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Alicia Strong Jan 2013
These same four walls remind me
that my friends have all moved on,
and these same four walls remind me,
that the road I walk is long.

These same four walls remind me
of how easily I weep,
and these same four walls remind me
of how little I find sleep.

These same four walls remind me
that they're a cage around my heart,
and these same four walls remind me
that my life has come apart.

But these same four walls remind me
that walls can be knocked down.
And these same four walls remind me
that you can smile, or choose to frown.
Alicia Strong Oct 2012
Beware of Roses,
their sweet scent hides all intent,
of making you bleed.
Alicia Strong Oct 2011
Today, I took the highway,
as far as it would go.
I long to get away from here,
some time alone, you know?

I need time to sort my feelings,
and time to feel my needs,
I need to get off solid ground,
and float within the seas.

I feel so weighed down right here,
with my feet stuck in the dirt.
But I know where I need to go,
to wipe away the hurt.

I make my way to Halls Harbor,
to gaze out at the sea,
the sun is nearly setting,
it's a lovely place to be.


The smell of salt comes to me,
as silent as can be.
It takes my mind to better times,
that only I, alone, can see.

I make my way onto the dock,
and jump down from the lip,
I touch down on polished rocks,
and gaze at a big ship.

It's boards are strong and sure,
like I know I need to be,
and as that ship takes to sail,
it's wake comes to my knees.

I feel the sting of  salt-spray,
as the ship passes me by.
I feel the chill from the bay,
but a sunbeam finds my eye.

It's only then I realize,
that upon the setting sun,
that ship that sailed before my eyes,
is not the only one.


And as I watch their sails fly,
I let my troubles wash away.
Those ships are carried by my sighs;
freedom is what they all portray.
Halls Harbor is a nice little place where I go to escape the world. The waves wash over the rocks and the rocks shift and create a sound that's quite entrancing. Watching the sunset listening to the waves and the rocks and tasting the salt is quite awe-inspiring for those of you who have ever experienced it. <3
Alicia Strong Sep 2011
You asked me **one time,
why I liked the stars so much,
and I didn't really have an answer for you.
But now I do.
I like the stars because,
we're really seeing the past,
and it seems to me that I liked my past
more than I'm going to like my future.
Alicia Strong Jul 2011
In my life I’ve made some choices,
I’ve shut out the harmful voices;
of people who will tear me down,
and people who won’t be around.

I’ve shut my eyes to not go blind,
I see their hearts within my mind;
For eyes cannot begin to see,
what people have in store for me.

I’ve tried so hard to understand,
why things don’t go the way I’ve planned,
and now I have begun to see,
with heart and soul, it’s clear to me.

Sometimes I find I’m trapped inside,
a world that I’ve begun to hate.
the screaming masses are too much,
for me, alone, to have to take...

There was someone who I held dear,
he made my future bright and clear,
But somewhere we got lost in time
and he had left me far behind.

Ever since that cold December,
It’s been too hard to remember,
how long I’ve frozen in this place;
this pain is too much to erase!

I loathe the day, my heart does too;
cuz I just can’t stop missing you.
The day shines light on all my pain,
and I just can’t survive this way!

It’s even harder, just because,
this isn’t what I thought it was.
I thought you’d come around by now...
I guess I ruined your life somehow.

But that’s not really fair to think!
I know that there’s a missing link...
you left me in the dark so long,
that I don’t even know what’s wrong!

My body’s so messed up right now,
I need to get away somehow,
I can’t keep going on like this!
I’ve fallen down to the abyss.

I can’t believe that what I see,
really used to belong to me!
Your heart is now a stone cold rock,
to me, it came as such a shock...

I never saw this coming, but,
your heart had never fully shut.
So I thought I’d be fine for now,
that we could get along somehow.

But now it looks like I’m dead wrong,
and now I see you’re really gone.
Well, maybe I will heal someday.
But now that seems so far away.
(I still like this poem, but don't get me wrong, I don't hate love. As a matter of fact, I have a boyfriend again now who treats me right, and I enjoy his company very much :) )
Alicia Strong Jul 2011
I'll always wear a smile,
When you choose to push me down,
I'll always wear a smile,
When you go to let me drown,
I'll always wear a smile,
When I cant stand on my feet,
And I'll always wear a smile,
When I truly face defeat.

Because some people say,
That when you lose it all,
Theres nothing left to live for,
And that drives me up the wall.
Cuz I don't believe its true,
Because I've really had my share,
So what you have to realise,
Is your friends are always there.

Cuz I've been down,
And I've been low,
But I dont think you really know,
Cuz when I ask you what you think,
All you do is ******* blink.

The fights, the lies,
The wins, the ties,
The deaths, The survivals,
The killers, the rivals.
Wheither its fighting off cancer,
Or just a skinned knee,
There's always an answer,
You just need to see.

My band made it far,
Further than the rest,
We won it all,
And passed the test.
But trials soon followed,
When they went to italy,
One of us was killed that day,
That one of us was part of me.

