Med uendelighed og ukendthed
Havet giver mening for mig.
May 2015 · 302
Amanda Bordrup May 2015
hver dag syer du
en ny nedfalden stjerne
ind i min hud
så jeg stadig er i stand
til at se skønhed
selv når det er mørkt
Til M.P
May 2015 · 354
Amanda Bordrup May 2015
der vokser en blomst
udenfor mit vindue
vi har begge betragtet den
og begge konkluderet
at den vil leve længere
end vores kærlighed til hinanden
May 2015 · 436
Amanda Bordrup May 2015
der er altid en usagt samtale
mellem os når vi mødes
jeg ved at du kan analysere
den måde mine øjne kigger
på tusind ting på én gang
og du ved at jeg kan
læse hvad du mener
når du bider dig i læben.
vi er svage i vores stemmebånd
men vi har universer
i vores hoveder
derfor betyder vores
sammensyede læber intet
så længe vi kan
snakke og grine og kysse
med vores øjne
til M.P
May 2015 · 236
Amanda Bordrup May 2015
I have loved you a long time
I have loved you both
Hard and unconditionally
The glow of your presence
Is incarnated in my home
My mirrors remember your smile
And my clothes now smell like you

I have loved you a long time
I have loved you both
Devoted and unspoken
We have shared both cigarettes
And cups of coffee
And now we share nothing more
Than a polite conversation
On the bus
Til M.P
May 2015 · 704
Amanda Bordrup May 2015
On a frosty December morning
Just as quiet and gentle as the years before
I saw you in the fog
And you were just as crystal clear
And ice blue as the snowflakes
We were awaiting

As a morning sun
You went on a journey
In my limbs
You followed me on my way
To give nutrition
To the frozen grass
And to give warmth
To my frozen organs

On a frosty December morning
I was now more full of warmth
Than any July sun
Could have given me
A morning sun i December
Is far more warming
And far more honest
And far more beautiful
Than any other suns
To M.R
Apr 2015 · 511
Amanda Bordrup Apr 2015
Du har aldrig læst mine digte
Du ved ikke at de alle er skrevet til dig
Jeg ville have læst dem alle for dig
den dag du opdagede hvor dybt
i mit hoved jeg egentlig lever
Jeg ville have læst dem
så du forstod den sandhed
der gemmer sig bag hver strofe
og hver sætning
Så du forstod
at jeg blot er et menneske
Hvis historier aldrig
er blevet genfortalt
At jeg hverken har vinger eller gæller
og hverken besidder tro
eller overbevisninger
og at du er den eneste sandhed jeg kender
At du er essensen af alt hvad der er godhed
og at verdens ondskab smelter
ved dine fødder
og at din krop minder om
den mest ensomme af alle enge
under den mest blå af alle himler.
Til M.P
Apr 2015 · 512
Amanda Bordrup Apr 2015
Klokken er 05.19
Jeg skal se dig senere
Du forventer at vi skal kysse
og plante afgrøder på hinandens tunger
Du forventer at vi skal grine
og springe hovedkulds ind i hinandens arme
Du forventer at vi skal blive forelsket
under lagenerne til solopgangen
og at det moment vil forblive det eneste
vi nogensinde vil huske
Du forventer ikke at mine procelænslæber
og mine glasøjne og mine
krystalliserede lagener vil blive ødelagt
og efterlade dig med tusind stumper
Ej heller at solopgangen vil glemme os
lige så hurtigt som den forsvinder igen
Til D.C
Mar 2015 · 531
Amanda Bordrup Mar 2015
Even among a thousand wild plants and blooming trees
I could never be more at home
Than between the dying flowers in your window
And your collection of foreign coins
Taped to the wall like distant memories.
“They’re silly” you said
But when you told me
I saw more stars in your eyes
Than I’ve ever seen in the sky.
When I noticed your lips shake, you simply told me:
“I want your thoughts in my hands
So I can mould them and shape them like sunflowers”.
I wanted you to know everything about me.
The shape of my tongue.
The feel of my elbow.
The taste of my smile.
So I held you for hours while you tickled my past
with your presence and promised me
that the eternal sunshine in my eyes
Would never die.
In the morning I ate eggs and carrots
While watching cartoons.
You were naked in the kitchen
Trying to spare me the harm of watching you smile
You know that your smile
Would create a burning fire in my chest.
We danced to the sound of your kitchen radio.
I wanted to feel every molecule in your body
And every frequency in your voice.

