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The magic of the first
leaves our ****** hearts a flutter
The second pushes the residue away
Sweet words sour to a distant mutter
Keeps the wishes of our cooling hearts at bay
From the marrow of my bones
I wanted to stare you down
Absorb your every detail
Witness your every movement
But with only the satisfaction
That came from flickers of a gaze
To negate your suspicion,
I looked away
I bid you farewell, my dearest friend
So very sorry it all had to end
(I don't know who I am anymore)

I'm leaving you today
To keep it all at bay
If you see me, don't say hello
(I don't know who you are anymore)

I'll journey long, singing a song
Of what I'll hope to find
I'll breathe the air
And no one'll dare
To remind me of what I left behind

I'll remember you in fondness, I suppose
But don't expect much more
(I don't know who we are anymore)
In our own vanities, we drown
And beneath our skins
the delicate insides rot

The world has divided in two:
Those who do, but shed the blame
and those who carry its burden

With plastic smiles rotting on our faces
And hollow words upon our tongues
The shield we bear to keep our humanity at bay

Why would we be deceiving
our fellow human beings?
Staring at eachother without seeing
Hearing our words without listening
Blind and deaf, mute and dumb
Numb to our world in its every essence
I stand here
Open, with every thread of security within me unwound
The bitter words upon my tongue have been swallowed
Rendering a vacant mouth dry
With all the world ready to spill from me
With every tear contained within
I gaze at you in silence

(So is that alright?
Take it from me, rip it from my feeble fingers
Don't steal it, don't take it for yourself
You've "lived a charmed life,"
haven't you?
Don't lie to me, don't uproot the little truth
that I seem to know
Skirt chaser, *******, womanizer
Great to know that I was only points to score
in the game you play
     So is that alright?)
I never thought it’d be me
The naked doll of plastic
Tossed consumer to consumer
***** bucket
Who belongs to everyone
Except herself
So, **** me baby
You wouldn’t be the first
Don’t try to please me, I won’t feel it
Just use me up
‘till I’ve nothing more to give
Hello again, my dearest friend
I’ve come to talk with you once more
Shivering still from the stormy cold
Chaos that resides from beyond your door

I wiped my feet on your humble mat
Hung my hat upon the coat tree
To find your smile so ever warm
Seated beyond the door

I returned what I could of your glowing charm
(Oh! How could I ever reflect that light?)
Withholding impending words
within my grinning lips, I sat myself down
And looked you in the eye
I could have told you anything
but I was content with silence
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