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Nov 2012 · 478
The Skin of My Youth
I miss the skin of my youth
Covered in freckles and dirt
My hair
Free and tangled and long
My nails
Ripped and plain
My eyes
Curious and bright
My lips
Cracked and honest
I miss the smile of my youth
Brilliant and simple and real
Nov 2012 · 506
There is a girl inside of me
And she is beautiful
A kind of beautiful that scares me
That only shows itself in the right shades of darkness

Face, round with innocence
Lips, plump with truth
Skin like glass, so nothing is hidden
Even her weakness

I love her
But she is too delicate to love
The soft words cut her
Into reflective little pieces
Nov 2011 · 600
July Fifteenth
Every instant comes before us in a rush
Every moment is a spark in the sky
The possibilities, so vastly infinite
I no longer can ignore that your life
Is tied to mine

A small red string connects us
Weaving through time and windows
Across streets and stars
To loop around our wrists
Always tugging
A destiny neither can deny

A moment, unrepeatable and endless
To forever echo in my mind
A temporary magic
Our existences collide
Nov 2011 · 537
Sometimes I cry
Not because I'm sad but because
I can't take this

Sometimes I smile
Not because I'm happy but because
I'm tired

Sometimes I yell
Not because I'm angry but because
I'm losing you

Sometimes I laugh
Not because it's funny but because
I've got nothing else

Then sometimes I think
Not because I'm wondering but because
I already know the truth

— The End —