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Amanda Bordrup Dec 2014
I could use countless hours
to paint with words about my
melancholic, idyllic
cultminating and thrilling feelings
But if you let me
I could write
continuous books about
how the gods smiled
when they created you
About how you taught me
to swim between
your toes and your ribs
About how you
put the stars in the sky
and about how you're the sun
and I'm the moon
and that you created those stars
to spare me from solitude
when you were about to die
and I about to live

to J.P
Amanda Bordrup Dec 2014
In rainy countries he waits for the sunrise
because it reminds him of her
The book she loves
is in front of him
With stormy clouds above him
and moist dirt beneath his feet
he waits patiently
She was a memory, which way too long ago
had attached
She was a cold wind, which way to often
settled in his lungs
With a cup of black coffee in his hands
he waits for the moonlight
because it reminds him of her
Her moon-like eyes and milk white skin
How curious, he thought
Both, to be like the sun and the moon
But she was
And way too often he sat outside to see the sunrise
and remember her cheekbones
And way too often he sat outside to see the moon rise
And remember her knees
How curoius, he thought
Both, to be like the light and the dark
in a rainy country

to M.P & A.C
Amanda Bordrup Dec 2014
I thouhgt you were a flower, but really, you were a whole meadow.
I thought you were a tear, but really, you were a whole ocean.
I thought I was a poet, but really, I was a poem.
I thought I was an eagle, but really, i was a sparrow.
I thought you were an illusion, but really, you were the most honest truth.
A truth I never thought I would experience outside my imagination.

to J.P
Amanda Bordrup Dec 2014
Nostalgia is my best friend.
I only want you if you taste better
than the memory of a better time.
Amanda Bordrup Dec 2014
The morning sun knocks on the door.
With sensitive rays
Pointing gently at your tired cheek.
Silently, I awake in the glow.
Twists and strecthes.
You neither awake nor notices
My body melting into yours
It's this situation
I appreciate the most.
Your soft body
Your gentle breath.
Your open horizon against
My narrow alley
Connecting in an earth bound love.
My teacher of care.
My master of trust.
With sleep in your eyes, you look at me
As being the man
I want to share my life with.
Amanda Bordrup Dec 2014
By each thought I have about you
A new flower is born
Between my ribs

By each kiss we share
these flowers grow
Out of my mouth and into yours

For better or for worse
these flowers still live
And search for their roots
In your mouth
Amanda Bordrup Dec 2014
En skrøbelig skabning som dig
Lider ingen kvaler
Når det gælder
En uforpligtet tilværelse

Som et lam blandt løver
Udviser jeg en ny passion
For det excentriske univers
Som du skaber

Balancen mellem
Hårrejsende affektion
Og tidløst begær
Udstråles på tværs af
Kundskaber og relationer

På grænsen til galskab
Fordybes jeg i dine
Knivskarpe bevægelser
Og dine himmelske markeringer
I min hjerterytme

Min essentielle og uhåndgribelige
Kærlighed til dig
Muliggør kun en fremtidig relation
Til uskyldsren lykke
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