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Mar 2014 · 253
Amanda Arends Mar 2014
through the snow i walk
trudging through the heavy whiteness
breaking up the smooth sparkling surface
i glance back at the path of destruction behind me
then up to the midnight sky
the glimmer of stars mirrors the snow here on the ground
i stand there in awe, overcome by the realization that i am a small speck in between the earth and space
a small stain, destined to destroy nature and its beauty
destined to pollute this universe with my human ignorance

i continue my walk but am stopped once again
this time by the quiet of winter
the complete absence of sound
it’s as if the snow sits here and ***** up all the noise from the atmosphere
as if the sounds are absorbed into the crevices made by the crystallized ice
i am the only noisemaker here
why does the silence hurt my ears?
the air is still and i shiver
too aware of my human-ness
and as ashamed of it as i can be

— The End —