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622 · May 2015
A May 2015
My Masochistic love,

You abandon me,
You kick me to the ground,
And than you drag me
I get up and still chase you and when I can't get up,
I crawl,
Till I bleed ..
In hopes that when I bleed, I rid you
But I don't,
Shamefully, I love the way you hurt me.
Masochistic- the enjoyment of what appears to be painful or tiresome
549 · Nov 2015
A Nov 2015
My love,
My muse,
My "I didn't sleep much lastnight" when I'm absent minded the next morning at work,
My 2 a.m poem
Something quick that was on my mind.
493 · Apr 2015
A Apr 2015
                    He had lips of an angel,
A kiss that could make a judge forgive ******,

  A touch that made 2AM thoughts osculate,

                        And me, he had me..

            Loving him like he was my religion.
400 · Feb 2015
A Feb 2015
Sometimes I need you
Sometimes I don't
So I write metaphors all morning about all the ways that we love
And all the ways we don't
But, would we love each other so much with out all of the distress?
Becasuse what is tranquility with out disharmony?
What is clarity with out obscurity?
What is the Sun with out the Moon?
Whst is me, with out you?
Unconsciously, you are my solace
And I am yours
always dedicated to you.
394 · Apr 2014
Valentines day
A Apr 2014
We got lost in the exact place we were supposed to be
Found you and you found me
but I'm still lost
Because I never really left that night
You helped yourself effortlessly
To me
With a kiss that shaped my lips
A touch that opened my heart
Passion that woke my soul
An Unexpected you, that made me so needy
My favorite cookies will always taste like you
And every year on that day I will always belong to you.
346 · Oct 2014
A Oct 2014
Is it ironic that I have so much to say when I am feeling less ?
315 · May 2015
A May 2015
Maybe I ruined you..
314 · May 2015
A May 2015
Every night I miss you.
306 · Feb 2015
A Feb 2015
unfathomable, unforgettable
In and out of my mind

constantly, consistently
craving you
every day, every night

dreaming of you
drowning in you.
303 · Nov 2015
A Nov 2015
I used to write about all the ways that I love you
Now I write about all the ways that I loved you.

Does love stop or does it just subside?
291 · May 2015
A May 2015
I miss you,
I'm sorry the ice melted and we fell through,
I would have done anything for you,
These letters assert everything I wish I could fix my lips to tell you.

Until I stop loving you
290 · May 2014
A May 2014
Why do you tell me I'm your everything and than say you don't love me?
286 · May 2014
Solitude nights
A May 2014
I hear you but I'm deaf
I see you but I'm blind
I feel you but your nowhere to be found
I need you... but what would I know?
276 · Feb 2015
A Feb 2015
"you are my deepest love"
268 · Dec 2014
A Dec 2014
When I'm alone and I miss you,
I romanticize your absence.
265 · Dec 2014
A Dec 2014
come to bed,
I miss you.
264 · Sep 2014
A Sep 2014
Don't silence your words
"Words are meant to be felt"  
That's why words wound
Your words wound
Than they pick at the scabs
And scabs bleed..
When I bleed, am I ridding you?

You take everything.
259 · Oct 2014
A Oct 2014
It's the way you look at me,
The way your fingers fit in between mine,
The way every kiss still feels like lightning striking,
The way you pull me closer when you wake up out of your sleep at night,
The birth mark on the side of your left eye,
The way you make adjectives and metaphors dance around my mind,
But most of all,
It's the way I spend my nights writing about you because I'm too nervous too tell you all the ways I am in love with you aloud.
258 · Apr 2015
A Apr 2015
When I am no longer inspired to write about you,
Does that mean I don't love you anymore?
257 · Apr 2014
A Apr 2014
unreciprocated love is no different than unanswered phone calls.
256 · Sep 2015
A Sep 2015
When you love someone you feel everything.
255 · Dec 2014
A Dec 2014
Sometimes I think about really leaving
You know, giving him what he wants
He always throws that at me anyways

I'm a fool.
247 · Oct 2014
A Oct 2014
at 2AM when I can't sleep and your warm bare body is next to mine,
I think about writing about you.
246 · May 2014
A May 2014
2 a.m when your asleep and I want to share the sound of the rain falling outside with you
With your hands lost in my hair, looking at me the way you do,
2 a.m when I'm falling in love with the rain because I'm missing you
246 · Oct 2014
A Oct 2014
That's the powerful thing about writing, words are immortal.. This exact moment? These feelings? They'll be here forever.
245 · Nov 2015
A Nov 2015
Those nights that your mind fed you lies,
the nights that you acted out thinking that I didn't love you anymore
thinking that I had just stopped..
Every single one of those nights?
I wrote about you,
I still loved you
Just some thoughts?
216 · Oct 2014
A Oct 2014
I love to write about him while he sleeps
213 · Jan 2015
A Jan 2015
They say "you can't miss what you don't have"
So how do I miss what I do have?
To "miss" is to have lost,

have I lost you my love?
204 · Oct 2014
A Oct 2014
As if it's okay,
As if it's normal,
As if it's fair,
That you just act and lash out because your hurting..

— The End —