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449 · Jul 2013
It's Kind of Funny
alicia Jul 2013
Well, actually no.
It's not funny at all
How I still find myself,
Against my wavering will,
Planning my steps
Dictating my day
According to you
When did we last talk
Four months I think it's been
How have you managed
To grip me so tight,
Hog tied and gagged
By the memory of your company
Where was all this before?
And here I am
Despite your undeniable abcense
Starving myself just in case
You call for dinner
435 · Oct 2014
Longing in a modern world
alicia Oct 2014
Can you please post
Something to some kind of social media
I miss you
411 · May 2014
Left turns
alicia May 2014
Center lane for emergency vehicles only
(No u-turns)
Urgency and desperation are not synonymous
alicia Jul 2015
This is…

This is underrated
This has potential

This is quiet but
never calm

This is sticky
and soothing

This is the sunrise
wishing for midnight
for more time
to waste

This is inconsistent

This is beautiful
and troubling
and joyous
and scary

This is painful
but it is welcomed

This is ours

This is love
alicia Jul 2013
You called me a *****
To of all people, your mom
There is no hope now
328 · Jul 2013
Lost Angels
alicia Jul 2013
cracked and warn
in a cloud of sin and ambition
'How ugly.'
'I know, just beautiful.'
321 · Jul 2016
Grave Digger
alicia Jul 2016
I made this for you
Rest here
Ill cover you
You'll be safe here
I won't let anything hurt you
Comfort will be with you
We will miss you
And remember you
264 · Oct 2014
I'd rather just forget
alicia Oct 2014
The stars aren't visible
From the bench in the courtyard
Of your apartment building
Not that I've noticed them
Any other time
Only recently the blackness
Has been mocking me
Because behind my closed eyes
I see you and her
While I shamefully
Still sleep in your bed
I need something for comfort
And the lights
From miles away
From years
And years
Are all I have of the past
From before
When I thought what we had
Was good
alicia Apr 2014
There's always a chance that you'll be around and that's the only reason why I continue drinking

— The End —