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155 · Jun 2020
A W Bullen Jun 2020
Myth explodes
in tinted showers
spectrums gather hidden forces
God-led powers coursing
through these vibrant linen layers.
Pith unloads
sweet minted flowers.
question matter, given sources.
Cadence laced with light, displaced
embodiment of prayer.
152 · Jul 2020
A W Bullen Jul 2020
It has to be
a lack of sleep..

Insomniacal thought-police,
could only dream this up

Delivered from
a rolled-up note,
that bug-eyed trope
of one-skin buzz,
runs ugly through
the neighborhood.
Some duggery of skull-top
lynching underground
resistance, thinking
every shot, a tracer
bearing names.

They are
out there, now
in no-man's-land,
that orange hell
of pictograms
and all of them
150 · Aug 2020
Lost Legions
A W Bullen Aug 2020
when unoccupied
I hear the cries
of my lost legions

skin dispels
its drops of poison
to the tunes of lies
and treason....

pinches as regret
denies the liberty of
forgetfulness ....
you know
147 · Jun 2020
A W Bullen Jun 2020
We breathed so deeply
we could taste,
expatriating emptiness.

We  siphoned dreams
from mere escape
where minutes passed
like centuries...
147 · Aug 25
A W Bullen Aug 25
When younger tongues
were free of froth
when softened air propelled
the word in hungered myths
of coppice smoke,
that somehow spoke of home...

but never lonely
in the healing of a wood

green redeemer stood
a deep fermented sense
of something constant..
144 · May 2020
Last days of April..
A W Bullen May 2020
Gone sparingly
about the lane
as I have laid some
cause to rest

had turned
the tide of thought
to leave me grateful

then I look to you,
as if I could,
to find you there,
the where, you would

among the latter
days of April......
2 years ago today.
143 · Mar 2020
A W Bullen Mar 2020
So far,
the voices rally
from the vortice
of an underpass.
Endorsed by cavilled
penury, more yesterday
than newspaper.

but nothing here, can
change the course
of rivers.

in their algorithm
fixed within their fiction,
though, a sheathing of
their tar-skimmed blade
played life in minds
of old unplenty..

they were,
come carapaced,

Sat where
the startled couple char
that narcoleptic zinfandel,

untrammelled, in their
moon-trashed subterranea.
on those without homes.
130 · Apr 2020
A W Bullen Apr 2020
my itty harbinger,
of all-means-green,
All hail!

(a voice not heard
since Woodcock fell
on cusps of wet November)

Your two-note declaration
comes with umpteen possibilities

emaciated yesterdays
disintegrate in sound...
130 · Jun 2020
Simmer dim
A W Bullen Jun 2020
And when the means of reckoning
seem, but a smokey fiction
as the subtle strokes of artistry
fall prey to Time's advance,
When lenses cloud in sympathy
while, the known, becomes a stranger,
When sleep, an honest partner
leads that, favored slower dance.
When all is gently called away
to where it all began....
It is a child who breathes his last
in the image of a man...
122 · Apr 2020
Transit of Venus
A W Bullen Apr 2020
There are flowers
on the railings

guess the place is
coming up for rent,

one wonders
where the love goes,
once the locks are changed
the doors repainted...

no locus
for the laughter
over Sunday tea
and homemade cake..

they scrape away
the old base coats
and blow the flecks
into the past
122 · Apr 2020
A W Bullen Apr 2020
Of course
it has to end
one day,
it always does..

but not like this...

so, now is not
the time to lose,
that bright and burning
will, that serves you well
beyond the quarantine
of rich imaginations.

And, should those
feral torments run,
then face them down
assured, for you are
stronger with this love
that coves, your everything
and more....

Of course
it has to end
one day,
it always does

but not like this..

to the sound of bells
we'll tell of days we braved,

102 · Aug 31
A W Bullen Aug 31
by the crop-dusted rowan,

-the pulpit of Song Thrush,
of gossiping Starling-

The startling pew
of a tumbling hawk
made play for a way reimagined

Over the rising
leviathan ribs,
the sins
of a sea-pulled city,
diving, dividing
the room-cluttered skyline

peopled with liminal grey..
by a raptor

67 · 6d
earth quakes,
to see you cry

but where there's water
there is life

a love that fights for air

aloof, above the alibi,
the ad-libbed acts
of subterfuge

where proof is in the fire
of your making..
for those days
when one seems
crushed by doubt
64 · Aug 24
A W Bullen Aug 24
Sea breeze
leaves my reasoned lips
a baffled map of goodbye kisses

wispish curds of milky-weigh white horses
riding out bespoke and breaking
making shore...

this day will never come again..

but a glib Gomorrah,
sorrowed in some foreign fold
of muffled do's and dont's

— The End —