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256 · Dec 2015
Who are you?
Ali Senegali Dec 2015
"Be who you are"
Words of wisdom indeed!
But who are you?

"Know thy Self!"
Truly the one prescription fits all
But how does one know
who one is?

Certainly not by mind.
It wouldn't have us be
the entity
beyond the guise
of personality...

Deeper of course
is the current's course
than all these things
that can be explained,
than all these things
that can be so shaped,
and tampered with,
by a world of lies;
the external world
that seeks to surmise,
when the truth within
might as well suffice.

Should the seed of thought
from it's lonely land
mold us near to zilch
by our very hand
into something that
it could comprehend
within our mind's grasp
where true self is not?

Well, I think not!
You're not but a body
that is meant to rot!
You're the whisper of God
in your own earshot!
You're the one for All
and you're all we've got!

Not lost, you're found
as the song you sing,
as the dance you dance,
as the play you play,
as the sun you shine
that lights up our way.

Not gone, you're here
in the space you share
when you have no fear
and you're all aware
of the truth you bear.

You are here!
You are now!
You are it!
You're all you get!
You are here!
You are now!
This is you...
I'm sure you've met!
253 · Feb 2016
When sight is dim
Ali Senegali Feb 2016
The light of sun
brightens my days
and caresses me
with all its rays.
In the cold of night,
I seek for light
and the seeking helps
sharpen my sight.
Though shadows lurk,
I keep a smirk
that says I know
her love's at work.
My spirit plays
in mysterious ways.
So when sight is dim
her guidance stays.
236 · Nov 2016
What IS
Ali Senegali Nov 2016
What do I find hard to bear?
It is to be anything but bare.
That's why I won't hold back a tear,
or come to feign a phony cheer.
My heart's open by reverent care
to the spirit of when and where.
So though my mind wanders about,
my soul dwells in the now and here.
I do obsess with hows and whys.
I fear no lows and seek no highs.
I live for all those hidden things
only a life of meaning brings.
As the cosmic web pulls on its strings,
my heart can hear the truths it sings,
and my journey's its faithful dance
because nothing is due to chance.
You see, What IS, it never lies!
It moves through our all hi and byes.
It's merely seen with inner eyes
and once it's held, the moment dies.
The ones who know this are the wise
The ones who ignore it are otherwise.
216 · Oct 2016
Path of the Blessed
Ali Senegali Oct 2016
As the earth twirls
around the sun
like a dervish whirling
for her beloved,
so am I moved
into an artless dance
timelessly birthed
from the primordial flow
of the eternal river
fleetingly living
as the will of my soul.

in earnest
to the cosmic song,
I now rise to sing
in the key of life.

I walk the deserts
and valleys of dark,
with silent resilience,
and true faith of heart,
through unwritten paths
as yet shrouded in fear.
Let the burdens of truth
be all mine to bear!

Courage inspired
by internal fires,
I thrive with love
like a dancing flame
ever-blazing truth
that ignites by heart
and consumes my mind
in the peace I find.

Quietude in my heart
by the wisdom of night,
will i rise as a sun
that brings truth to light.

Quietude in my heart,
is truth without voice,
as the music of spirit
brings soul to rejoice.

Quietude in my heart
sacred peace as my nest
on my quest to come true
on the path of the blessed.

— The End —