I longed for your skin
Because it felt so warm the night before.
You smelled like oceanwater
But that’s because you shower in cold water.
I know that.
I know you.
I gave you my heart and soul
The day I met your lips beneath the icecold winter moon.
“One day you’ll fly and leave me” you said.
You knew I had searched years
For wings to carry the weight of my heavy thoughts
Your wings had carried all my hopes
And all my fears and all my knowledge
I had sewn them into the feathers
To make room for unfinished poems in my head.
You know that.
You know me.

My unforgivable love for your mind
For your fingers between my ribs and in my hair
Made it possible for you to lift me
And make me soar without any wings of my own.
“That’s okay” I said.
“My feet on the ground are what give me reason
to love someone who already soars”.
You then kissed me aggressively.
Wore my entire life story on your skin
And carried me to bed

My eyes were as vivid as your lips
And we were heavy and sweaty
And utterly exposed with naked feelings
Entirely and unnecessarily obsessed with each other.
Combined in endless kisses and moans
And that morning we created a world
Were you were the only truth I could have ever known.
You flowers died that morning
And so did your love of my missing wings
And my ribs and my hair
You only heard the sound of my thoughts cracking
With images of what would have happened
If you had lent me your wings.
Feb 2015 · 405
Amanda Bordrup Feb 2015
Du fortalte mig engang
At der voksede smukke blomster
På månen
Og at de levede af stjernestøv
Jeg tænkte
At det var umuligt
Men dit smil overbeviste mig
For du mente
At du var ligesom stjernstøvet
Der holdt mig i live
På et ellers livløst sted
Feb 2015 · 437
Amanda Bordrup Feb 2015
In your absence
I am strongest
It is here I most often
Resist the urge to scream
But therefore I swallow my screams

Your eyes creates images
Of a man and a woman
Who could have been united
In an ecstasy
Of cigarette smoke and sea air
When you look at me
My lips and my limbs are paralyzed
For I am spellbound
By the stories of your eyes
By how happy
The man and woman is
And by how much
They resemble us

Your lips create fire
I burn myself when I kiss you
But the pain
Nourishes my frozen veins
And give warmth
To places in my body
That never before
Have felt heat
And when your tongue
Follows my body
You put me in flames

In your absence
I am weakest
It is here I most often
Resemble a hurt dog
Howling without a reason

to M.P
Feb 2015 · 593
Amanda Bordrup Feb 2015
You are more beautiful tonight
Than usually
Your contrasts and your shadows
Are stronger
Our stories are written
Beneath your nails and in your lips
I can read it all
Without difficulty
Because you let me study and understand them

You are more beautiful tonight
Than usually
Your details and your shades
Are moving
My thoughts are floating
Between your tears and your pupils
I understand why you are crying
I know you
And you are most beautiful when I study you

To M.P
Feb 2015 · 578
Amanda Bordrup Feb 2015
Dit bryst gav mig tryghed
Det var varmt og jeg kunne høre
I din brystkasse
Et hav i bevægelse
En skov i blomstring
Og rytmen i dit hjerte
Gav mig mod til at give efter

At løbe væk med dig
Kunne have været en realitet
Vi kunne have overgivet os selv
Til hinanden
Vi kunne have danset
I skinnet fra hinandens øjne
Men i stedet
Løb vi væk til et univers
Hvor vi ikke var venner
Hvor vi ikke var mennesker
Men hvor vi blot
For en stund
Var to skygger forenet
I skæret af månelyset

Jeg fik næring af dit bryst mod mit
Du smagte af efterår
Jeg ved at jeg smagte af regn
Men du formede mig efter din krop
Og fik mig til at smage af forår