It started on my birthday,
What a great surprise,
I prayed for him that night,
I hope he never dies.
But it looks like I was wrong,
Because when all the months had passed,
My birthday came around again,
And that evil spell was cast.
I wish he had've woken up,
A coma wasnt the way to go,
It would've been less painful,
Had I chose to just let him know.
That night I'll never forget,
That brutal way he died,
He had finally awakened,
When the glass cut through his eyes.
As he tore through the windshield,
And bled out upon the ground,
The car kept going,
Leaving nothing but a sound.

I lost a dear friend that day,
I loved him with my life,
My heart was torn apart you see,
I couldnt stand the fight.
Then eventually it hit me,
And the name just made me cry,
But reflecting back upon this,
I wish I had known why.
So for one year I struggled,
And one year I fought,
For one year I kept my hope,
My heart was so distraught.
But the more I thought,
And the more I listened,
The dreams I had,
Would only glisten.
It was then I realised,
What was going on.
And he was in a better place,
His sufferring was gone.

So when you think you've lost it all,
Just give me a second thought.
When your loved one breaks your heart,
Dont let it all become distraught.
Cuz the more you worry,
The more you doubt,
And the more you lose
To what this life's about.
Cuz I've had it to.
MY heart's still broken.
But the way to live a life,
Is to never stop hopin'.
Alicia Strong Dec 2011
Too many hours spent in darkness

Alicia Strong Jul 2011
He was the cloud who held me aloft,
floating through the sky,
carefree, loving, and gentle.
He stopped time;
the good times lasted;
while the clouds were white.
But clouds change.
Now, he is a black,
menacing thunder cloud,
who pierced the sky
with a deafening roar and
a blinding flash of golden light.
It struck me from my timeless perch!
He remains a deadly thunder cloud;
but clouds change.
Alicia Strong Apr 2013
I'm sitting here
in constant fear
of events
that are to come.

Warning signs
ring clear as chimes
and my body's going numb.

There's darkness at the edges,
of my vision
and my mind.

And this darkness truly comes for me
to take me home this time.

"You've been running for too long"
it says
"just stop and take a break."

but I know its just a ploy;
my living soul's at stake.

So I run.

I'm running through a labyrinth,
full of broken bones.
Following a winding path
full of empty homes.

I recognize these places;
they're from my recent past.
They're people who have helped me,
but they left me pretty fast.

I have no one else to turn to.
and no where else to go,
so why do I keep running?
My feet, they start to slow.

I've come upon the end
of this horrid maze of bones,
and here's to my efforts:
I have nothing to show;

except my scars.
Alicia Strong Jan 2013
I feel like I should save you,
because I've been there,
because I've done that.

But who am I to save you?
can't even save myself,
and I hate that.

I feel as though I know you;
because I feel like you're a mirror.
I'm staring at myself;
my reflection's getting clearer.
Alicia Strong Sep 2013
She wrote love on her arms
with blood and ink
and watched her life
flow into the sink.

She didn't care,
no one was there
to help her see
the world's beauty.

She tried so hard to fake a smile
she tried so hard to walk that mile
to try to reach out for help,
but she decided to be alone for a while.

That's no good.

The walls constrict around her heart
and her veins constrict around her soul,
and the more her skin came apart
the more she seemed to fall into the hole.

She tried so hard to get back up,
but her walls had finally broken.
Too many people tore her down,
with the unkind words they'd spoken.

She was filled with so much hate,
she just couldn't survive in this world.
So she wrote love on her arms,
and watched as death unfurled.
Alicia Strong Nov 2011
And now I wonder,
If I'm safe here in my shell...
only time will tell.
Alicia Strong Dec 2011
The crystal iris obscures Stygian secrets.
*Is there no redemption?
Alicia Strong Jan 2013
I need help.
I'm so lost.
Life has me so weighed down
that I don't know
up from down
or left from right.
My words get stuck in my throat and
every day is a constant fight
that I just
to win.
Alicia Strong Sep 2013
When my heart beat fades away,
will my wings unfold?

When my eyes close,
will your heart turn colder?

Did you know that I had,
no one but you?

Did you know the ghosts chased me?
Will I be just like them,

when my wings unfold?

Hidden under a veil of snow,
will your heart turn colder?

Hidden under a veil of snow,
will my ghost become older?

Nothing but a cold, faded memory,
lying amidst fragile angels

of ice and snow
and long forgotten sorrow.

Will my wings unfold?
Or will your heart become cold?

When my eyes close,
and my heart slows,
only the angels will know.
Alicia Strong Nov 2011
Bird of omens,
Ill harbinger of blight,
*The raven waits.
Alicia Strong Mar 2013
Can nothing release me
from your shadow,
that I live in?

Can nothing warm my heart
and my soul?

I search within myself,
and find nothing
but self hatred.

And a longing
to cut out the parts of me
that I hate.

Your shadow engulfs me;
is there no escape?
Alicia Strong Oct 2011
A sparkling web
the color of
crystal blue.

Subtly hiding,
in between,
severed sinews.

There is
nothing left,
to pull through.

Silver scrapes,
take a much more,
darker hue.

Blood pours,
from the veins,
you just re-grew.

And now you dance,
with the devil,
and his crew.

Your pallid flesh,
is now marked.
You can't undo;

What the past,
has so foolishly,
done to you.

— The End —