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Oct 2014 · 413
I thought we were quite close
The last six months beg to differ
Jul 2014 · 505
A Cloak of Feathers
You are a vast cliff face
But I am a falcon
And where many see a dull rocky drop
I see layers of beautiful mossy stone
Carved by millions of years of rushing water
You are life and you are death
Souls ****** themselves from your jagged maw
While I bring forth new life in those same stones
Where broken men lie in the lapping water
You clothe, and shelter me in a cloak of feathers
That matches the shade of your stunning charcoal halls
Jul 2014 · 621
I could taste rushing waters on her lips
On yours I found only dust
But even still you wonder why
I favor the river over it's bed
Jul 2014 · 441
We could have travelled the world on the seas
But  we were wrecked and sunk by desperation
Now only dreams can unfurl our sails
Jun 2014 · 264
I'm glad they make you feel this way
I'm sorry that I never could
Jun 2014 · 308
If she's Medusa, I am stone
Jun 2014 · 1.1k
The Seamstress
I have mended my many torn stitches
I know so many who need a seamstress
I always pull out my needle and thread
But my stitches keep coming loose again
Jun 2014 · 303
Nothing Left to Give
When I offered you my hide
You stitched it together to keep the both of you warm
When I offered you my flesh
You stoked it on a fire which you kindled with my bones
When I offered you my fangs
You crafted them into a crown to adorn her head
When I offered you my heart
You laughed and ripped it out of my empty chest
When she stole your pelt, burnt your bones, and ate your heart
I simply had nothing left to give you
Jun 2014 · 889
Open the Lid
Destiny is the dismembered head in that box in your hands

It could be ******
Smelling like a broken home and a shiny briefcase
It could be rotting
Like the stomach of the starving child climbing into the van

Or it could as old and dry
As the grass after winter under feet that have only known glass and shouting
Features still intact
A beagle playing with a stick
As his twin in recent memories gnaws on a stick of a starving leg

Close your eyes
Hold your breath
And once your heart is leaping out of your parched throat
Open the lid

Destiny is the dismembered head in that box in your hands
Jun 2014 · 351
North High and Third
I lost my love on the corner of North High and Third

Forest green and thick maroon highlighted your subtle disdain
While the supple russet leather on your waist brought out your eyes
Your head ran free on gilded wings of sapphires and satin
Mine calculated with steel and ice and thunder and venom

It was here we waltzed as machines bred with beasts
Our gears ground themselves into wheels without purpose
Your lips met ten strangers in neon darkness
Mine covered aching fangs begging to be retracted

I lost my love on the corner of North High and Third
Jun 2014 · 359
You used to be the highest of your order
But look at you now
You are fang and claw and bone
While your prey dances around you
Just out of reach
You are only held together by glue and steel
While your prey dances around you
Squawking like the birds in your jaws
Connected by flesh and blood
That rightfully belongs in your forgotten belly
Your prey that once feared you
Raised spear and arrow at your footprints
Now brings their young within inches of
Those same claws
That gutted the great elks of Ireland
But look at you now
You are fang and claw and bone
While your prey dances around you
Connected by flesh and blood
That rightfully belongs in your forgotten belly

— The End —