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Aug 2019 · 98
Alice Campbell Aug 2019
To the boy on the bus who slide his hand up my thigh as if it was his own. To the guy forcing his hand down my pants in the practice room. To the guy who whistled, hooted, and clapped from across the street. And to the guy through the phone that manipulated me. You all hurt me. Brought me to tears. Crying not about you, but about me. You convinced me that everything you did to me was my fault because I was a sad little girl who couldn’t fight back. Told me that the only way to be pretty, was to be skinny. And the only way to get rid of food was by sticking my head in a toilet bowl. You had no ******* idea how much you hurt me. Whether it was physical or emotional, you still damaged me. What you did wakes me like an alarm clock before sunrise and wakes me up in the middle of the night dripping of sweat and tears. But the thing is, you didn’t break me. Because I’m still here. I’m still standing on my own two feet without your help. And I’m sorry. I’m not sorry for myself, I’m sorry for you. I’m sorry that no one ever taught you right from wrong. That you’re so ****** up that you have to tear others down piece by piece until there is nothing left but a crying girl shaking in the corner wanting to die. I have forgiven myself but I will never forgive you, and that’s okay. Because I still get out of bed in the morning. Whether it’s thinking about you, or the day that I have planned, I still get out of bed. I will always be twice the person you are and nothing less. You will always be below me and never above. You might see this, or you might not, but if you do, know that I am a survivor.
Jul 2019 · 197
The Hurting Tree
Alice Campbell Jul 2019
Every day I look in the oblivion to see the black, thick smog cover my branches. I want to scream and shout and cry but not a peep comes out of my dark wood. I see them walk by on there phones, consumed in the everyday necessities of life. If only they would look up. If only they would see that I'm suffering. That soon, I won't be in this life. I would be another mere statistic of the ever decreasing population of nature. I feel sorry for them. I feel sorry that they can't take a minute out of the 24 hour day to look at the beauty of life. Instead, they are consumed in their selfishness of individuality. Soon my leaves will start to fade and turn into dust. My wood will start to pill and peel off my spin. Lastly my roots will shrink into a fraction of what they once were. Will they even notice? Notice that I won't be there to provide shade on those hot summer days? That I won't be there to block the freezing breeze in the crisp winter? Notice that I won't provide a cool, refreshing breeze and those excruciating hot days? Will they? No they won't. Because they are so consumed in the ever expanding wastefulness of the human population. You perceive me as a trashcan to throw your flaming hot cheetos onto my roots, yet you use me as an umbrella and hold small pincis under my gushing leaves on the cool days. What more do you want? I give and give and give but yet all you do is take? You take my self worth layer by layer until there is nothing left except the tree that use to be. You make me feel sorry for myself. Sorry for growing in your city, sorry for being an inconvenience, sorry for being in your way. We'll see whose apologizing when your gasping for air because you've managed to exterminate every last beauty thing about life. Is this the price your willing to pay? Will you apologize then? I wondered if this was worth it all. Worth it to provide comfort to the ones who abuse me. As a child I didn't feel this way. My family was right by my side holding up their branches in unicen. But we didn't know we were waiting in line, slowly to die, until it's our turn.
Alice Campbell Jul 2019
Actions let us peer into one another's thoughts.

They tell you who the person is and your association.

Do you want to be friends,

Do you want to be kind,

Do you want no association,

Or do you choose to forgive?

And yes,

People do change and learn,

But the deeper the action,

The harder it is to forgive.

And that is one of the challenges in this cruel world,


It takes years to perfect and even then,

It's still strenuous.

If you can forgive,

That shows how kind and affectionate you are.

If you can forgive someone for their mistakes and give them a second


Your essence is pure.

Because you have taken the time to evaluate yourself and others.


It's hard to forgive,

But its even harder to accept.

To accept someone for their past.

To accept their scars and bruises.

And to accept their fall downs.

But don't look at their fall downs.

Look at their rise ups.

Look for when that person gets dragged down but then gets up on

their own to feet.

This will tell you that they don't give into defeat.

These are the strongest people you will know.
Alice Campbell Jul 2019
It's like you're tied to a train track with no way to escape.

You know where you are and you know what's about to happen so

you try to struggle,

To try to get out of those ropes but there is no way.

You hear the train,

It's coming closer,

And closer,

And you can feel yourself getting scared every second more.

You try with all the might you have left but there is no escape.

Now you see the train,

You know what's going to happen,

You know,

You know,

But you just can't admit it to yourself.

Now you see the trains lights.

You're really struggling.

You struggle with every ounce of energy you have left.

You can see the lights more clearly now.

Somehow you feel comfort.

The lights almost looks...


Like a dream. So your body slowly goes limp,

It gives way.

