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Apr 2013 · 717
je ne peux pas sauvé
Alexxfay Apr 2013
Quel qu’unes
Me dis
Que ton nom c’est come un belle chanson

Mais a moi
C’est plus comme revenir aux maison.

Tes yeux fragiles
Me regarde comme un roi
Le seul personne qui peut t’aidé

Mais je sais
Il n’y a rien que je pouvais faire
Apr 2013 · 592
a new light
Alexxfay Apr 2013
Light, light, light.
I am a feather,
A cloud,
A speck of dust on your windowsill.

                                                    ­                         Unnoticed and unimportant,
                                                    ­                         But existing all the same.

All at once the sun shines,
Making me iridescent,
Breaking through my barrier,
Bringing me into the light.

Just like when you kiss me.
Feb 2013 · 613
Alexxfay Feb 2013
I’m slowly destroying myself.
Taking off pieces of flesh and tearing away limbs,
discarding my body as if it were clothing.

I’m escaping from this,
from you,
from this beating heart,
pumping blood through my veins,
coursing through and through,
top to bottom,
bottom to top.

I’m shrugging you off;
I’m letting go,
ethereal pleasure.

Your teeth graze my skin,
I don’t feel it.
But one look at your eyes
and I come undone.

Pushing and pulling,
I am sinking.
I am letting go.

You cannot touch me any more.
Left behind is my skin,
my hair,
my nails,
my eyes,
my bones;
I am only a soul,
at ease.

good bye.
Dec 2011 · 586
Weather Matters
Alexxfay Dec 2011
I hate the sun.
It’s taunting vibrance.
Implied happiness.
Melting and warming,
higher than any one can reach.
Smiling down with condescension.

If I had the choice,
rain or sun,
I would let myself dance beneath the gloomy grey.

The rain is easier
because the rain does not pretend to be something it’s not.
Nov 2011 · 656
Alexxfay Nov 2011
Dancing beneath the stars,



more than we were

this morning.



the world

if only in our heads.

Hands clasped together

holding on


dear life.

Erupting giggles

breaking through the silence of night


cricket songs.

Holding tight as we


the earth

under it’s hazy blanket

of darkness.


each other

tearing off layers of


Bed of grass

laying still wrapped in

each other.

Gold and orange burst into the sky


through the dark.

Contended smiles

as you drive me home


I fall asleep

in the passenger seat.
Oct 2011 · 776
Kiss me Sweet, Darling.
Alexxfay Oct 2011
The soft patter of bare feet against hard wood,

soft giggles in the back ground,

air swirling with sweat and sweet lust.

Two pairs of lips,

curved into gentle smiles.

Skin glowing with perspiration.

Chests heave up and down in unison,

bodies barely an inch away.

Electricity tingles between two souls.

More than just lust.

Stolen kisses,

hands intertwined.

Eyes contented,

roaming over expanses of exposed skin.

Lingering ******.

Ever-holding happiness.

Pleasure moments hanging like dust.

Sun beams dance across sheets.

Day wasted,

perfect day.
Oct 2011 · 550
Future Me
Alexxfay Oct 2011
I’ve got this picture in my head of who I want to be,

this beautiful, self assured, dark and twisted kind of person.

who lives in a loft and has a mattress on the floor

and answers the door in lace underwear and an oversized button up.

I’ll always have a coffee in my hand

and I’ll carry a bag with a notebook in it.

My finger nails and toes will always be painted

and I’ll wear heels almost always.

At night, I’ll go out by myself in my black dress and I’ll go to a dark underground jazz club,

where I’ll drink red wine and step outside to smoke a joint.
Oct 2011 · 544
A new Perspective.
Alexxfay Oct 2011
I want to
eat you.
No, wait,
with you.
I want to
watch you undress
get on your skin
under your
I want you
to carry me
all day.

