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Mar 2014 · 732
Rag Doll
Ally Mar 2014
Made of cloth, synthetic fibers and hair.
She is the doll, perfect and inanimate.
Eyes black as night, unseeing, unfeeling
Yet she's always there, starring at you.
Scaring you.
She's broken, her stuffed limbs move with ease
She doesn't need to breath.
Sometimes you swear you see her move
Is it a trick of the eye or of the mind?
Is it the long days and the sleepless nights
playing tricks on you?
Or is it something else?
Something you can't even say.
Maybe, just maybe, the Rag Doll is you.
Dec 2013 · 806
The Lemming
Ally Dec 2013
Unoriginal, uninspired, follower
are words that you know well.
You haven't a thought of your own,
nor do you care.
You do what everyone tells you to
You don't even notice that you fell
Down, down, down to the bottom of the sea
You didn't fight it, gave no pleads
It was just a jump
Down in to the abyss, it's what they
were all doing you insist
You poor, poor fool
You didn't stand a chance
You had no clue,
Lemmings never do.
Dec 2013 · 1.4k
Ally Dec 2013
His eyes pierced my soul
His crooked smile made my heart break
His hatred for life made me weak
He was like dark chocolate, a decadent need
He was everything I despised in a man
Arrogant, snide, rude and aggressively mean
He was beautiful, a sight to behold
He was everything and nothing all at once
He could sense weakness in everyone he would meet
His eyes were knowing and clouded
His disdain for people was attractive,
like the pull of gravity
He was the perfect fallen angel, scorned,
dark and vengeful
He pulled me into the darkness buried deep
within my heart
He made me fall like Lucifer to the black
abyss below
His charm ****** me in, he was a sneaky
as a snake
He was all I ever wanted, the one thing
I didn't need
Temptation, however, never tasted so sweet.
Dec 2013 · 667
The Photographer
Ally Dec 2013
Sometimes memories fade.
People come and go, lovers and friends
all come to an end.
I try to hold on, I really do.
But sometimes I find myself struggling to
remember the things I knew.
I desperately wish I could keep all those
pictures locked in my head.
Black and white, vibrant colors; you think those
images would keep.
But instead they've become locked away, some place
dark and deep.
I wish I could capture those memories again.
Relive the old days, revel in my carefree youth.
I long for the memories, the pictures,
to remember the past.
Being the photographer never lasts.
Sep 2013 · 583
A Little Bite
Ally Sep 2013
You didn't know it was missing
You didn't even realize it was gone.
The piece of you that no one can have,
That no one can touch
Your spark, your fire, your essence,
Your soul is gone.
There's nothing to be done
It was their eyes that captivated you,
their smile that made you weak
The way they whispered your name
Nothing was sweeter than their touch,
nothing better than their kiss
These are the things you will really miss
Walks in the sun, long talk 'til dawn
You knew from the get go that they were wrong.
Your heart isn't a little toy,
it doesn't belong to some cruel boy.
You saw it coming,
that's what hurts the most.
You let them in.
You let them win.
And now they have that piece of you,
that piece that no one else can touch
The funny thing is, you miss them so much.
You tried to fight with all your might
But don't worry dear, it was just a little bite.
Sep 2013 · 7.4k
Ally Sep 2013
A shadow washed over the land,
filling the people with an uncommon dread.
Darkness began to fill their thoughts,
their fears came to light
What is this shadow?
What is this fear?
How do we overcome this dark abyss?
We fight, we refuse to roll over and die
We smile at our misfortunes
We laugh in the face of danger
We overcome the darkness and we choose to live in the light.
Sep 2013 · 2.2k
The Cat and Mouse Tango
Ally Sep 2013
Here we are again
We're caught up in this dangerous game for two
Playing our sick game, hoping the other will loose
Spinning left to right, we pick up the fight
I chase you and you chase me
It's the same old thing.
You beg and then I plead
Neither of us willing to give up the lead
We switch from time to time
And of course there are several altercations
Because you are the Cat and I am the Mouse,
we don't belong together, you see.
Try as we might, we always fight
You want the milk and I want the cheese
We never seem to agree.
But here we are again, picking up our dance
Wishing that this time it might actually last
Because you are the Cat and I am the Mouse,
we don't belong together, you see.
But this time you hoped and this time I agreed,
that the Cat and the Mouse could actually be together
The music decrescendos, the tango is done.
The Cat and Mouse walk out, side by side, as one.
Sep 2013 · 2.1k
The Black Widow
Ally Sep 2013
She's all lies with lies with her pretty little smile,
her petite waist and waspish figure.
She's got the whole world fooled, including you.
You think she's perfect, a flawless, fallen angel.
When really she's the Devil in disguise,
with her all seeing, jaded eyes.
Behind the glitz and glamor,
is a girl burning with rage .
The black widow has come to play
She tells you all the things you want to hear.
She uses and leaves you, without any tears.
She'll break your heart just so she can smile.
Loving is something she can't do.
You think you are the exception,
boy you are the fool.
The black widow has come to play
You've become caught in the web of her deceit
The black widow always needs something to eat.
Sep 2013 · 909
The Bitter Suite
Ally Sep 2013
He said all the right things
He told me I was beautiful, even flawless.
He made me feel like more than just a girl
He made me feel whole
And then he changed.
My salvation showed a new face
He said I was stupid
He called me ugly, nothing more than a waste of space.
He made me feel like I was a blight on humanity
He made me feel worthless
And then, as quick as a flash, he was back.
He was sorry
He told me he didn't deserve me
He made me feel like a goddess
He made me feel worthwhile
I don't know which man I'll get each day.
The man I love, the man I can't live without
Or the man that I despise, the man who makes me cry.
I come to find that I really can't live without the two
The joy and ecstasy of his praise make me shine
But the betrayals and the put-downs make me feel...alive

— The End —