Jeg kyssede dig hårdt
Det var min frelse
Du dyrkede min tilstedeværelse
Det var din overgivelse
Til mit ønske om uendelig intimitet

til M.P
Jan 2015 · 274
Amanda Bordrup Jan 2015
You created
the feeling of immortality
when you kissed me
to that song the both remember today

We were untouchable
and immortal
alone in a universe of sounds
we both remember today

That night I blushed
I blended in with the sheets
but you considered me a queen
and I considered you a king

to J.P
Jan 2015 · 481
Amanda Bordrup Jan 2015
Jeg vidste at jeg var frembrusende
i forhold til dig
men du vidste at jeg var som en flamme
der havde behov for at brænde
derfor var du mørklagt
til tider helt usynlig
men aldrig underkastet
og jeg, aldrig dominerende
vi komplimenterede hinanden
som to ørne i skyen
to fisk i samme strøm
som en flamme i mørket
og som to individer
fanget i den samme trivielle fortvivlelse

to J.P
Jan 2015 · 433
Amanda Bordrup Jan 2015
She explored the unspoken in his lips
And he caressed her longing
She created a cosmos in his hands
And he, a home in a laughter
They were innocent together
Shaped by the clay of the earth
So they could, unnoticed
Merge together
And inhale each other's life story

to P.L
Jan 2015 · 261
Amanda Bordrup Jan 2015
my greatest achievement in life
has been
to make you want to kiss me
Jan 2015 · 383
Amanda Bordrup Jan 2015
the sweetness of your eyelids
and how your lips are always dry
the iceblue contrast to your pupils
and your lazy ****** hair.
all the stars and all the gods
sigh when you laugh
when your pale fingers dance when you speak
when the snow lands on your nose.
how I would give my veins and my lungs
to study you like a map
and live under your chin
for just a brief adolescent period

to P.L
Dec 2014 · 224
Amanda Bordrup Dec 2014
your lighter is still on my table
because you forgot it when you left
my clothes are still on the floor
because I didn't bother to put it back on
your scent is still in my sheets
therefore I haven't left my bed for three days
Here I am reminded of the
endless amounts of cigarettes we smoked
when my hair tickled your bare skin
and your lips were buried in my neck
your eyes spoke words of certainty
and your hands told stories from
far away countries
where lovers died young
our souls silently entwined
and our naked bodies fused together
you tasted like sunshine
and you told me I felt like spring

to P.L
Dec 2014 · 429
Amanda Bordrup Dec 2014
I was in love with everyone
I looked for you in everyone
I wrote myself long letters
to remind myself
why you didn't love me
You were in the snow
and in the shadow of my lamp
You were in the notes
of the music you played
You were in the smoke
from my cigaret
You saw me as I was
but in brief seconds
Your profile and your height
Would fit perfectly in my bed
Here I could worship you
naked and devoted
but in brief seconds

to P.L
Dec 2014 · 384
Amanda Bordrup Dec 2014
An eternal hope of
Recreated in a dream
where only you live
and I humbly try
to make you

Here, I am reborn
on your tongue
where I live isolated
between your words
Both the good ones
and the bad ones
Here, I am safe

When I'm about to die
I will escape
to your nose
And feel a breathing
I myself, don't possess
nor understands

When I am dead and gone
I want to be buried
in your eyes
So that the ugliness you see
Can be buried with me
And beauty bloom
from my body

to P.L
Dec 2014 · 836
Amanda Bordrup Dec 2014
One day I will wake up
In a bed
In a house
Near the forrest
Near the water
One day I will wake up
With you by my side
You will smile at me
Kiss me
Make me breakfast
Play with our children
Laugh at my clumsiness
Hold my hand while we watch tv
Put our children to bed
Sing them lullabies
Kiss me goodnight
And tell me endless stories
That I will giggle at
You will hold me
Till I fall asleep
You will smell my hair
And feel like
The luckiest man in the world
But until that day
I will wait for you to realize
That I can make you
The luckiest man in the world

to P.L
Dec 2014 · 2.8k
Amanda Bordrup Dec 2014
Another night where I am drunk
and missing you
With wine on my tongue
And broken cigarettes in my hand
I keep myself awake to see you come home
I keep myself sober to kiss you properly
I keep myself warm to hold you all night
You never came
You didn't come yesterday
and you won't come tomorrow
And suddenly all days become days
where I taste like wine
and where I miss you

to P.L
Dec 2014 · 218
Amanda Bordrup Dec 2014
It is most beautiful to live in the night
No light points at the differences
No eyes sees the flaws
You and I melt together
While the clock strikes 3
And I light my last cigarette
Here, it is most beautiful to live
Here, lives only our moment
With the moon and the stars as our witnesses.

