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May 2013 · 682
Suicidal Love
Alon Calinao Dy May 2013
My body feels too old,
I have this rare cold,
Thinking about you and soon I'll die,
Why did you go without a goodbye?

I could feel my last day on earth,
This would be my final breath,
There's nothing for me to live,
I could feel Judas sinful deed.

I have a gun over my head,
Three hours from now, I'll be dead.
Knives and bottle pills are under my pillow,
If you're here, you'll see I'm very, very low.

My baby, why have you left me all alone?
Now I don't know exactly what I'd do,
I just want you to know that you're the only one,
Who is worth dying for and that's really true.

But before I commit a suicide,
I just want you to know that my spirit,
Will surely be watching over you
Because even in hell, I'll protect you.

I never regret the day I have met you,
The day I said "I love you, I miss you"
Please, my dear, pray for me now,
Because you'll never see me tomorrow.

I love you and I wish you could hear,
I honestly love you and I hope you're here,
I love you but I must go,
I love you for simply being you.
May 2013 · 607
Life and Death
Alon Calinao Dy May 2013
A rough road
With no certain

That's full of challenges.
It's unpredictable.

A precious gift from God
That no one knows
When and where to end.

Where one has to choose
Whether to do good or evil
According to his own free will.

That can lead failure to success
Or success to failure.
Therefore, no one really knows.

Is the cessation of breath.
It's a painful departure
And hard for anyone to endure.

Death is an inevitable happening.
Everyone has its own time frame.
It's a mysterious and unpredictable game,
But one should be ready for anything.

Though everyone has a  life span on earth,
Save thy soul and never fear death.
In Jesus Christ's name,
Let no death put you to shame.
Apr 2013 · 2.4k
Alon Calinao Dy
Alon Calinao Dy Apr 2013
I am a nurse by profession,
A poet by passion,
Keep my faith in God above,
Indeed, all of them I love.

My heart is never dread,
Message of the Lord I spread,
View life in a positive way
And no regrets every day.

Strive to be inspiring,
Thankful for the blessing,
In God's name,
I'll make Him very fame.

Grab a copy of my love poems collection.  Click below:
Apr 2013 · 659
Faith in GOD
Alon Calinao Dy Apr 2013
I was four years old
When I didn't believe in God.
I thought God was not true,
But He helped me when I felt blue.

In my dream, I saw the Lord Jesus Christ.
He told me He died for us
For the forgiveness of our sins
And for the fulfillment of the New Testament.

When I woke up that night,
I cried so hard.
Now I truly understand
And I won't let Jesus out of my sight.

I know there are things that are hard
For someone like me to comprehend,
Yet I never lose my hope and faith
Because God is my food of strength.

Today I promise myself to be good
And spread the words of our Lord God
Even in my own little ways
I'll serve him all my remaining days.

By: Alon Calinao Dy
Apr 2013 · 2.5k
Alon Calinao Dy Apr 2013
I have a life experience to share.
I don't know if you would care.
In the last unforgettable year,
I applied for FSW/Federal Skilled Worker
Immigration Program in Canada.

I've already reached the said quota.
I was denied for my dream visa.
Though I was qualified to apply,
I was refused for two simple reasons:
"No current employer and Ph.D. degree."

My self-esteem got very low,
I didn't know what to do
Because I have nothing to show
To my friends who kept asking me.
So it's time to break my silence.

I told them what happened
And they have felt sorry for me.
My wife has lost her self-confidence
But I told her to never give up
Even though I was hurting inside.

On this coming May 4, 2013,
CIC offices will accept FSW applications.
Though I've the necessary qualifications,
I don't know if I will ever apply again
Because I still have the unbearable pain.
Apr 2013 · 597
Follow Jesus
Alon Calinao Dy Apr 2013
People may look bad on you,
Stand up tall and be good.

If you are caring and kind,
People will never mind.

If you tell them the truth,
People will speak about lies.

If you are generous to them,
People won't remember it anyway.

If you pray for peace and happiness,
People will hurt you with their hatefulness.

If you become successful in life,
People will tarnish your good name.

If you forgive your enemies,
People will say you're weak.

If you have done your best,
Some will still laugh at you.

Follow the footsteps of our Lord Jesus.

