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Mar 2012 · 734
A Cup of Tea May Do.
Alexis Rodriguez Mar 2012
So I went on this scavenger hunt and found nothing but angry wolves. I couldn't run fast enough... I'm in shambles.
I fell through a maze, curious to see more.  
Entwined in words, and falsehoods, I carried on.
Denial was my shield. I never looked around I built my own nuanced dreams.
I held out a hand blindly, feeling only thorns.
I yanked, and it gave.  
I knew nothing held me, but my devotion to curiosity.  
By the end of my turn, I was surrounded by greedy wretchedness, it devoured me whole.
Mar 2012 · 696
I Paint
Alexis Rodriguez Mar 2012
I paint trees
With hopes that I be lifted
Entwined in branches
Held tight


Those vines told me stories
of love and war
Age old tales
Giving me more


I greet my reflection in a puddle,
I stare down from so high.

Who am I?
Mar 2012 · 876
Unaware Peanut
Alexis Rodriguez Mar 2012
I tripped on this thing.
I tripped hard.
I looked down and saw eyes.
This poor unaware peanut, I could not hear his cries.
Apologies of the dearest, poured profusely from me.
His oil everywhere.
What an unaware peanut, shame.
I ruined his claim.
He felt atop the world.
Until I came crashing down.
Mar 2012 · 858
White Demons
Alexis Rodriguez Mar 2012
On their knees before a hanging man.
They confess, ******, molestation.
Grotesque manifestations.
Flesh. Devoured.
Dirt covered hands invisible in front,
Of smiles and open arms.
Death hangs near close enough for comfort.
Living in moments of desperation.
Need fuels unjustified means.
****... me... now.
Why, the devil just ate my soul.
Thank you.
Mar 2012 · 482
...And now what?
Alexis Rodriguez Mar 2012
You are pathetic.
Victimized by your own strengths.
Your flaws are beautiful.
Yet, they make your reflection seem ugly.
I have stood before you blank.
Asking only one question.
In response, I am led to walls.
So high above me, I need your help.
You are full of ****.
Like me, and all of the world.
You are full of pain.
Confusion and maybe need.
Voluntary solitude guided by fear.
Scaled to the universe,
You  are  nothing.
And to me now, the same.
Mar 2012 · 607
Black Holes
Alexis Rodriguez Mar 2012
And I sit here in my own mind, eating the walls.
I consume myself.
A black hole I am.
You, my universe.
And I sit here in my own mind, with you.
Building walls I've consumed.
Alexis Rodriguez Mar 2012
I'm not as free as I thought I'd be
I thought I broke free

I'm not as free as I thought I'd be
I was sure my mind was open
Certainty only grounded in guilded notions

I'm not as free as I thought I'd be
Illusions dance on the film of my memory
They call to me and resound liberty
Memories, when well thought of only
echo regret and cowardness

I'm not as free as I thought I'd be
Consumed and driven by fear
No laughter or chaos near
No lights or playful sights

I'm not as free as I thought I'd be
For my life is played out safely behind


— The End —