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A W Bullen Oct 2017
You, Sweet Wild, come evergreen, as
Ink-shake from the Book of Kells,
cleaned ivories of Egret vellum,
aspen mantled infidel, a pheromone
of elsewhere Islands, here to hand me
quarried gems of bold and bloodied

In the long-room wait of
untamed reverie
you rise,
On apple cores of chalk cliff
laughter, hoist your storm-mad
urchin noise throughout the flag
of sickened orchards.

Emerald to this ruby thirst,
Bind fruitless words
to thoughtless choice

For you alone shall split my lips
cruel libertine of gorgeous vice,

A W Bullen Feb 2022
will be a
low colt prayer/
a player's prayer of
sayings dark anointed,

sliding in
to new existence-

trailing disappointment,
from the one that went before

At this
appointed juncture

I am more
or less
the same..

my un-angelic
angles grind
in uninspired

from this
I seek a mealy sway,
a speck of strength to recollect

exhilarating dialects
my lovers deigned to speak..
the irony of finding inspiration through being uninspired
A W Bullen Dec 2016
A Husk of Thule brew..

A Fjord born tang of Fenrir cold
To yawn the must of comet tails
In rings, around the naked oak.

That broke the spineless whims
Of reed, that set the Heron folk to flight
From scrivened rims of frosted pools.

To run in footless constellations
About the broads of bitter miles
And, there to spill the coffered frays
of Autumn’s final standing.
A W Bullen Dec 2019
the beach-combed locks
and how this Spanish Plume
becomes, a vaunted
posturing of poppies..

The way is high
and undiluted.
Office blocks have melted
to a salty insignificance,
their oscillating convolutions
baked, on oven -cambers....

her sorbet-samba glamping
apricot in sandalwood,
a paper-chasing chatelaine,
gone, daisy, down, the dockside pan.
Our Painted Lady tumble-dries
the bramble-crab, peroxide.

Her ox-eye, Andalusian tours
to rhapsodies of ice-cream vans.
Summer 2019- an exceptional season for Painted Lady butterflies
A W Bullen Aug 2019
bullets from
the muscle, I
took just enough
to get me out,

out of these
discipled digs
of occidental artifice.

Saw virtue, as
a patient bound
found floating
with the carcasses,
in oceans of our
artless composition.

So sickened by
my part in this
repulsive codependency,
I'll charter me another sleep,
usurp the gutless drone

to shave my head
the stillborn dream
I open up my arteries
the garters of my
cartilage and bone....
A W Bullen Jun 2019
The poster read:

“Gone Missing”

The come-back-kid
has failed to show.
The Old Man saw him,
******* by the Rainbow Factory
wall, against the wind,
like a prayer no longer given
to the prism-surfing life.

He said,

“The come-back-kid, might
Not come back”..

He wrung his
swindled heathen, left
with haversack and Macintosh,
hummed ballad in a Sea-King crown,
the colloquy of shepherd lore.
head far too full to sing,

Caught riding
in a burnt out car of
rude December archetypes,
an engine feathered Westerling,
to think.

He went
to where they bury boats,

Where mud larks perk
for potsherd farthings,
red-shanked in the gallon slob

Far off the Ness
He’ll watch them go..

... on meteoric dawn patrols,
a contrast to his built-in

In provinces
of platitude
He’ll form no evanescent tie,
invoke his tattooed waxwing
back against their lactic
saccharine, to beg
the notion die...

But leavened light may carry,

A bold ceramic dialect
that skitters off
the short-sun marsh

dissipates in linnet banter
winnowed from the winter barley
crossing out the county lines..

The come-back-kid
will not return,
a blue-eyed, fell, Promethean.

Disfigured by the absolute
He’ll beat his way
A W Bullen Oct 2021
is everywhere,

it is everything

mirroring off rock,

cat pawed with downdraft,
blustered by gale
the channels scud havocs
of pyrite,

The sky, huge
an impossibility
of blue, defies

words are formed
tried and retired
on a blather
of gust,

A syrup of larks tongue,
-an ash of a song-,

Is all that is heard
on the day..
wind rhythm
A W Bullen Jun 2020
We breathed so deeply
we could taste,
expatriating emptiness.

We  siphoned dreams
from mere escape
where minutes passed
like centuries...
A W Bullen Dec 2022

with a rueful
little smile,

swept the weeks
into a pile

of a year
gone by...
A W Bullen Jul 2020
It has to be
a lack of sleep..

Insomniacal thought-police,
could only dream this up

Delivered from
a rolled-up note,
that bug-eyed trope
of one-skin buzz,
runs ugly through
the neighborhood.
Some duggery of skull-top
lynching underground
resistance, thinking
every shot, a tracer
bearing names.

They are
out there, now
in no-man's-land,
that orange hell
of pictograms
and all of them
A W Bullen Sep 2016
We drowned here today...

Sluiced along curious Holloways papered in shell.

We knew few colours by name,
Yet saw how they merged, circled, embraced,
to sweet-talk the senses to parley.

Last night the first Redwings sipped the late air
with the high-muffled chatter of Fieldfares passing.

Morning came garnished in far borrowed glories.

The place where we wonder to drown.
"Redwings sipped..."..the contact call of Redwings, is often written as  "Tseep"
"Wonder to drown" as opposed to "Wander to drown" seemed to lend more space to thought!
Big Ones!
Ali **
A W Bullen Jan 2020
But when the Sun
is done with us

and dust has
earned its Earth,

I will meet you
in the morning tree

when we come back
as birds......
A W Bullen Dec 2016
At Yultide,
The thing that I don't get is:

Is a sprout
just a tiny little lettuce?
A W Bullen Apr 2017
Called toward familiar compass,
Called by natural order of a rising vernal rage,
that girdles, as a talon grip, on through the songs
of lust and duel that joust above the battled ground.

This restless tread that aches to dance, to lure , impress,
now,tears its clothes to feathered crepe, explodes in sabre - rattled starts,
A host of self forgotten parts , writhe, steered in Vitus throes.

— The End —