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797 · Sep 2013
The Shattering Silence
Allison Bird Sep 2013
In my mind
We have conversations that last a lifetime
In my mind
You laugh at all my jokes and I laugh at yours
In my mind
We talk for hours and never get bored

Tell me why
That when it’s just you and me,
The words I try to form, and
The conversations I think off
Just why they go… silent

Do I feel,
as though they have already happened?
Do I feel,
Like they are stupid and shouldn’t be heard?
Do I feel,
Like you should start a conversation?

And Sometimes
I think you do the same thing.
And sometimes
I think you like me a lot
And sometimes
I wonder if you like me as much as like you
But other times
I wonder if you even like me at all

I wish
That you knew how much I like you
I wish
Sometimes that I didn’t like you
I wish
That you weren’t so sweet when you reject me

Because that only makes me like you more

I don’t know,
If you think I no longer like you
I don’t know,
If our speechless walks made it seem as such
I don’t know
Why I go… silent

The word that breaks itself
Why does it haunt me?
Why does it come in between?

I hate it
When my mind
Cuts the connection to words
Then my mind
Tells me I’m stupid
For not saying those words
And then my mind
Will long to see you

I long for the day I shatter silence
The day when the letters become words
When the word become sentences
And the sentences paragraphs
And the paragraphs,
A conversation that will last a lifetime

That will happen I don’t know, but
That does happen it will be great, and
I will hope that you help me

I will need you to help me.
To help me shatter the… *silence
729 · Sep 2013
Silver-Blue Lights
Allison Bird Sep 2013
Two silver-blue lights look
At the harsh world,
The cold they took
And in fear evil curled.
The lonely did beam
When silence did laughed,
That which was unseen
Somehow came to pass.
New things now occur
Both awkward and fun,
The Music now heard
Has been the best one.
The laughter broke silence
The smiles spread warmth,
Bright song that come whence
The notes tis brought forth.
Odd things that come
Bring interest and pleasure,
And light shall come
No matter the weather.
One can only hope
That this shall go on,
If not thy shall mope
But thy shall move on.

Pray it keeps moving
Pray that it evolves,
Pray cogs are turning
And joy doth befall.

— The End —