Jack Kerouac made my momma hitch
down the west coast from Seattle to
Albaquerque in the 1970s but she
never made it to Mexico
Jack Kerouac made my dadda struggle
through an English major only to dig
ditches and deliver mail twenty years later
Jack Kerouac made me who I am today
a Dharma *** looking for any highway
outta here to Frisco to New York City to
subsist solely on coffee and searching for
Nirvana and being forever unsatisfied
with the name I was chained to at
birth people ought to choose their own
Jack Kerouac made who I am tomorrow
completely impossible to discern but he
filled me with blank paper and handed
me a pen and Thoreau the great
Transcendentalist made me write in
the dark but Jack Kerouac made me
transcend the ******* and write
for nothing for Buddha for smoky
haze for the turtle that walks with
the world on its back I may now
never stop looking for me in the
streets of Denver to ask me where
I would be without Jack Kerouac