You now know in your mind there is no escape,

Because the ropes are too tight.

You slowly close your eyes...

And drift away...

Into the inevitable.
Jul 2019 · 165
The Act of Eating
Alice Campbell Jul 2019
The act of eating is defined as "the process of taking food through the mouth." However this is not true. Eating makes you go against everything you are told. To be told that the only way to succeed in life is to be thin and pretty. However to come to the realization that the expectations are a mere fantasy. Now you're drinking Ensure because you're too scared to even put a piece of celery in my mouth. The love of going out to eat with your friends is gone and now you look for ways to hide what little food you've ordered in your napkin without your friends suspecting or conspiring. Or going to the bathroom at least two times to throw up what little food you've eaten. Now you can't even eat a banana without thinking about how many calories it contains because of the engrained counter in your haunting mind. "Eat an apple, no it's 150 calories." "Eat a banana, no it's 90 calories." Food will become your enemy forever haunting you in your sleep. And make you stumble into the oblivion.
Jul 2019 · 90
Black Coffee
Alice Campbell Jul 2019
I used to drink black coffee.

The delicious, black drink made for an excellent meal.

Never mind,

I'm lying.

I ******* hate black coffee.

The bitter drink tasted like coal.

But I drank it.

"I'll have one black coffee please, no sugar, no milk"

Who needs sugar and milk?

To pour in artificial sugars and creamy milk is a crime.

They will make you fat and ugly.

No guy will ever go out with you.

"I'll have a black coffee please, no sugar, no milk"

It's so much better than a sugary Starbucks drink.

Those will make you fat.

Black coffee will make you slim and thin.

You do want to be thin, right?

"I'll have one black coffee please, no sugar, no milk."

Quench your thirst and hunger with this delicious drink.

You don't deserve to consume delicious meals.

"I'll have a back coffee please, no sugar, no milk"

All the models consume black coffee.

And they are as skinny as a twig.

Don't you want to be a model?

"I'll have one black coffee please, no sugar, no milk."
Jul 2019 · 125
The Bitter Truth
Alice Campbell Jul 2019
Why is it that every time she does something right it’s wrong?

That every time she cries,

She’s the one that scars.

That the salty H2O droplets that run down her face aren’t for her but

yet a blur.

Why is it the people who had her back are the ones letting her fall?

Her blood shed tears are made of violation and betrayal.

The darkest of thoughts penetrate the surface of her very mangled body.

1000 scars are imprinted in a perfect pattern down her very fragile figure.

But you are oblivious to this fact.

Because you only choose to see the face see puts out into the world.

The face that she has perfected over years and years of practice.

You see her as this swallow, obnoxious child,

Because you made her that way.

You have made her hurt to the point beyond repair.

Her imprinted scars don’t wash away with water.

These are the scars that have been made by unwanted hands.

They have been ripped open by the same people day after day,

But when happens when she speaks the truth?

When this little girl scratches her voice into the sound waves?


She gets told to keep her head held high and take the heat.


After all,

She’s just another statistic,

Jul 2019 · 415
Alice Campbell Jul 2019
She stood there in that luscious green meadow staring at the colorfully painted Hyacinths. She remembered how her mother grew them in her garden and took such precise care of them. Once the Hyacinths were in full bloom, her mother took a pair of scissors and gently cut the steam making sure not to damage the flower. The part that astonished her wasn’t the beautiful aroma of the flowers, or the marvelous colors that would captivate you, it was how her mother always left one flower in the garden making sure never to cut it. You may be wondering why? Why not extract all the flowers? Her mother always left one flower to ensure that these beautiful hyacinths would grow back the next year. This way, her mother could experience their beauty annually.
But she resented these flowers. She stood there in the alluring meadow thinking of how perfect these flowers are. How their bright green stems hold the top-heavy flower. How they were so resilient to spring back from the ground every year no matter the hardships they faced. And how everyone was so drawn to their bright, vibrant colors. She hated this. She hated how these flowers placed an unbearable standard of perfection. She knew in the real world, no one supports you like the stem supports its vibrant colored flowers. That in the real world everyone only cares to focus on what they can see about a person and not the layers and layers of personality that’s embedded in a person. And that in the real world, people don’t  stand back up on their own two feet up once they have fallen.
This little five year old girl stood in that luscious green meadow thinking about how these flowers place unreachable expectations on it’s viewers. She gently reached her hand down to the wet earth to pluck one flower from the bed of soil it was standing in. She violently tore the elegant flower open. She peeked her head inside it’s stem and flower buds only to see… nothing. This little girl with bright blue eyes then realized that she was mistaken. That these beautifully colored flowers have the interior… of a human.

— The End —