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Sep 2011 · 606
Waltzing the Pain
Alicia Meyerink Sep 2011
Who do you think you are?
Waltzing across my heart?
Leaving your shoe prints all over it
The soles of your shoes leaving impressions on the red tenderness where love is kept
You tromp through the corridors of my heart
Your feet leaving a wake of addictive pain
I cannot live with out you burning your imprint upon my heart
But there is no living with it either
My heart yearns for your painful presence when you are gone
But it revolts against the idea of you prancing around inside the sacred walls while you are near
There is no secret key to my heart
No perfect sequence of steps to make me open up to the pain
I will forever and always be at war with you and your waltz.
Sep 2011 · 2.2k
Alicia Meyerink Sep 2011
If we can't accept others
how can we accept ourselves?
Just because someone is *different

means that we can't let them into our lives
our churches
our communities
our heavens
our society.
As an individaul
they made a choice to be who they really are!
To show their true personalities,
To show their true being.
And as a society we have shunned them.
Oh sure, they say, you can show your true colors
as long as
you fit that specific mold
that has been created over the centuries
by war
by hatred
by the unwillingness of people
the incapibility of a society
to love
to accept
for what
for who
Sep 2011 · 548
The Lies You Tell Me
Alicia Meyerink Sep 2011
Jealousy fills me
Until I see
Red through my eyes
For all the lies
That you told me along the way
Don't you dare say
That she means nothing
You have put me through all this suffering
Don't you dare believe
That I will cry when you leave
For I will never miss
**All your lies
Live for the people you love, if you don't love them, don't pretend you do

— The End —