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Feb 2017 · 290
things i should have known
Aline R Feb 2017
The last time we made love,
I was not sure I could still call it love
I felt like *** was what we should be doing only to shut that moment of awkwardness that was beginning to surround the empty spaces already existing between us.
I thought that if I could send you to paradise again you wouldn't leave me
I thought.
"He won't"
"We can make it work"
"We wouldn't...
Would we?"
And I remember hiding my face on your shoulder as I viscerally rode you,
Rough but quietly
As I struggled with the tears I felt falling down my face
Tears that later would become rivers when I left your apartment the next morning.
Tears that til this day you don't (and won't) know of.
That was the first time I really hated you
That was the first time I, unknowingly, had *** instead of love
And after you came, that was the first time I really felt used
Just like an object of pleasure
Like that was the reason you were still keeping me around
And that was when I should have left you
It should have been my valentine's gift
To you
Aug 2016 · 250
Aline R Aug 2016
You found me broken when you were broken
We mend each other
We were perfect for each other
Until you thought otherwise
And four years after we fixed one another
You decided to leave me
Just the way you found me
Jan 2016 · 320
you haven't tasted wine
Aline R Jan 2016
hey pretty girl with the long brown hair
life is long and we know its unfair
but don't you let the world put down your smile
it will get better you just have to wait a little while
the prince charming boy is late
but i swear you'll have lots of fun dates
and don't those fairy tales seem so overated?
there's no need to feel intimidaded
yeah life is long but we can make it fun
and you can do it without the right one
you say "i bet his lips taste so fine"
but let me tell you, you haven't tasted wine
its not all about romance, nor about a kiss
you've gotta dream but don't fall into the abyss
life is on you, there's no superhero
but there's me to help you get up that ego
just ask, a friend is here
and your stories i want to hear
Dec 2013 · 780
we're runaways
Aline R Dec 2013
You called me crazy once
For wanting to runaway and forget the world
You say people need to live life
And still you always postpone it
It's always work, and bills, places to be, deadlines to keep
Forget the madness of the world
Remeber yourself for a while
Who you are
Your mind is waiting for you to get lost in it
To a place hidden inside of you
Where people can't bother you
Let it all fade away for a minute
Forget it all
It can be just you and me
What do you say... let's runaway?
Sep 2013 · 538
silly things
Aline R Sep 2013
People say we should appreciate the little things in life
I like to think we're little things
Which we are, living in this big unknown universe
Little and extraordinary
and there's a greatness about us, simply mortal human beings
that sets up beautifully just like a starry night
Sep 2013 · 416
Aline R Sep 2013
You're the only person I'm able to share my life and thoughts and everything fearless,
because I know in you I can trust my life...
And it's like there's only you and I in the world
But baby,
when you're gone, it's like everybody is gone
And I just can't stand being alone
Jan 2013 · 659
Aline R Jan 2013
I wish I didn't miss you. I wish I could hate you. I wish I was able to wish your death so your physically form wouldn't haunt because I already have you in my mind to do that. I wish things weren't this way between us. I wish we both weren't as proud and ******* as we are, and we could say we love each other and we miss our friendship that is now lost; I know you miss it too.
I wish the word "sorry" meant something to you when I said it repeatedly one year ago.
I wish you would come back running to me saying you were sorry too.
I wish all of this didn't happen so I could still have you by my side, just like before. I wish you could still give me your advices, I wish I could feel the warmth of your comforting hugs.
And at the same time I wish I haven't met you. I wish I had never entered that room you were in, I wish I had never said "hey you", I wish we weren't friends in the past, I wish I hadn't had my heart broken by you,  I wish I hadn't had broken your heart. I wish our lives would follow another path where we would had never seen each other's faces. I wish I had never met you at all.

— The End —