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Oct 2019 · 207
Jezu Ufam Tobi
Allison Oct 2019
So much wrestling
it was only me I was jesting -
With the future unknown

The way I knew it
was a struggle to view it -
All that lay ahead

To let go of the fear
which always clung so near -
A concept foreign to me

But the freedom found within
and letting go of that sin -
Came from when to Trust I fled.
The idea of fleeing *to* and not *from*
Dec 2018 · 301
The Evolving Poem
Allison Dec 2018
The beauty of man
A gentle wrinkle in one’s hand
Caught in a storm of sand
Life drifts on

A glance revealing such willful daring
Telling of thoughts about her caring
Never to be caught swearing
Love out loud

So proudly kept quiet
Notions out loud equal riot
Pale cheeks slowly to turn violet
Lent feelings displayed
Written June 27th, 2016
Feb 2018 · 221
Nature Says
Allison Feb 2018
The weather's warming up
And raindrops come to play,
We'll see if they be drizzles
or a downfall that will stay.

Intimate words they'll ring out
While bouncing up the walk,
Rather funny how they do that
Without the ability to talk.
Dec 2013 · 613
The Divine in You
Allison Dec 2013
Are you aware of how you affect me?
Of the ways that you make me crazy
for you?

I could spend all day by your side.
And don't ask me, I can't explain it.
Not at all.

Except maybe I can,
I see the divine in you.
It ***** me in like a howling wind,
and I am but a feather caught
in the gusts and blows of
your storm.

(I think) this was the way it was intended.
Some sort of supernatural inclination
towards a bond so deep.

That's what we're always seeking, no?
And there isn't one fairytale that likens itself to us,
to what we are,
except maybe all of them.

Because all the love stories are the same (even in their difference).
The constant pull towards something stronger than flesh,
deeper that words,
and softer than lonely hearts
who've found in each other the force that heals sadness.

It's really all around.
In our hearts, written on our souls.
The divine in you is so attractive,
I can only see love for what it is,
to try and know love for who He is.

Something in you is so Good,
to me.

Because of Him.
Dec 2013 · 383
Allison Dec 2013
Slain in the Spirit
Walking amongst the clouds
Hand in hand with the Savior

Oil flows through my hands
It’s dripping from His side
And I am beside Him bleeding out

A heaviness is upon me
But not one so oppressing
It’s like a warmth and blanket

Baptized in the Spirit
Where “He is a friend of mine
The God of angel armies

Is always by my side.”
His love is truly profound, and He takes our burdens. Let Him take them, and make our burdens light. Matthew 11:28-30 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Nov 2013 · 566
Allison Nov 2013
You tucked me in
with your kind words,
the ones you wrote on paper.

Sent in the mail,
slow like a snail,
but the wait was more
than worth it.

So now I'll keep these
treasured words,
inside my mind and heart -

(for you)
To rock me to sleep
I'll always keep
as a place where
sweet dreams
can start.
Nov 2013 · 696
To brand new horizons
Allison Nov 2013
To brand new horizons, across the vast wide sea,
The God to whom I'm praying, believes so much in me.
He says that I'm not barren, I'm the fruit of His own vine.
But sometimes I feel badly, for I fall so many times.
Into this great abyss, of lies and twists and turns,
so sadly was I walking
down the road that made me burn.

To bright and new beginnings, my candle shows the way,
I follow in the footsteps, where saints and angels play.
Surely we're not lonely, though it seems we need so much!
I will try to tell you strongly, my dear, that desire is not a crutch.
But don't think that desire, that want that's always there,
can be satisfied with worldly things,
those things that can ensnare.

To lovers who are joyfully invited in the truth,
who wait for true love's fulfillment, in a castle weatherproof.
They know the bounds of where they walk, they know they way is hard,
But having faith in things unseen, can often help at large.
For whom but Him can he be for she? Or him for her we wish?
That’s just they way the world goes ‘round,
Like a beautifully swimming fish.

To romping around with new curtails a-flying,
our heels kicking up in the breeze.
Little foals on the inside, we neigh out some horsie-pride
With laughs floating up high, giving breath to the summer trees.
Let your hair down and out, dance like tomorrow’s the end-
because everyday is a gift.
I know not the time, but if it’s this mountain we climb,
why don’t we strive to reach the top?
Together, He said, so I felt safe in my head
knowing that I would never He drop.
Nov 2013 · 547
20w of appreciation
Allison Nov 2013
I cannot express
I feel
for those
who say
they feel.
for letting
us all
Nov 2013 · 926
You've "got" me
Allison Nov 2013
I got to see your face tonight,
isn't it amazing how technology works?
Although I don't like to say, "got", really,
because it doesn't sound too poetic, really,
and it would only be true if I had you.

