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Allison Rose Sep 2012
this air isn't thick enough to
stop a speeding arrow
and i fell the narrow distance
two steps back from where i stood
you knew the stance but how?
my voice has found resistance
sound is wound around a puncture wound
too soon, my lungs deflate
i can feel my breath escape and i can't -
if only it had gone right through
you said you knew, but that's not what i saw
it was still raw when i watched you draw it's head
i recognized that heart-string thread
red, the rest could spill it all
to **** the fall
your best
there's still an arrow in my chest
Allison Rose Sep 2012
Bodies moving in the glass
But, alas, the snow falls
Outside the globe
Who knows?
While inside
This side, like flowing tide
Points and pirouettes
Reflect in shapes like snowflakes
More unique
A picturesque finesse
But bleaker in the light
Than under glow of moon
Because they know
The show
Lacks something from
The airport shelf
Something greater than the self
Silent ballerinas dance
Underwater glitter
Fancier than windows taller than the sky
And why
Can't they appear
And here
We disappear
In light among shadows
Allison Rose Sep 2012
it wasn’t an accident
to commit such a crime
bodies falling in a line
symmetrical, detestable
with the measured hand
of a stable man

to take a knife
to a wife is what we call
a crime of desperation
but in the range the
****** of a stranger
stranger still must have
a plan
he is a man
and a man of mind
of careful calculation

because only a man
who has reached this place
not rashly
to raise above
the smoke and ashes
knows what kind of
clarity it takes
to take away what
man himself can’t make

he knew
that we’d put on a fuss
to save our face
he knows
the joke’s on us
Allison Rose Sep 2012
i worship you silently because
i know you do not speak and
i do not wish to mock you with
the feeble talents of the gilded
molding soapbox on which we
rationalize our superiority.
                 instead i am content
to lie in your sunbeams and
communicate through the rise and
fall of my natural breath, the only
thing my wretched racing mind
has not stolen from my unbridled youth.

there are thoughts inside me --
just beyond the ellipses -- that evade
the nets of language, slipping daftly
through the fine mesh of symbols
we have compressed into what we call
                  i am as capable of catching
these thoughts as i am the dust
that dances in a beam of light.
and i know you hear them
as though it is a song that plays into
your ear, yet i know that no instrument
of earth may capture such a melody.
impossibly far from embodiment,
i know these feelings are safe
from the steam-roller plastering of
my most enchanted moments
into a bastardized form, tainted
by the intellectual spirit that evades
even the smallest pore of this human body.
i am with reason in a constant chase
that keeps me fleeing ever faster
towards my long-lost home among the hills...
Allison Rose May 2012
I can't imagine the trees
Looking any other way
Than the way they do right now

In the winter
I can't imagine the naked skeletons
Clothed in springs blossoms

In the spring
I can only wonder how they'll look
Once the tiny, baby-fresh greens uncurl

In the summer
I cannot see the lush foliage
Enrobed in the reds and browns and golds

And in the fall
I try not to imagine how the trees will look
Stripped bare and cold and bleak

I often can't imagine
Feeling any other way
Than the way I feel right now

Some days I feel cavernous
Like the world around me is caving in
And I can't imagine where laughter comes from

Some days nothing could stop me smiling
Joy fills me up
And I fear the next time when it feels like
The emptiness will go on forever
Allison Rose May 2012
She's like acid reflux
Bubbling in the balled up pit of my stomach
Pangs of searing acidic bile rising in my throat
I have to swallow to keep it all down
The words I would ***** in her face if I could
The kind of noxious fluid immune to my control
I'd love to see her dripping with my complaint
Stained by her own disdain
Regurgitated onto her own front smock
An adage to her own hysterical hypocrisy
Allison Rose May 2012
i woke up this morning
and i was in a rainforest
and i didn't know how to feel
so i felt happy

i woke up this morning
and i was in a rainforest
green and lush and tropical
and full of hidden life

i woke up this morning
and i was not in my bed anymore
i was on the dense canopy floor
beneath graceful towering giants

i woke up this morning
and i was in a rainforest
and i didn't know what to feel
so i felt wonder

i looked around
at what had sprung up over night
and i realized
that it had been there all along
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