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Mar 2015 · 709
Almighty Emperor Mar 2015
I wonder if the trees can hear me
When I scream aloud,
Or if the dandelion screams,
When I pick him out.
There's no telling where life can take us;
One day I'm a blade of grass,
But today I am myself-
Nobody else.
Life chooses for me to be me

Almighty Emperor Mar 2015
Another beginning, another day
Close my eyes until the world turns-
Blank. Redeeming only what others cannot
Save. Fall
Fall into the world.
The world of other worlds
Where the children dance
And there's only romance:
No cold goodbyes,
No lonely cries,
Just time, time Falling
Can you hear me?
I am far away.
I'm painting colors in the alleyway,
I imagine myself falling;
I imagine myself dy....iving
Into the other world
The world of other worlds.
Oh, all the sadness of our world,
I pretend it won't exist,
One day as I enter the world,
The world of other worlds.
Hold me tight as I feel myself Falling

Mar 2015 · 607
Here We Are Together
Almighty Emperor Mar 2015
In this world of bitter ends,
Long lost letter to a friend:
This is my entry.

I hope this finds you pleasantly,
Without long regrets or sad bitterness.
I always thought you were the strong one
Out of all my useless friends.
Look at you now! How long it's been!
Heard you were some famous artist,
And you fell in love again.
I always thought you'd save your love for me...
Oh well...

Can you believe what they're saying on the news?
All them fakers stealing their own lines
They call these bandits 'reality stars, '
What a laugh it is now.
I could never imagine selling myself.
That's something I saved for you.
Do you remember me?
Remember how it used to be?
When we'd share our music in the park,
We'd whisper lines of poetry in the dark,
I always loved you.

I don't even know who I'm writing this to.
If I met them now or later,
Or maybe it was another lifetime,
When I was a flower or a bird,
Or maybe in another world,
Another galaxy, far off, unknown.
But you were always the one, the one I shared my stories to,
And no one really gets it like you do:

You are my chosen one.

Feb 2015 · 1.4k
Aim High
Almighty Emperor Feb 2015
As endless as god's blessings are,
So should my praises be,
For all his daily goodness
That flow unceasingly!

- almighty emperor (premanand)
Feb 2015 · 9.2k
Thomas Alva Edison
Almighty Emperor Feb 2015
Thomas Alva Edison,
A most unusual boy,
Never really bothered much
With any childish toy.

His teacher thought he couldn't learn
And sent him home from school,
But tommy's mother knew for sure
He wasn't any fool.

He worked as a news boy on train,
He learnt to telegraph
In a way he concentrated
Made some people laugh.

Thomas alva Edison
had inventions by the score.
In his laboratory
he kept inventing more.

the phonograph,electric light
(with fuses sockets too),
a super storage battery,
and movies ,were a few.

If not for Mr.Edison
How dull our lives would be!
We might not have the radio,
The X-ray,or TV

-almighty emperor (premanand)
Feb 2015 · 589
Almighty Emperor Feb 2015
By grace one day i came to see
That it would wiser be,
To cease from finding other's fault
And correct what's wrong with me.

almighty emperor(premanand)
Feb 2015 · 617
My life
Almighty Emperor Feb 2015
God,make my life a little light,
Within the world to glow;
A little flame that burneth bright,
Where ever I may go.
God make my life a little flower,
That giveth joy to all,
Content to bloom in native bower,
Altough the place be small.
God make my life a little song,
That comforteth the sad,
that helpth others to be strong,
and makes the singer glad

                                  - almighty emperor(premanand)
Feb 2015 · 614
Almighty Emperor Feb 2015
Trees are for birds.
Trees are for children.
Trees are to make tree houses in.
Trees are to swing swings on.
Trees are for the wind to blow through.
Trees are to hide behind in "Hide n Seek"
Trees are to have tea parties under.

Trees are for kites to get caught in.
Trees are to make cool shade in summer.
Trees are to make no shade in winter.
Trees are for apples to grown on and pears.
Trees are to chop down and call"TIMBER-R-R!"
Trees make mother say,
"What a lovely picture to paint!"
Trees make father say
"What a lot of leaves to rake this fall!'

                                 -almighty emperor(Premanand)
Feb 2015 · 553
Almighty Emperor Feb 2015
Beauty is seen
In the sunlight.
The trees,the birds,
Corn growing and people working
Or dancing for their harvest.

Beauty is heard
In the night.
Wind sighing,rain falling,
Or a singer chanting
Anything in earnest.

Beauty is your self ,
Good deeds ,happy thoughts
That repeat themselves
In your dreams,
In your work,
And even in your rest.

-almighty emperor(Premanand)
chanting: singing a religious song together in a group
Feb 2015 · 10.1k
Almighty Emperor Feb 2015
The aim of my life is high
To gain success how hard work do I
To achive success in life
hard work is essential for good future

I am the creater of  my destiny
Success is very hard to achive
Work hard try to achive success
If not try again but dont cry

— The End —