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197 · Sep 2016
Ali Thomson Sep 2016
Yes we are different.
Our world in our mind,
Our home in the quiet.
Our love for you is not outweighed
But merely overpowered
by our need for silence,
Time for pondering.
We feel suffocated by social pretences,
All the faces and feelings, blur swirl flee.
Just out of reach.
A lighthouse standing alone, yet
The sea roars and crashes all a round,
But it fails to be swept away.

We crave that slice of silence
To be alone with our mind.
Thoughts run free, discovering  
Places they've never before visited.
We are often our own Serena to Blair.
The fortifications built by our own design
Don't easily allow our thoughts to leave
the playground within our mind.
Be assured that although our mind and mouth
Don't always cooperate doesn't mean
That what is unsaid
Is necessarily unthought.

— The End —