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Apr 2014 · 369
Be you
Look in the mirror what do u see. Do u see your self or sombody els. How many costumes do you have to put on to finde your fit. How many layers of skin must you peel to finde your real skin. Look in the mirror what do you see do you see you or some one els that they wunt you to be.
Apr 2014 · 455
You can see what I can be but I can see what you cant be so lets see if you can be what I can see what you can be thats for me to be me not for you to see what you wunt me to be.
Mar 2013 · 561
Experience is an unlimited teacher a teacher with no limits is brutal because the lessens are a river of emotions that spin your heart in every direction a world without experience is a never ending circle of nothing we all have to face experience if we don't we will all be the same experince builds us up to who we are today.
Apr 2012 · 1.1k
Begining and end love and death
without love there is no death
without begining there is no end
without all of this there is only
existence is only emptyness
because of this you really don't exist.

— The End —