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Allison Meyette Nov 2014
my sleepy eyes fog with visions of you
lasting impressions of your bodys indent
aching to be in those arms once again
every inch of you mapped against my back,
my legs,
down to my toes.
nothing can compare to the blanket of your soul.
its vanilla-like mist creeping through my nose
and tickling the inside of my own
for absence makes the heart grow fonder
and fonder does it grow indeed.
ive never before felt such a yearning
to be with another body late at night
interrupting sleep with stolen kisses and quiet laughter
as one anima warms the other
and one form warms the other.
like waves lapping against beach sand
i tangle my fingers in the forest of your hair
and you crush my lips with yours.
theres nothing more than i desire
than the comfort and warmth of your analgesic fire.
Allison Meyette Nov 2014
you made me forget.

Nothing feels better than the feeling
Of a new body against my own
Drowning out old, unwelcome memories

The pain of my wounds have lessened
The miserable feeling of being ignored
Your courtesy ascends the consuming flames

I think im slowly piecing back together
The jagged cracks of my vulnerable essence
And im finally remembering what its like
For someone to actually give a **** about you

even if its only for a night.
Allison Meyette Nov 2014
It’s so cold without you here
This room full of recollection
Again takes hold of my heartstrings
And wrenches the marionette-like emotions in my soul.

The temperature change reminds me again
How lonely and desolate the winter can be
Endless expanse of pure white crystalline powder
Reflects the sunshine and my empty memories

I’m not looking forward to the frost of the future

I’m certainly trying to forget the pressure of the past

But I wish to preserve the present.

Because the past is what I need to remember
In order to move on to the future
And embrace the ecstasy of the present.
Allison Meyette Nov 2014
dreamt of fame since being small --
actress, artist, vet.
fashion designer, writer, zookeeper.
and poetry.

why poetry?

lacking topic,
lacking talent,
lacking a poesy heart.


the only way to convey dejection
is spilling my words onto parchment
emotional purging for mental empowerment
surprisingly makes me feel better.

I Finally Feel That I Have A Melancholy Heart.
Allison Meyette Nov 2014
pushing away others may not hurt you
but it kills
the ones

you wont let me near – it hurts
to see everything turned over

so much changes in a month.

such a short amount of time
such a significant amount of change.
Allison Meyette Nov 2014
Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall
Leaves risk their lives, plunging toward pavement
Good thing they’re already dead – if I did that
It would result in my own destruction
Fall results in a renaissance
A rebirth of beauty
Petals peeling away their icy shells, unfailingly bright
Spring again brings life anew as it floats through
Maybe spring will finally ease my inner self
At last moving past the wounded response
Of your scathing sentiments
Sipping tea when it hits me once again
Fall snuck up on my healing heart
Waves of remembrance wash over
Allison Meyette Nov 2014
distraction, thats all i need
its what ive been telling myself
doesnt solve my problems
the fact that i long for you
i shouldnt feel this way
you dont care for me, why bother?
those real feelings for you continue
nothing can be helped
i shouldnt feel this way
thoughts of previous times
clouding my brain with memories
i shouldnt feel this way
im sorry that i broke you but you broke me too
i shouldnt feel that way.
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