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Alisha Mitchell Jan 2012
the hardest part of letting go of someone you care about is knowing that their life will go on, without you.
knowing that all your memories together will be replaced with the memories they make with someone new. knowing that they will find someone who makes them just as happy, if not happier, as you made them.
knowing that no amount of taylor swift songs can make you feel better.
knowing that most days you wont even cross their mind, when before you were all they could think about.

i dont miss you that much anymore, i just dont know how to not to be in your life anymore.
Alisha Mitchell Jan 2012
honestly its one of the simplest things on earth.
it happens every so often, and its one of the things we bonded over.
we both loved it, and didnt understand why everyone didnt feel the same way.
you promised me so many times that we would sit and watch it together one day.
that sounded like the greatest thing on earth.

now i look outside my window and i see it, but i dont feel happy anymore.
because you dont promise to watch it with me anymore, we dont and cant promise eachother anything anymore. it used to be a symbol of hope for me and you, even though other people think its bad luck.
you made me one of those people.

so now i sit here by myself and watch the rain,
Finally understanding that when it rains, it pours.
Alisha Mitchell Jan 2012
i dont want to miss you. i dont want to think about you every day and not know if youre thinking about me to. i dont want to have to see you with other girls. i dont want to become a memory for you. i dont want to know im not everything to you. i dont want to wake up everyday and know that you arent mine anymore. i want to be your first thought in the morning and your last one before you go to sleep. i want that every day. forever. im not leaving, its to late for me to get away. im yours. dont leave.
Alisha Mitchell Dec 2011
every girl is bound to die
underneath the infectious melody
you tried to sell as forever

— The End —