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Ali Rodriguez Dec 2018
Holding on for so long
Holding on to hope
Holding on to the fact
I might have a chance
I was hoping for a fairytale
Even the slightest of dream
But reality woke me up.
Ali Rodriguez Oct 2018
My stargazing eyes
are in vain,
for they’re a sea
of sadness and longing.
nighttime is when my heart cries.
Ali Rodriguez Oct 2018
I’m afraid to live,
but I’m also afraid of not living.
I’m afraid of being happy,
but I’m also afraid of being unhappy.
I’m afraid of being alone,
but perhaps that’s the path.
I’m afraid of being second best,
for when was I not.
I’m afraid of being the second choice,
I was never the first.
Ali Rodriguez Oct 2018
I was so foolish
To feel what I feel
I was so selfish
To feel what I feel
I’ll just sit by
With a shattered heart
Waiting to be patched up,
Only to be shattered once more.
Ali Rodriguez Oct 2018
Every year,
The tulip blooms more beautiful
than the last year.
Over time it shall wilt and die,
but the tulip is blessed
with the opportunity
to be beautiful again.
I do hope that,
like the tulip,
I can be beautiful again.
Ali Rodriguez Mar 2018
Is my life
A never-ending cycle
Of broken promises
False hope
And fake love?
Ali Rodriguez Mar 2018
Why has the phrase
"I love you"
Become so easily said
And so easily forgotten.
Those three words
Bind the heart and soul
Only for them to be crushed
And tossed away
While they say
"I love you"
To another
The next day.
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