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Succulent to the core
Chilled to the bone
I likes the way your speckled body
Rushes through my veins
I like the sound of my
Sinking teeth excavating through
The avenues of your perforated skin

You were born in the sun,
Hot and bothered,
A summer fling.
My sweat streaked back
Goose bumped
With thoughts of you

I do not wait for the sun to
pick apart the buds of spring,
open them up like wrapping paper
a gift unraveled by April’s heat
instead I wait
for your sweet taste to come
when the heat is on the brink
but has not yet fallen into the
gorges of summer
They say -
‘A tree is known by its fruit’
But you do not grow on trees
You grow on the roasted earth with
Vines that intertwine
a green mangled field...
Maybe that’s why I like you so much

I am possessive
I carry you around in an opaque bowl
So no one can lay eyes on you
Your red bloodless interior
Is a sin
green like your hard shell

I pull you out
When everyone is asleep
Tiptoeing across the floor
Smuggling you into my room
Carefully picking at you
Taking you in and spitting you out
Until nothing more is left
Except for the red sap I spared
Only because my teeth
Could not sink in it
Because it
Slipped through
the narrow alleys between my teeth
sliding down
the side of my mouth
Sweet indulgence.
Wiped off at the back of my hand
Sticky –
like a hot summer night.
i say that I
hate myself
I don't want
you to say
that I
am beautiful and great.
I know     that I am not     any of
that.     I am me and     that
is the     problem.I am      going
to be     the problem     until
the     day that I die     which
I do     hope is soon      and
if it       works, Im so      sorry
that     I couldn't stay     and
that      I couldn't have     been
any         happier    believe     me,
I            tried so    hard to         be
strong        but I
  fear            I can't  
Keep             This
Lie up         Any
More          I am
So, so        sorry
But I           just
Want        to die
Please         Let me

d i s a p p e a r
This is not my poem, I just saw this on Twitter and I really related to it, A LOT. To the writer of this poem: I'm sorry if it is copyrighted, but I found this really amazing and just wanted to share it with everyone else. Thank you for writing this. <3
i miss i miss i miss...
to wit: you.
you brought me candy once
we were in a different world then
things were more honest then
oceans away from reality
you were wary of a ring i was
struggling to remove.
i stayed up late sometimes
so i could see you when you landed
did you notice?
it was silly.
it's still silly.
after a year we thought it was a different world
you said. i know.

it was easy
i felt easy
things are easy around you
you fell asleep on my stomach and i
to live in that moment.
i want to go back to that moment
i felt you ease into sleep.
i fell into something then
i hope it was just you
it's silly to think it could be anything bigger
than the two of us napping on the couch.

— The End —