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7.6k · Jun 2010
Oh to untie you
From the straints of adolescence.
To craddle you
Kiss your closed eyes-
Feel the lashes brush my lips
Softly now like down and spring
Sweet like young breath
You would lean in.
But suddenly-
Filled with flame you would grasp
Become the craddle yourself.
Free from those who bind you
Chosing to bind us instead.
In hate or love
It is all the same
We call it adolesence
1.3k · Jul 2010
The Bathtub
Steam rises to meet my face as I slip lower into the bath. I can hear John in the living room, hear the floor stretch under his weight.
Though I know he's aware of my presence, I shallow my breathing. Slow my movement to a crawl.
Oh God, don't let him hear me...
The click of the T.V. says he's out for the night, gone to those around him. I breathe a sigh of relief and lift my neck from the water.
The door of the bathroom opens, and carried in on the rush of air conditioning, I catch his sickly sweet smell.
He's been drinking.
His eyes are lazy, yellow and sunk in his skull. He smiles at me, for a moment I see the man I married. The illusion is gone with the realiziation that it's false. The room is cool, but not from the fresh air.
I can feel his chill, the chill of unobtained dreams.
"Hey, honey." He breathes as he stumbles to the tub. "Did you miss me?"
I look at him wide eyed. After 12 years in this mess, it still frightens me to hear his slur.
He takes my silence like poisin.
"No, of course you didn't. Ungrateful *****...."
He turns to leave the bathroom, I stand and reach for my towel.
He spins and lunges for me like an animal let out of a cage.
I feel the blows, heavy thuds. My face, and arms. He shakes me, and I hear my head crack on the tiled wall.
"Why don't you love me...?" He asks, but I'm not sure who he wants the answer from. I lie still, tasting the salt and iron.
I hear him collapse on the couch once more, hear the child I gave him stir in the other room.
Momma's coming, baby. Hold on.
I open the drain, and let the water run down with my blood.
898 · Jun 2010
An Artist Of Sorts
The light in your eyes shines
Brighter than I have ever known the sun to be.
Dark like the other moon they might seem
But they silver and pale in love.
Your mouth traced my own
Like a long forgotten artist.
Graceful and swift fingers interlock
Caught in my own
With red hands they have discovered us.
The man in the moon of your eyes
Is lulling me to sleep.
To rest and never wake from this bliss
Would be the art only you could make
Painting my heart in patient, bold strokes.
796 · Jun 2010
I heard you
I heard you today,
If only for a moment.
A sharp laugh cut through the air around me
Popped my ear drum like sugar candy.
I saw only rushing water,
Smelled only the sun and sky.
Alone in the pool of rapids
I heard you
Like always-
A lie.

My foot slid of the river rock
A gasp took over my spine.
Straight as arrow,
Mouth open as you liked.
But with the realization of halucination
Jaw took my opinion
Like always-
778 · Aug 2010
Behind your simple prose and light eyes
A darker ribon ties
A veil
Dropped once at the first act.

Take a bow,
The rose I throw for you has a tooth for you
I watched a drop of scarlet land on your blue shirt
A tiny bullet hole.

The actor within
Schemes, contorts and writhes
May your roses be as blue.
718 · Jun 2010
He peeled her away like petals,
Coverings fell like dew to grass.
Blue eyes locked together,
Shut in a moment of ecsatsy-
Of need.
Lips graze collar bones,
Breath is of another world
Her chest heaves without recourse.
With each inhale, they are free
Into eachother they have found secrecy
A beat from somewhere deep.
712 · Jul 2010
He waited for her once,
Twice if you count the flowers.
He hid behind them and watched her limbs move
Naked under the patches of dawn's light.
She drew out colors with the point of her toe
Wrote sonatas with the curve of her arm
Naked she dances in the early morn
Not the harsh light of day
Or the cold night of winter.
She dances in the hours between,
He loves her.
Dawn! He cries out to her finally
Daises cast like the roles of a play
Aside, no longer do they sway in her dance.
She turns to meet him
Eyes wide and fresh budding green,
Skin light like the moon that's fallen.
Her laugh was soft,
She stood more naked than he had ever seen,
He loves her.
She stepped over the stones to take his hand,
Led him out under the coming day
He heard the music then,
True and silver in his ear.
Their steps fell together endlessly,
She loves him.
712 · Jul 2010
My father is a man of no houses
He tells life by the sunlight
Rises only when it's set.
He told me once my name would be Ocean
The eyes I recieved from him.
Our skin is of the moon
We live for the stars.

Etched in my memory are waters
His freckled hands pulling me through the current.
Hiding from the sun under pools
River protecting us from earth.
Sun would show me
It was no friend.

My father left in my third autumn
The sun had dried the river bed.
His farewell kiss lingers
Still on my brow.
In dreams I trace it
Like the final plunge to the river
I will swim again.
711 · Jun 2010
I wait for you
I wait for you
In the moments of restlessnees,
I trace the sun beams that fall on my legs
I imagine you
The stroke of your soft skin,
The curve of your back.
If I tilt my head to the wind just right
I can hear you whisper my name
See it carry through the canyons
Whistle through the leaves on great oaks.
I feel you in the water,
Taste you in my dreams.
You're beyond my reach,
But coming soon.
I wait for you.
630 · Jun 2010
She stood then and looked back at the computer on her desk. Her connection to a world she's lost. She decided then that wanted him only for the satisfaction that a young one feels when they win against an opponent in feild games. He was her peer, emotionally at least. In age, he was always beyond her reach just slightly. She remembered trying to cath the hem of his shirt as his life raced ahead. Trying just to catch a ride with him. She was fated to pretend her own life was going somewhere, racing off towards some distant horizon. But there was no one on the hem or her coat, so truly she had no measure of her aging.
The only way to count it is by the moments she wished defined her. Birth, loss of innocence, and finally-Death. She has lusted for it, yes.
She pours herself a glass of water.Her red eyes seem to fall from her head into the cup, distortion of reality is her only release. She finds it in the bowl of her pipe, in the resin left on her ring finger. Her salvation can be purchased as a twenty sack.
She finds him often in the darkness, hovering just above her. She reaches out to her celing, hope sinking as arm rises.
"Are you there?" She will as the air around her, ask as she shifts off to sleep. Her salvation can also be bought by exhaustion.
In her dreams, he's one of changing shadows. A presence, constant and shallow. She has never asked the shadow his name, she doesn't want to know.
She is content in the waking world, her bright and happy world. It's only when the night comes that she wishes to run, to beat her opponent. To raise the flag above her head and beam in victory.
Salvation comes to her with the coming light, be it from her lighter, the sun, or the lamp beside her bed.
It's really more of a blurb in place of a poem.

— The End —