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Alexcandra Jun 2012
I look at you everyday with judgement,
with admiration,
with hatred,
and with disgust.

I hate how you look so good one day,
and then the next,
a huge mess.

Your complexion is porcelain,
your legs,
are fat.
Your eyes,
they resemble the sea.
Keep doing that,
your ribs will show so much, they might snap.

******* reflection you haunt my exsistence,
you're my best friend but reflect my worst nightmare.
Pinch the fat and push the food away,
keep doing that your skin will be ruined.

Don't love yourself you'll stop making progress.
I don't want war, but what do I want.
Alexcandra Jun 2012
Break it all up, small and dense,
inhale and hold, and baby I'll cross that fence.
Let me get a little high and I'll open up,
I've always been told to scream my problems into a tea cup.

I tell myself I won't be like you,
but the way I feel when I'm gone feels true.
Four hits and that's not enough,
I don't know why everything is so tough.

I love the way I can be so vibrant,
when really I'm always on a tyrant.
I want to feel the tension of smoke,
that's the only way I don't choke.

I can tell you how I feel,
just let me get real.
This isn't frustation,
it's really just temptation.
Alexcandra Jun 2012
Two thousand and ten,
that's when I noticed my heart beat for you.

Two thousand and ten,
I thought I was crazy to even look at you.

I've been here for you,
I've cried with you,
I've admitted I wanted to die to you.
I've also left you passed out drunk of the floor, just so I wouldn't kiss you.

Two thousand and eleven,
suicide strikes and you disappear.
It's ******* me too,
I'm always here for you.
Let me cry with you,
I always say how I'd rescue you.

Two thousand and twelve,
I admit my love for you,
you love me too?
I'm not a real girl to you.

You said you always wanted to know,
so go, kiss me.
You made my heart skip a beat.
You make me nervous,
you make me look twice after we kiss.

Your beard scratched my neck,
you make my eyes roll back,
with a simple press of your perfect lips.
And, those finger tips,
tracing me, learning me, finally touching me.

Two thousand and twelve,
if you leave now I have no where to go.
I'm starting to feel low,
nothing that good could be so wrong.
Maybe some clarity will bring us to where we belong.

— The End —