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Dec 2015 · 373
BÜG Dec 2015
My Dear,
in all of your years
you have let the pain make you hard.
but it was deep within
the cracks of your skin,
that I found Your love
Nov 2015 · 314
Only Lovers
BÜG Nov 2015
If by chance you and I
were the only lovers left alive,
all my fears would subside
deep in your arms I would reside
in Heaven until the end of time
Apr 2015 · 409
BÜG Apr 2015
Nothin hurts like the words
As they slink and slither and crawl
Through your mind
All the time
A ruthless brawl
Of right and wrong
A tuneless song
Nothin hurts like the words
Dec 2014 · 562
BÜG Dec 2014
Live and learn
crash and burn


Rise again
Phoenix in the wind

Oct 2014 · 593
Born Again
BÜG Oct 2014
And when there is nothing left but the ashes, the sun will shine upon a flower in the dark, and love, ever so giving, will prosper once more.
Sep 2014 · 325
BÜG Sep 2014
I built a
house with every
and burnt it
Sep 2014 · 605
Dream Bound
BÜG Sep 2014
To sleep I shut my eyes,
try to shake off the nightmare from lastnight

reminisce about what used to be,
try not to let truth's fangs sink too deep

let my mind dance away on two left feet, realize sleep will bring on dreams of all the finer things

force my thoughts into a box, close the lid and seal them up

now it's quiet, safe and sound
long at l a s t I am
Dream Bound
What it feels like to get a good night's sleep
Aug 2014 · 697
BÜG Aug 2014
now You're attatched
to every
song I
love and
still I
let Them
Mad Verse
Aug 2014 · 347
dancing with The Stars
BÜG Aug 2014
They say we are
alll stardust mixed

with particles
of the

And so I
wonder if
there is
music in

The way I feel
it in
My Bones
Aug 2014 · 740
BÜG Aug 2014
Why do we
clutch so
the things
that hurt us
most and
watch as it
burns right
Our skin?
Aug 2014 · 276
Silent Storm
BÜG Aug 2014
thunder struck
my fragile bones
and left me
with a
memory quite like
when you
Aug 2014 · 701
Lie to Me
BÜG Aug 2014
lie to me,
say it isn't true
your heart loving her,
mine crying out for you

under a lurking full moon,
the signs tease at my mind,
minutes pass by slowly,
all that's left is precious time

All the minutes passed,
Broken at the end
A heart melted fierce
A soul devil sent
What happens when you love somebody that loves somebody else lied about all the things they felt................
Jul 2014 · 570
Love Noose
BÜG Jul 2014
Ceaseless rope
of heart-strings
and hope
coiled around my neck.

A knot held strong
with the words
of a song
and what lurked in-between the words.

Wrapped around tight
just right
one last breath to spare.

There is no use
fighting with
a love noose,
body limp and empty of air.
Love is never chosen, it can only be felt, dealt with or broken.
Jul 2014 · 497
Itsy Bitsy Spider
BÜG Jul 2014
The itsy bitsy spider crawled from your darkest dream, caught a fly in his trap, life isn't what it seems.

Up came the sun and washed out all the fear, off flew the fly, kept safe in the web, unlike the gracious spider, who ended up dead.
May 2014 · 364
BÜG May 2014
How do flowers bloom from dirt, beautiful? How does the sun rise every morning just as brilliant as the day before? I cannot remember exactly when I lost myself completely, or if I ever even had a self to lose. Hate crashes over me and I am drowning, choking on words left unsaid,  breathless after a silent scream. And after the waves cease and the waters calm there is nothing left but an empty shell, washed up on the shore and left for the next wave to consume. All pieces together but still broken. Shame wraps around me perfectly, a black cloak. Surrounded. It's fabric is strong, relentless, my body is no match. Suffocating. Soon its grip has severed the conection to my mind and I am its prisoner. Surrendered. Minutes turn into hours turn into days and soon we have become one, shame and me. We move together, a perfect pair, dancing through darkness on two left feet.

— The End —