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3.7k · May 2013
Lovey Dovey
Alison May 2013
I love the passion love brings
But that too many are scared to share
That first moment when something clicks
As if you know fate’s come your way

I love watching the layers of shelter peel away
So all that’s left is the raw being
Where that unbreakable bond is formed
And the pieces combine to form something new

I love when the flutters are gone,
Stored away for new obstacles
The reassurance that you are special
Opens up a world you were too frightened to enter before

I love the patience and understanding love brings
The crossing of barriers
To meet somewhere I’ve never been
A cultural exchange in an entirely new language

But what I love of love most of all
Is that plunge into a dark abyss
Where predictability is erased from the picture
And a whole new story is forged
1.1k · May 2013
El Pez
Alison May 2013
Some days I wish I was a piranha where
I could snap at anyone who pesters me,
Which on days like this is everyone.
How can this be called a life?
Staring past the glass each and every day
Is enough to make anyone go crazy,
Year after year chums come and die,
Why should I bother with the trivial dance of friendship
Especially with that stupid goldfish
With those big and innocent eyes
That annoying childlike eagerness
That only lasted so long before
I took a bite of those juicy black orbs.
1.1k · May 2013
Alison May 2013
How often do we listen
To that pump inside of us?
What do your shallow breaths
Or controlled inhalations
Are you in tune
Or tone deaf
Playing yourself?
Erratic in rhythm
Or a constant tempo?
Losing your breath in amazement
Or monotonous throughout?
Experience each day.
631 · May 2013
Galactic Love
Alison May 2013
Your skin glitters in the moonlight
While my body is on fire from the thoughts
Of where this is leading to.
If someone put a thermostat between us
They’d think we’re smoking, baby
But you can’t douse this heat
Because our love is as deep as the sea
The bushiest mountain is no match for your sword
I promise
I’ll be there waiting at the summit
I’d say I could wait forever
But we both know we’ll be dead before then
And so
When our bodies have decayed away
We’ll find each other again
Where we can have a much more cosmic experience
And, baby, when that time comes
The galaxies will quake
334 · Jan 2015
Alison Jan 2015
I know that I'm far from finished
My committed and approaching sins are close by my side
Yet I seek to move past
To look forward into my destiny

To believe at an age of maturity life isn't coincidence
That every day is a gift that can only get better
Each person willing to take a chance is given another
An endless cycle of getting back up when you fall down

It's easier said than done
How do you let go of
The angry ball of deep-rooted hate, festering
Even if life has granted you more and fulfilling opportunities?

— The End —