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417 · Jan 2015
its useless
Almaith Jan 2015
craving you is just useless.
the taste of your lips were so sweet,
my lips felt bitter when you left me.
im craving your eyes that i got lost in,
the way you felt was amazing.
your soft tanned skin,
and your big round eyes,
your perfume,
your messy hair,
the way you talked, its amazing.
without nothing was the same,
i feel lost and im dying to see heaven again
296 · Jan 2015
Almaith Jan 2015
my music sounded the same, no feelings at all, my thoughts we're killing me, the day went so slow, my coffee was bitter, im lost in your eyes, youre words, the wind was blowing but yet i stood holding my feelings, i cant let them go, i dont know why, maybe you were so addictive? or i gave you all of me i had nothing left?

— The End —