Because in the end,
It's only you and God.
Apr 2013 · 718
Strange Love
Alon Calinao Dy Apr 2013
How many times I've told you
That I really do love you
How many times you've said to me,
You trust me with all your life.

But why you always ask
As if it's an important task,
If you could ever imagine
How vast is my love,
I think you'd be speechless.

Do you think it is funny
To question every word I say?
I now begin to doubt your love
If it would last for a day.

Yes, I have known you
Over a short period of time
But it doesn't mean
You are out of the range.

It sounds crazy I guess
But I love you always
Because you give meaning
To my miserable life.

You give me a bright smile
And the love I always admire
I know, darling, you are worried
But I'm here to make you understand.

I won't bring you any pain
I promise you've so much to gain.
Please, listen to me now.
I'll love as long as you want me too.

I love you, you're the air that I breathe
And that's absolutely the truth.

Written by : Alon Calinao Dy
Apr 2013 · 608
She is My Mother
Alon Calinao Dy Apr 2013
She is a woman
Who feeds, cuddles, and loves me.
The one who gave birth to me.
I'm her greatest fan.

She is my mother
Who loves my father,
Does anything for her children
And takes care of her grandchildren.

She is my best friend too,
Comforts me when I feel blue.
She is my best mother,
I couldn't replace her with another.

She is a sweet and loving parent
Who cooks my favorite foods,
Does household chores
And looks after my grandparents.

She does multi-tasks
And gives me anything I ask
Because for her,
I'm her wealth and power.

When I was a child,
She taught me how to fear God.
Sometimes, I found it awkward
But she would understand.

When I married my fiancee
She told me,
''Love your wife as your mother.''
Her advice I'd treasure forever.

Every now and then,
She would send an email.
She would always tell,
''I love you and I miss you son.''

She is my mother,
A wonderful mother
To her sons and daughter.
I am very proud of her.
Mar 2013 · 494
Why I Believe in God
Alon Calinao Dy Mar 2013
Just like everyone else,
I have ups and downs in life.
But I do believe in God
More than anyone in this world.

I believe in God Almighty
For He is my refuge.
He shows me the right path of life
And guides me every step of the way.

When I feel the weight of the world,
He is the one who carries my own cross.
Softly He says,
" My son, I won't leave you behind."

I cry so many times
For the forgiveness of my sins.
God is always listening to me
And embraces me full of love.

I believe in the name of Jesus,
He who died for our sins,
The Saviour of the world
And The Son of God.
Mar 2013 · 414
Hope and Truth
Alon Calinao Dy Mar 2013

My hope,
A fountain of hope
That continues
To flow like water.

My hope,
A precious gift
From the start
By Almighty God above.

My hope,
My never ending hope
That gives me good reasons
To smile always.

My hope,
A promising hope
With full of potentials
To fulfill all my dreams.


Bad things happen in life.
No matter how you try to hide,
No matter how you try to protect,
And pretend that everything is alright,
Truth always comes out
And finds out anyways.
Being honest to yourself and in God
And doing only what is right
Are the things that you need...
Mar 2013 · 3.1k
I am Alon Dy
Alon Calinao Dy Mar 2013
I am Alon Dy,
Son of Mila and Tong Dy,
Brother of Kissy and Milton Dy,
Who loves his wife and his family.

I am a nurse
Who touches the hearts and minds of the patients,
Who stands and fights for what is right,
Who knows his limits as a nurse.

I am a dreamer
Who has always option one, two, and three.
I never quit, as it is not in my vocabulary.
Just because others  throw their hands up and cry,
Doesn't mean I'll just leave it high and dry.

I feel bad that some people are ignorant,
Talking **** behind your back like this and that
These people need to realize,
I do not mind and I do not care.

Backbiting, prejudice and hatred,
These are negative attitudes that need to eliminate.
Trust me, people still change and
Do this now while there is time.
So please, it is not too late.

Once again, I am Alon Dy
Who fears no one except God.
I understand I cannot please everybody.
I admit I make mistakes sometimes.
I say sorry, but still,
Need to love each and everyone.

I'm aware I have many friends.
I know I select only few.
I understand, yet wonder why I'm like this.
It's plain and simple,
Few of them are true.

— The End —