Take no more of Kronos, in guilt
he speaks his secret name.
Shame on you, the brute who gave us wings.
No longer reaching for our halo,
I let forgiveness pass and regret to feed
the marrow.
And he, who finds himself wise, casts
a shadow on another day-- One who
does not pity the shrew, the innocent mind, a
naivete of perennial seasons forgotten
when the Autumnal blaze of fire and gold
became the death of Eden and
the birth of another ivory bone.
"ehyeh-asher-ehyeh" or "The Unutterable Name"
In the Tanakh, YHVH is the personal name of god.
The phrase means, "I am that I am."
The name YHVH also bespeaks the utter transcendence of god.
Lull or Lilith Abi
became the current term for a lullaby, it means "Lilith-be-gone" and people would sing songs or chant before bedtime so that their children would remain safe during the night.