Sure, I was given a chance to see your face,
and that gift I would gladly take anyway, anyday.

But I wish I could behold you in person,
have you next to me.
It's only that you are out there, while
I am in here... see?

What's the use in complaining though,
who am I to distress?
I have so many blessings,
in the scheme of things,
this is but a
tiny test.

So I'll just keep truckin',
as the people seem to say,
and rejoice in the comfort that
we'll see each other soon,
some day.
Oct 2013 · 704
Allison Oct 2013
Mah gurls
we like to play nice
drinking cinnamon
with some yummy spice
all around the town we run
we's just out to have some fun
floppin like a fish
can you take what we dish?

No, don't even try
to guess as to why
we like rap it out
in our hick accents shout.

So only can we say
and roll on on the floor,
pull hair and screamin
till we're cryin and we're peein
and we flaunt our European
Dese go out to Sophie and Anna
Oct 2013 · 403
Allison Oct 2013
Oh wow oh how i mean if only but why who could say i don't know not me if so i would die but really though not really it's not that big of a deal what it's a big deal in my heart but a small deal to everyone else's and man why is it always the same but always different cuz i don't know how this works or do i it's not like i'm that knowledgeable but who really is the one who measures that because i don't know except that i don't know and i don't know how to handle you.
Oct 2013 · 1.2k
Mime on my own?
Allison Oct 2013
There was a mime who fell in love with a woman,
but he could not tell her, because he was sworn
to the silence of the quiet community, so then

he tried to give her flowers,
to make up for the loss sense of sound.
He could flatter her with smell, all the hours
of the day.

But she would not smell them.

He tried painting her a beautiful picture,
to enable her eyes to dance.

But she would not see it.

He even knitted her a scarf for the winter.
Something she could feel,
to show her how he felt when he looked at her;
which was all fuzzy inside.

But she would not accept his feelings,
even though she was cold.
Even though it was her favorite color.



He gave up.

He had tried SO HARD!
No matter what he did, he could not please her.



She was walking down the street and she heard it.
Heard soft crying from behind some waylaid old
cardboard boxes.

The mime felt a hand on his shoulder.
He smelt the most beautiful lilac perfume.
He turned and beheld the loveliest of faces,
he felt his cheeks turning red,
mirroring her rosie ones from the cold.

And finally he heard her voice,
so soft like the knitted scarf
he had labored over.

"All I wanted was to hear
you say what what you felt,
to tell me I'm loved."
she whispered.

"My darling,
you are loved."
he spoke aloud.


That day he shed his black and white stripes;
for he was no longer a prisoner.
He was set free from the confines of silence;
and sang out his melody of love unto her
every day after, until the end of time.
Somewhat based off of one of the poems in the movie, "My Girl." I love the thought of being in touch with our senses.
Oct 2013 · 482
Can I do 30 words?
Allison Oct 2013
I think my emotions grab me and
affect me in sneaky ways.
I've felt "sick."
But like a little kid,
I couldn't really tell you what it is
that hurts.
Oct 2013 · 457
10 words
Allison Oct 2013
am I
a tongue-twisted
Oct 2013 · 912
Plans and Reunions
Allison Oct 2013
It always seems that when I see something out
the conclusion is not what I wanted or what I planned.
So I've come to the understanding that when you're
not expecting,
or when you quit regretting
things that could have happened,
a new something begins to bloom.

Like a maid on a widow's walk.
She looks out to the sea and notices that her ship
isn't on the horizon.
Soft tears might be shed into a
handkerchief, one with embroidered flowers,
much like how her heart is seen by her lover.

But when she's milking the cows, or tending the garden,
He sails in
on his man-o-war that gleams with freshly waxed beams and
snapping sails...

They've come in early.

She doesn't know though!
Thoughts of him are whistling in the breeze
through her mind. The sent of him floats through the air.

And yet when he steps out from the side of the house she
asks herself,
Is this a dream?

No possible reality could be this sweet!

So it's a charmed and enduring love that
this surprise, this reunion, - unplanned - unbeknown to the likes of her,
is made perfect.

Though her nail beds are *****, and her hair is all a-mess,
dirt stains on the hems of her dress,
he doesn't care, because she is a million times
better in his eyes than any queen or princess.

And this is why when things don't go the way we plan
we feel for a time sad, and lonesome.
But it will only last for but a moment, and when it ends
we are rewarded with something much better than we ever expected.

