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Jul 2013 · 1.1k
I Am,
Amanda Jul 2013
I am the crinkled corner of your lips when you smirk
The freckles on your nose blessed by the Earth
I am the glowing glint in your green eyes
Lighting up my bedroom by no surprise
I am the shiver running through your nervous bones
The raindrops on your windowsill when you’re all alone
I am the warmth in the summer breeze
Twisting through your knotted blonde locks with ease
I am the soft hand tickling your rosy cheeks
The angelic whisper singing you to sleep
I am breakfast for dinner after an endless work day
The warmth of your sheets begging you to stay
I am the lost melody to your old, favorite song
You listen to in your car with the windows rolled down
I am the sweet honeydew sprinkled on maple leaves
A springtime pleasure patched at the sewn seams
I am the peace you search for within
But for peace to initiate you need faith to begin.
Jul 2013 · 864
Holding Hands,
Amanda Jul 2013
Anxious feelings
Frighten your soul
A hand in search
Of something to hold
Fingers tangle
And melt in my palm
Our hearts beat
To the same lonely song
Jul 2013 · 820
Endless Night,
Amanda Jul 2013
Yet another endless night
Midnight or so
I lay in my old twin-sized bed
Wondering about you.

Your blonde hair shines in the sunlight
Green eyes glint in the moonlight
Have you ever been so nervous
That you can feel it all over?

Every moment you smile
Is another worth living
Every laugh released from your lips
Is another reason for my heart to beat

I only hope you are thinking of me.
Jul 2013 · 844
A Flame in the Wind,
Amanda Jul 2013
You have a fragile smile
And a delicate soul
This is a secret
You’ve left untold
I promise
I won’t break you,
Or deface you.
I’ll place you over the fireplace
Like dainty teacups of China
A glimmering, pale frailty
Emotionally and mentally the finest.
Like a flame in the wind
I’ll cover you up
Hold you close
And care for every piece.

You deserve the most.
Jul 2013 · 1.6k
Amanda Jul 2013
Emerald eyes, auburn hair
Whistling under a tree
Porcelain skin, ruby lips
Sipping on her tea
Petite waist, sweet smile
Dancing around the pier
Stitched wounds, hollow heart
Sinking in a sea of fear
Jul 2013 · 1.3k
Amanda Jul 2013
Tattered and torn
A curtain sways in the morning breeze
You are no longer here
A ghost brushes against my cool cheeks
Roses surround a revelation
Nothing more than another obstacle,

Even the brightest chandelier dims to a dark room.
Jul 2013 · 734
Amanda Jul 2013
If I stood outside your home
In the pouring rain
Mixed in with treacherous tears
Rolling down my cheerless cheeks
Would you let me in
And warm me by your sweet embrace?

Nuzzled in front of a fireplace
With an afghan smothering our bodies
And hot tea in our mugs
Would you let me spend the evening
With you instead of my thoughts?

I could listen to your shaking voice for hours
Even when I’m not so sure of what to say
However you often must say goodbye
You head to your home
I walk alone to mine
Each step I take into the indefinite unknown
I really hope sometime
You’ll ask me to
Jul 2013 · 816
I Hope,
Amanda Jul 2013
I hope one day all of the darkness will fade
You’ll take off your mask in his masquerade
Flowers will bloom on the inside -
From your rib cage to the back of your spine
Your empty eyes pouring out pain
Will dance in the moonlight once again
Maybe tomorrow you’ll dust off your brain
Even in the depths in which you claim you’re insane

Your voice shakes, your knees knock
Like the chiming bells on a hickory clock
The nightmare you endure day by day;
A never-ending infection, a lagging plague
Phantoms cover you like your grandmother’s quilt
Tire you so all you can do is wilt
The paperchain dwindling by the windowsill
Is tattered, frail, and utterly shrill

I hope one day all this madness will stop
Until then all I can do is watch.
Jul 2013 · 1.2k
Amanda Jul 2013
Is it such a shameless sin
To fall in love with who you are within?
No one ever speaks of how beautiful they can be
If they didn't put an entire focus and energy
On artificial eye pleasers
To tease the mind
To define beauty
With a worthless dime & an impossible size
If you keep depending on everyone else to tell you you're lovely
For who will you perform when crowd leaves?

You count the calories
Instead of the stars
For the world to see
Another beautiful body.
To run the long mile
So your thighs don't touch
Will who you really are ever be enough?
You've wandered down a street
Where the washed up women are all so cheap
For red lipstick you are a thief
Who will you be
When the audience retreats?

Once the whole world disappears
Into meadows of flowering fields
And numbers are but an illusion so far
All you'll have left to count on are those ******* stars.
Jul 2013 · 1.2k
Amanda Jul 2013
Love me like it's the last time
Kiss me quickly before we say goodbye
Walking with you has been a gracious life
Nothing could shine brighter
Not even the stars at night
Jul 2013 · 524
All Time Strength
Amanda Jul 2013
They wrote anthems for people like you
Not because they felt sorry
Because they understand
They've been there
And they made it.

You can too.
Jul 2013 · 1.1k
Dorian Gray
Amanda Jul 2013
Boxed up memories
Collect cobwebs in my attic
Where the ghosts of yesteryear
Come out to play
Euphoric nostalgia
Revives innocence
Cloaked in pure, white satin.
Brittle photographs of birthday parties
Wide eyed gazes
Crooked teeth
A raging jealousy of porcelain dolls
Ageless in time's gripping noose
A melancholic fantasy;
Infinite youth.
Jul 2013 · 770
Amanda Jul 2013
Van Gough ate yellow paint
To make is empty insides happy
If I swallow these pretty pills
Will I finally be free?
Jul 2013 · 504
Amanda Jul 2013
If it's one o'clock in the morning
Or three in the afternoon
Just give me a call
I promise I'll be there soon
To wipe away your tears
And hold you in my arms
I'll be your angel
Just follow the stars
I wrote this about one of my friends who has been going through a rough time. Once he told me I was an angel. I don't think he realized how happy it made me.
Jul 2013 · 1.6k
Ocean Floor
Amanda Jul 2013
They told me to keep swimming, but the sea is getting rough
I just don't think that this life will ever be enough
For a lonely misfit, a homesick wanderer
But there's no place for this lost ponderer
My arms are becoming tired, I'd like to just float
Let the smooth sand cover my body and my breathing will slow
Choking on salt water never tasted so sweet
Don't look down, the darkness swept away your feet
They told me not to give in
But my body feels so weak
The ocean floor is where you'll find me
Ninety feet deep.
Jul 2013 · 721
A Timeless Lullaby
Amanda Jul 2013
I'm jealous of the sheets
Twisting through your limbs
Wrapping you close
To keep you safe and sound
They bring you warmth at night
And greet you each morning
Just how you're on my mind before I drift into a dream
And once I open my drowsy eyes
To the beaming morning light
Bursting through my curtains
You've returned to my thoughts again
But you never truly left.

I wish I could be the one
To rock you to sleep
To hold you in my pleading arms
To run my fingers through your shaggy hair
And listen to the groggy groans of your morning moans
My cool cheek against your chest
Kisses on your forehead
Rubs on your back
Our bodies mold to form
A timeless lullaby

— The End —