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240 · Oct 2016
Alyssa Colombo Oct 2016
It's the color of the ocean
Every salty thing reminds you of that day at the ocean
Her eyes matched perfectly to the Caribbean
It was almost as if the gods had taken the water and filled her eyes with it
She was beautiful that day
She is not beautiful now
As she lays in the sheets of the very same color
Her fingernails seem to exist with that color perfectly painted on it
This color is dreaded in every inch of your veins
In every bones in your body
You hate this color because this color is
119 · Oct 2016
Alyssa Colombo Oct 2016
Its the color that she wears on your lips when you meet
It's smudged all over the next morning
It's the color of her favorite shoes
She always walked so confidently in them
It's the color that filled your vision when you walked into the room
She was lying there
With your best friend
All you could see was that color
It was dripping from your eyes like rain drops
You see it now when you think back to all the memories
Some how it slipped into every part of her
She was never seen without it
It's stained in your mind like blood
Funny how those two things are the same color

— The End —