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 Jan 2014 AlphaX
Evie Young
 Jan 2014 AlphaX
Evie Young
Yesterday I dyed my hair red
ketchup in the light, plum in the shade
when we washed it out, it looked as though i'd bled
a split decision, hastily made

it was a thoughtful metaphor deep inside:
"out with the old in with the new"
everything is different now - even my formerly shy stride
but most importantly i'm trying to forget about you

i'm almost rid of you, don't you agree?
when you spoke in that angry tone
i made up my mind definitely
i hate you to the bottom of my heart, the core, the bone

i am my own person
i've found quite recently.
since then things have done anything but worsen
i'm getting on without you pretty decently

you think you are in control
not anymore my "friend"
since i dyed my hair, ive felt so much more whole
and our friendship has reached it's long awaited end

 Jan 2014 AlphaX
Evie Young
you said you were "never good enough for anyone"
which really annoyed me actually
because you haven't seemed to notice
how very perfect you are to me.

You are like a loaded gun
triggering butterflies in my stomach
the second you shoot your smile into the room
sending my heart into havoc.

when you look at me its worse.
your eyes puzzle me, sometimes grey, then blue
speaking things that are maybe just me fantasizing
but they look tender and caring, just like you

when you hug me is the real problem
I feel so safe and content and warm
even though my heart is racing and
the butterflies are becoming a swarm

don't ever say you "aren't good enough"
maybe you should open those beautiful eyes
and please just simply realize
you are more than good enough for me.

 Jan 2014 AlphaX
Evie Young
"To feel your heart beat in time with mine
Now makes me understand how to define
I love you"*

Those were the words you wrote one time
My butterflies flew to send chills up my spine
I loved them

You should know I feel the same
My heart has ignited into a little flame
I love it

Every time I breathe your scent
My heart finds that it is truly content
I love this

My words aren't nearly as beautiful as yours
But hopefully you will see the metaphors:
I Love You


— The End —