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Alice Campbell Jul 2011
Thunder and lightening but no rain today. Stormy on one half of the sky, grey with hints of purple and brown. Lightning streaking through it, more yellow than I've ever seen before. Thunder seeming to shake the sky and rumble the low hanging clouds that form a cove. The other side of the sky, the other day so to speak, is most beautiful. An orange setting sun lights up the horizon to a beautiful glow. Floating wisps of clouds dance in the sky, white, turning pink as the sun goes to sleep. A rainbow centers the worlds, pulls them together. A rainbow traveling to depths seen never before. Depths seen only by the wandering unicorns on mushroom trails in the sky. I knew this crazy 110 heat meant something was coming. Something to twist the world open, to begin exploration.

Between storm and setting sun, along the Rainbow Lane, you might happen across a fairy maiden or water nymph. Veer right you'll find the forest, a hauntingly beautiful deep, bright green, accented in every corner by berry hues. Float down Waterfall Pass into the lake of the mermen, the most lustrous mermaiden, and the forever awed Water Monster. You've one last place to visit, before you join this adventure tale. The town on the left, where civilian like me reside. We have shoe makers, cobblers, stables and schools; manors, mansions, cabins and sheds. We eat, we drink, we're merry and magical. We live in Norvella, and our fantastical adventure begins here.
Alice Campbell Jul 2011
One tastes tiny,
same one tall.
Falling, but I don't fall.
Everything real is fake.

Where cards rule,
hares drink,
and life is mad.
I take advice from the one who smokes.

Nonsensically roaming
a world of nonlogic.

Which makes an imprint,
big me or small?

This land of wonder,
where all known impossible
is real reality.

And here I am.

I don't know how to get out,
so easy to get in-
maybe a home
that I only visit.
Alice Campbell Jul 2011
if one wish could be granted,
summer months would be it.
what i want back
is what i now lack.

my hand on your shoulder,
as you roll me forward.
sun shines down on to me
and your glow's what i see.

hair lifted from my forehead,
as the breeze is led
by the ocean's current,
matching eyes blue-green mint.

so what i want back daily
is the time when you were with me.
not across a state,
but so close i need not wait.

yet i have finally made peace
which the changing fallen leaves.
though my wish wasn't granted
time moves toward what i've wanted.

apart from you feels wrong
and the wait is far too long.
yet it is just a fraction
of the time ours will become.

my hand back on your shoulder,
as you pull me toward
your hips and your chest,
that i lay body and head against.

my one in my dream
became reality.
a faceless feeling i wanted,
now has been replaced.

so finally i have made peace
with the colored fallen leaves.
and fear that us will never be
no longer consumes me.
Alice Campbell Jul 2011
to pleasure,
to white,
winter wonderland.

My turn.
My ride.
My fall.
My climb.

how opaque it is.
How my eyes see everything,
but really nothing at all.
It is beautiful,
my shield, this white.

My turn.
I blink,
it grabs me, steals me.
This cunning white thief.

My ride.
Fast, smooth,
I think I've left my mind
some place far behind.
Unfortunately, in time, it will find me.
Yet for now, I am emptier.

Liberated, without my mind.
I don't need it. Not now.
For I am filled full.
But lights, this song, euphoria-
they don't weigh much.
Really nothing at all.
Really fleeting is all.

Why is my white wonderland
no longer so white?
My shield-
it is just dust, blown out of my hand.
It deceived me, I deceived me.

My climb.
Maybe not today,
I don't need it, not now.
I try to move,
but I'm too heavy to stand.
It always surprises me,
the weight of my mind and of reality
once they find me again.

It drags me to the bottom of nowhere,
this mind inside me, this cumbersome mind.
And so, I will take my turn,
like always before.

I will take my turn, on my ride.
The one that takes me up from the bottom,
to somewhere I've been before.
Somewhere that feels new. Every time.

I will wait for my white wonderland,
for my shield,
the opaque barrier,
between me and whatever is on the other side.

The white blinds me, robs me of my memory.
Steals over my body.
Thanks god for the white thief, for his theft.
For I'd rather be stuffed full of nothing,
than full of what awaits at the end of this ride.
Alice Campbell Jul 2011
stop by my window,
pass through my door.
let your song flow,
let me hear more.

as quick as you fly,
as light as you are,
i still see you go by,
into the sky setting dark.

imperfectly symmetrical,
beautifully clashing colors.
in my dreams i fall,
through your lyrical scores.

hey there hummingbird,
fly back my way.
i once heard,
your charming bay.

lovely, i call you.
your unknown voice.
try to understand, i do,
but mystery is your choice.

and so i sit contently,
i just sit and listen,
i listen completely,
to the music you've given.

so hey there hummingbird,
please fly back my way.
i remember what i once heard,
that musical bay.
Alice Campbell Jul 2011
individual thought,
forced in evenly spaced rows.
told everyday
where i'm supposed to want to go.

so now happiness comes
from society's rules?
in this game of life,
you don't control your pieces,
you don't control your moves.

eventually life becomes routine,
you find yourself living far from your dream.
so now you wonder,

did my happiness come
while i followed society's rules?
is this game still on?
no long knowing which pieces have moved.

step out from my row,
away from my column.
they say i'm on the wrong track,
i say why each on a track?

my road is winding.
i cannot see behind the turns.
opposite from your track,
my road does not tell me where it wants me to go.

so then happiness came
in the form of a thought.
moving my pieces off of the game,
away from the track,
into unknown.
Alice Campbell May 2011
I walk in the sand,
Humming a song of my once-favorite band.
I see far ahead
A man resting, as if in bed.
I walk towards him
As if from a love film,
A pull I cannot explain
A connection that would not break, even with strain.
As I near him I notice,
A woman giving him a kiss.
My heart sinks at the loss
Of this man I did not know or even cross.
Why do us humans
Fall in love in mere seconds?
And why do us lovers,
Forget about forevers?
If love is so important
Then why do we let it become spent?
If marriage is a promise,
Then how many promises have we let demolish?
As I continued on the beach,
I thought about this conclusion I’d reached-
I won’t be like so many others-
Picking up and dropping multiple "true lovers."
I’ve now made a small promise to myself,
I will never marry without my love on their shelf.
For forever,
Ending never.
This is my promise.
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