I want you to
what it was like alone.
I want to
see your day
your perspective.
I want to
forget myself
know only
Oct 2011 · 659
Lady Love
Alexxfay Oct 2011
I watched her
in sparkling waters.
She looked  at me
wild green eyes.
I couldn't help but
want to
reach out and touch
But I didn't.
Oct 2011 · 1.8k
Alexxfay Oct 2011
let's get married
underneath the cherry blossoms.
you'll wear white
and your mom will cry.
we'll dance even though our feet hurt.
we won't stop smiling.
everyone will drink champagne
and sometimes
a single pink petal will fall
but we won't notice
because we'll be enchanted
by eachother
Oct 2011 · 760
Lines and Circles.
Alexxfay Oct 2011
I won't
think about the what ifs.
it will drive me crazy and keep me up all night.
I'll swallow back the words and push away the thoughts,
I'll pretend to forget you.
Moving on.
But I know I'll fall right back into my old habits.
There you will be
foremost on my mind.
Taunting me.
And then I will purge you again
just to bring you;
all of you
back in to all of me.
It's a vicious circle
and the worst part
is you're back to living a straight line.
Oct 2011 · 852
ravage me
Alexxfay Oct 2011
ravage me.*

except not quite,

I just want someone to want me so much emotionally

so much that it transcends the physical want.

But that someone wants me so much emotionally

that they want to be as close to me as possible

as much a part of me as they can be

so their emotional want

turns into a craving so strong its expressed physically

in a primitive manner

with every second being spent trying to get as unified as possible.
Oct 2011 · 620
Coffee shop
Alexxfay Oct 2011
I feel your pain
because I want to
I watch from the outside
and then I bring it inside.

I think people are
playing god
which is ironic because
I don't believe in god
or people.

Sipping hot apple tea
and I burnt my tongue
and it hurts
but not nearly as much as you
so I embrace it.

Please help me forget
I see little bits of you in everyone;
your crooked smile
loose curls
boyish laugh
and I hate you.

You know that I love
Disregard everything I said
if it means
we can talk again.

Everyone walks by
not noticing
or noticing wrong
and I
am noticing
Oct 2011 · 560
Alexxfay Oct 2011
Put the blade down,
little girl,
pretty girl.
I promise
you will
have more love.
He isn't the last.
don't hurt yourself
like he did
Your beautiful
porcelain skin
is full of scars
and blood
and oh no.
before you
go too far.
to my words
because I care
I'm scared.
You're shaking
and your colour is gone.
let yourself
Pretty baby
didn't you know
I loved you
loved you.
Oct 2011 · 797
Drunk Nights
Alexxfay Oct 2011
I could be a godess and you

you could be there.

you could watch me drink too much and dance under the moon and her children.

the grass would be wet and cold

my head would be spinning

our hearts would be pounding.

my foot would slip

you could catch me.

and drunk as we are

off youth and cheap beer

we could look at each other

and forget

the hatred we've buried each other in

and the love we swore we left behind

and we could just

move into each other.

but that would only last a second

or a minute

or the night.

when the sun came up

heads would be pounding

and you would be full of regret

and I would be full of sadness

and we'd both go back

to pretending we don't love each other.

so maybe

I'll stay away

and you

you will keep forgetting me.
Oct 2011 · 406
Alexxfay Oct 2011
Where is The Heavenly Father?
As fire burns. Acid smoke fills lungs.
Screams of terror, hearts pounding. What did we do to deserve this?
Escape, we must find a way.
Run down stairs, fillled with dark clouds.
Glistening metal in the sun, but something's not right.
They rush to the site, full of fear and courage,
running in, without thought,
we have to save them. Deafening explosions,
everywhere, drop to the floor and crawl.
Who could be so evil, who could do this.
Why? overhear the laughter of The Prince of Devils.
We're coming, we can hear your crys,
what can we do? Despair and dread start to fill us.
But we can't give up, inside there lays fathers,
children, wives, aunts,
they are all loved. They are all lost.
Two great kings fall. Stop as the rains pour down.
Oct 2011 · 485
I forget.
Alexxfay Oct 2011
She likes cars.

I forget that she likes me.

She laughs.

I forget the feeling of sadness.

We kiss.

I forget the world outside of us exists.

Her hand is wrapped in my hair.

I forget that we are two separate people.

We break away and she smiles.

My heart forgets to beat.

She loves me.

*I forget that I love her, too.
Oct 2011 · 540
Sins of summer Love
Alexxfay Oct 2011
soft lips

on softer skin.

you smile,

you’re nervous,

so am I.

if we only knew;

this was the last of new memories.

the curve of your ribs,

the dimples on your lower back.


my breath,

is taken away.

I shiver

as you touch my skin

and goosebumps appear.

you get closer

as I get closer

and now

we’re closer

than anyone could be.

glistening foreheads

and heaving chests.

we lie,

in silence,

in each other.

enveloped in love.

love we’ve made,

love we feel.

love we’re losing.

we just don’t know it yet.

and now

I’m lost

without you

in me


you’re love

in me

— The End —