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Jan 2014 · 360
Alyssa Morrison Jan 2014
I hate the nights.
That's when I miss you most.
That's when I'm most vulnerable.
When I reach out to you,
with no response.

I hate the nights.
That's when I'm alone,
with my thoughts.
That's when I have no other choice but to
think, and ponder.
What if?

What if we stayed together?
What if we could make it two years while you were gone?
What if I was strong enough?
What if we were older?

Looking back,
I would've waited.
We would've made it.

But we didn't.
And I'm here, alone,
with my thoughts
Jan 2014 · 265
3 Words
Alyssa Morrison Jan 2014
I miss you.
I need you.
I love you.

If only I could tell you these things.
Jan 2014 · 804
These Feels
Alyssa Morrison Jan 2014
Do you remember the sleepless nights?
When we could talk forever.
When we were focused on the small things, like
homework and sports practices.
When we thought the night would never end.

Do you remember the words you said?
Of love.
Of getting married.
Of spending the rest of our lives together.

Do you remember the moments?
In the woods, dancing under the tree in the rain.
On that rollercoaster in six flags, kissing, while our bodies got flung around on the ride.
Or the car crash, when both of us were scared beyond control.

Do you remember it all?
Because I remember every moment.
I remember every word.
And I remember every feeling.

If only I could know that you felt it too.
Jan 2014 · 413
Alyssa Morrison Jan 2014
Do you remember the sleepless nights?
When we could talk forever.
When we were focused on the small things, like
homework and sports practices.
When we thought the night would never end.

Do you remember the words you said?
Of love.
Of getting married.
Of spending the rest of our lives together.

Do you remember the moments?
In the woods, dancing under the tree in the rain.
On that rollercoaster in six flags, kissing, while our bodies got flung around on the ride.
Or the car crash, when both of us were scared beyond control.

Do you remember it all?
Because I remember every moment.
I remember every word.
And I remember every feeling.

If only I could know that you felt it too.
Jan 2014 · 414
Love is Nonsense
Alyssa Morrison Jan 2014
Love is hard.
Love is unexplainable.
Love is enduring.

You may think you've gotten over an old love,
moved on,
dealt with the pain of it ending.
But then,
when you least expect it,
your past shows up.
Stronger than ever before.
And you realize all the old feelings you thought were gone,
have crept in and grown inside you like a cancer.
Stifled, but never truly gone.

And the only thing you can do,
is let it take its toll.

— The End —