to P.L
Dec 2014 · 261
Amanda Bordrup Dec 2014
I could use countless hours
to paint with words about my
melancholic, idyllic
cultminating and thrilling feelings
But if you let me
I could write
continuous books about
how the gods smiled
when they created you
About how you taught me
to swim between
your toes and your ribs
About how you
put the stars in the sky
and about how you're the sun
and I'm the moon
and that you created those stars
to spare me from solitude
when you were about to die
and I about to live

to J.P
Dec 2014 · 374
Amanda Bordrup Dec 2014
In rainy countries he waits for the sunrise
because it reminds him of her
The book she loves
is in front of him
With stormy clouds above him
and moist dirt beneath his feet
he waits patiently
She was a memory, which way too long ago
had attached
She was a cold wind, which way to often
settled in his lungs
With a cup of black coffee in his hands
he waits for the moonlight
because it reminds him of her
Her moon-like eyes and milk white skin
How curious, he thought
Both, to be like the sun and the moon
But she was
And way too often he sat outside to see the sunrise
and remember her cheekbones
And way too often he sat outside to see the moon rise
And remember her knees
How curoius, he thought
Both, to be like the light and the dark
in a rainy country

to M.P & A.C
Dec 2014 · 333
Amanda Bordrup Dec 2014
I thouhgt you were a flower, but really, you were a whole meadow.
I thought you were a tear, but really, you were a whole ocean.
I thought I was a poet, but really, I was a poem.
I thought I was an eagle, but really, i was a sparrow.
I thought you were an illusion, but really, you were the most honest truth.
A truth I never thought I would experience outside my imagination.

to J.P
Dec 2014 · 274
Amanda Bordrup Dec 2014
Nostalgia is my best friend.
I only want you if you taste better
than the memory of a better time.
Dec 2014 · 432
Amanda Bordrup Dec 2014
The morning sun knocks on the door.
With sensitive rays
Pointing gently at your tired cheek.
Silently, I awake in the glow.
Twists and strecthes.
You neither awake nor notices
My body melting into yours
It's this situation
I appreciate the most.
Your soft body
Your gentle breath.
Your open horizon against
My narrow alley
Connecting in an earth bound love.
My teacher of care.
My master of trust.
With sleep in your eyes, you look at me
As being the man
I want to share my life with.
Dec 2014 · 525
Amanda Bordrup Dec 2014
By each thought I have about you
A new flower is born
Between my ribs

By each kiss we share
these flowers grow
Out of my mouth and into yours

For better or for worse
these flowers still live
And search for their roots
In your mouth
Dec 2014 · 485
Amanda Bordrup Dec 2014
En skrøbelig skabning som dig
Lider ingen kvaler
Når det gælder
En uforpligtet tilværelse

Som et lam blandt løver
Udviser jeg en ny passion
For det excentriske univers
Som du skaber

Balancen mellem
Hårrejsende affektion
Og tidløst begær
Udstråles på tværs af
Kundskaber og relationer

På grænsen til galskab
Fordybes jeg i dine
Knivskarpe bevægelser
Og dine himmelske markeringer
I min hjerterytme

Min essentielle og uhåndgribelige
Kærlighed til dig
Muliggør kun en fremtidig relation
Til uskyldsren lykke
Dec 2014 · 282
Amanda Bordrup Dec 2014
The night we united for the first time
Was the night wild flowers grew in my lungs
And my stomach was inhabited
By fallen stars
That night, the sky made room
So we could soar past Mercury
And dance on the rings of Saturn
While time froze

— The End —