Such is life if we trust in not our own plans, but His.
They are immensely better.
Oct 2013 · 487
Allison Oct 2013
stressed, stressed,
put to the test

why am i not calm
because i did not give alms

alone for a day
can really do harm

when you're not there to rest
in His big loving arms

but for a moment,
do you realize it's not

the important new quest
the un-fillable spot

when only alone can
you see that you're not

just look out of the box
that you're submerged in

and open the lid to
let the poor dirge out

don't laugh without knowing
that it's you who's withholding

from an eternal love
and a quote from above.
Oct 2013 · 412
Allison Oct 2013
Dreams, dreams, always in my dreams.

Sometimes happy,
sometimes sad,
occasionally very,
very much mad.

Stronger than you might think

But only because of the details,
my head running off the rails.

Leaves and vines, climbing up walls,
the red and green symbolic of what?
One door you want to open,
and one you want to shut.

But the colors change all around me,
and the trees fall from their leaves.
Sep 2013 · 592
Happy Birthday
Allison Sep 2013
I miss your sweet kisses
on long summer nights
How you held me so close
in you I took delight

You were ever so new
and close to my heart
A big, brave new place
I wish I didn't have to depart

But even though I -
in this place that I'm now
See people in love
I'll try not to frown

Because I know I have you
In a home far away
And although it's not fun,
(because I miss you a ton)
It's to you my thoughts stray,

*Happy Birthday
Sep 2013 · 327
Allison Sep 2013
I'm looking, searching,
for you my dear,
Your love is in my sights.

Were I to hold a candle,
You'd be my glowing light.

I could not, would not,
wish for you to say
that I'm your only one,

Unless my heart looked to yours
like a thousand burning suns.

So all I ask
in this poem to you,
is that you'll understand,

I only desire
a love that earns
the want of a wedding band.
Sep 2013 · 505
Sidewalk Imaginings
Allison Sep 2013
I catch a glimpse of you sitting there on the side walk.
By yourself, random guy, I don't know who you are.
Man, do I ever sound like the creep?
But that's okay, I'm imagining what you're
contemplating down there.
Could it be a hazy daydream that floats
to the heavens with the smoke from your cigarette?
I look back up, and you're gone.
Could this have been just a dream?
The star-shaped glow of the street lamp tells
me otherwise.
Maybe one day you'll see me reminiscing on some-such
matters of importance.
Wouldn't that be funny?
And the only One who really knows
besides ourselves
is the One who knows us better than we know
I like to think He delights in our thoughts,
His children,
no matter how unimportant or minuscule they seem to be at times.
Let's take some time to dwell on Him.
Sep 2013 · 956
Allison Sep 2013
Can you please tell me
Why it is that i can't see
What is down the road?

Like a fiddle's song
you play in my head all day,
wishing you were here.

The wind through the trees
are the sweetest melody
to make me feel clean.

Don't think I'm alone
for around me today is
a ring of gold sun.

Crown my head with cloves,
leaves, barley, and sunflowers
for I wish to dance.
Sep 2013 · 330
One by One
Allison Sep 2013
Tallies on my hand
Stand for all the times
I've thought of you

Listing one by one
My need of constant
In you.

By why no answer back?
Is it something that
I lack?

Listing one by one
The reasons you've

To be my star and sun
Am I the only one

Who feels this way?
Sep 2013 · 1.1k
We Fly Together
Allison Sep 2013
i want to tell a story,
a story with my words.
you and me together,
the finest flock of birds.

we fly together always,
although we are apart.
your wings beat strong beside me,
while I fleetingly dance and dart.

Up over mountains,
across all seas,
We have not travelled yet.

but flying forever,
beside you,
My Heart in Yours is Kept.
Sep 2013 · 457
Allison Sep 2013
Bone of Bone,
Blue of Blue,
I don't see anyone
the way I see You.

Like a model who walks,
With hair all astray,
That's how I see you,
in a most
Similar Way.
Sep 2013 · 302
a heart of questions
Allison Sep 2013
i love you, i love you,
every day

but being away,
makes it
harder to say

are we meant to be?

can this love,
if it's true,
really wait?

the test of time will show,
it's only God who knows.

but, oh, how i wish
i could see,

a way to explain

you and me.
Sep 2013 · 1.3k
Nighttime Reminiscing
Allison Sep 2013
No time to sleep,
when i'm always awake for

I like to think i can rest,
but my mind implodes
with cresting thoughts.

they don't pause for sleep,
they are instead dragged on.
By my grogginess.

i bid you (reminiscing) adieu
my fair love that's true.

for the night my mind stirs,
and in the morning old thoughts

— The End —