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Feb 2016 · 303
It Snows...
Alice Baudoin Feb 2016
It snows…
With every snowflake
A grain of future
Is planted
In the heart of the earth

It snows...
The snow is falling
Over the past
And putting it to rest,

It snows...
A morning is
Opening wide
Her amazed purple eyes
To life

It snows...
And it covers my heart beat
With a cushion of love
In a white

It snows...
An infinite symphony
Pours the grace
Of a restless

It snows...
Rare silver drops
Are melting
Like rare
Happy days
Jan 2016 · 260
Love at all times
Alice Baudoin Jan 2016
It was morning
And I loved
Your steps
Feeling the strength of the earth
In a steady breeze

It was daylight
And I loved
Your hand
Resting on your forehead
In a thought

It was night
And I loved
Your smile
Towards the stars

It was us
And I loved
Your unbearable joy

It’s the end
And I love
Your silent memory
Jan 2016 · 352
Un Autre Present
Alice Baudoin Jan 2016
Un autre present
Crafted in evening rain
Of a shattering beauty

Un autre present-
-Mystical time
Filled with magnolias
And april’s words of love

Un autre present-
-Old bookstore
With red wooden ceiling,
Your fingertips touching verses

Un autre present-
-Deep as the ocean
From which the white Saint Mary’s statue
Was gracefully greeting

Un autre present-
-Eternity-pouring river
Filled with reflection of the red city
Like a glittering blood

Un autre present
Was overflowing our nights
With love
Jan 2016 · 320
Landing like a stranger
Alice Baudoin Jan 2016
I mixed you up with the sky
In the end of the day

With the leaves
Of the forest glim

With our song
“Landing like a stranger”

With life,
I filled my days with you

My ears, my laughter,
My echoes, my hopes,

My steps, my nights,
My wrinkles, my sighs

I should forget
How the world is rolling

The same colors for us,
The same seasons,

Same words
Same smile

I’ll efface you
As a candle - dying,

As the snow on your path
Before walking

From my ears, from my laughter,
My echoes, my hopes,

My steps, my nights,
My wrinkles, my sighs

Still, could I ever efface you
From the orange sky of a sunset

From the leaves of the forest glim
And our song - “Landing like a stranger”?

Without you
I’m landing like a stranger

Into this world
As into any other
Dec 2015 · 254
Reflection on the Past
Alice Baudoin Dec 2015
“How sad and bad
And mad it was -
But then, how it was sweet”

Robert Browning

Closes your eyes
Opens them

Lives in the dark
In the light

Says I’ve always known you
I’m still learning you

Writes verses
On a page
Writes pages
Of life

Lives the second
Like an eternity
The eternity
Like a second

Says I love you
Wipes away your tears

Burns you
Warms you up at night

Is a quick, tumultuous river
A deep, silent ocean
Dec 2015 · 265
Born From Your Lips
Alice Baudoin Dec 2015
I am born from your lips - the poet would say

I am your creation
You’ve made me
The being
I am today

You’ve opened my eyes
And guided my steps
While holding my hand
And my heartbeat

Only sun I remember
Abundantly, burningly
Over dry cornfields
Of September

One side of my face
Flooded by sun
The other
Drowned by love
This poem is dedicated to my favorite french poet, Louis Aragon.
Dec 2015 · 577
White Rose
Alice Baudoin Dec 2015
What should I do
With my life
I have a rose
In my hand

A white rose
I don’t know
Where to plant it
I’m turning around

Petals are flying
One by one
Getting ready
For emptiness
Dec 2015 · 234
One last desire
Alice Baudoin Dec 2015
I have one last desire
Let me die
In the evening silence
By the sea

Let my sleep be a wing
And the lime tree be near
Let my skies lay blue
Over water

Let nobody mourn me
Besides autumn
Through the song of her leaves

Let the springs run down
While the moon will slide
Through the eyes
Of pine trees

Let the sea moan with passion
In my loneliness
While I’m silently turning
To dust
This is a translation from the great Romanian poet Mihail Eminescu
Dec 2015 · 492
Those who wander
Alice Baudoin Dec 2015
“Those who wander along the beach
Find conches and shells
But those who dare to venture
Into the depth of the ocean
Discover precious pearls...”

Of blindness must we suffer not to see
The hidden pearl into the imperfection

How many lives
May pass around us
Before we notice beauty,
Force, or splendor

Soul-stirring people in the day
Arose to my eyes
Somebody thinking of ending her life
Somebody terminally ill,
Praying for courage
In the ones that will be left behind

So many people we don’t look upon
Because they don’t seem good enough
Bright enough
To get our admiration
Spectacular enough
Young enough
Or maybe rich enough
Joyful enough
Or full of life enough
To catch our eye
To rise our glim
Our interest or our closeness...

How much distress
And how much desolation
Must we endure now
Before we see them
Embrace them
Treasure them
Learn from them
Cry with them
Grow with them

They slide unobserved
Like shadows
Shadows of thoughts that we are

Those who wander along life
Find conches and shells
But those who dare to venture
In the depth of the soul
Find pearls
This poem is inspired by, and dedicated to, the great writer and entertainer Amitabh Bachchan
Dec 2015 · 226
Shells on the sand
Alice Baudoin Dec 2015
We are
Shells on the sand
The wind turns us to dust

We are
Two birds
Touching their wings at night
As sparkles are falling
From their wings

We are trees
Embracing each other
Holding tight to one another
Until the wind is sleeping away through our leaves
And throwing us apart

What you see on my face is time
It is nothing but time
And time means nothing
Compared to spirit
Compared to what we are
Compared to love

Don’t be afraid of time
Somehow it’s unimportant

What you see on my body is time
Only time
Unforgiving, implacable
Harsh and demanding

What you see in my eyes
Is eternal
A light and the flame
Of the spirit that loves you
That cherishes you
And your being
Your loneliness
Your deepness
Your mortality

Nobody goes through life
Without scars
Time leaves scars
You should not look around my eyes
To see the scars
But inside my eyes
To find soul
Dec 2015 · 352
At the warmth of a sigh
Alice Baudoin Dec 2015
At times I see soul
On you face
Open book

Outgrowing your eye
Melting into smile

At the warmth of a sigh
While turning a page
Of life
Alice Baudoin Oct 2015
Everything’s the memory of you
No winners, no losers
Just an unbearable pain
And memories

Like serpents, crawling around you
Touching you, breathing at you,
Wherever you’re laying your eyes
Whatever you’re tempting to reach

Every corner reminds me of you
You’re everywhere
You’re the emerald necklace I wear
All graceful moments
Ineffable moments

Every picture I see recalls our past,
Still alive and pure and strong,
Every sun at the birth of a beautiful morning
Reminds me an eternal first hello,
A first touch, a first word of the day
First I love you

The innocent eyes
Of those around us
Remind me your eyes
And the years of tears
The years of laughter
Not abandoned by love

The bottom leaves are purple in autumn
An inattentive brush of a painter
Has sparkled them with color
Like blood
Has dropped out
From the wounds of our soul

I’m ******, paralyzed with pain
The autumn wind caressing my being
Unbearably, like suffocation

There’s a time for everything
For joy, laughter
For pain and for death

— The End —