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Sep 2013 · 656
Closing Leap
Alexandra Sep 2013
A kindred spirit laughed and played
As birch trees whispered while they swayed
The wind caressed their hanging jewels
It flirted coyly with her news

A change occurred
The clock struck 12
This turning point, a new event
The time to open up and delve
Into a life of uncertainty
An adventure beyond reality
There, beneath the glittered sky
Beyond the memories of her cry
Slipped in a choice

So bold, so rough
It's presence penetrated
It advocated
Her deepest most hidden truth

The plank ran out
The end had come
An end to living in a sleep
the hour to awake and reap
Her life away, to new beginnings
To new dreams

All that was left,
A final stare into the deep
Her ****** of the closing leap
Sep 2013 · 773
celebrity culture
Alexandra Sep 2013
They reveled in the madness of their creations
Drunk with glory
Blinded by the ecstasy
     of their unique love story
Sipping from an egotistic goblet
While Mary transformed into the harlot

Marked by a letter
Some feared it to be scarlet
Yet she praised the Lord
Him, her ****** target
Sep 2013 · 472
nostalgia of the start
Alexandra Sep 2013
It was the night we laughed and cried
We promised forever,
we knew we both lied

While rain pounded against our naked souls
Exposing the drift amongst our goals
Washing away the concealer of holes

Further and further we moved apart
Nostalgically dreaming of our start
Sep 2013 · 1.4k
Alexandra Sep 2013
In the cookie cutter cage
Struggling to contain the rage
A free-spirit was torn between reality and dreamland

Break the shackles of expectation
Shrug away judgmental allegations
Explore the depths of your creation
Surrender to allure of deep temptations
     REBEL against the infiltration
     Of a mass produced mold
Dare to wander, to be bold
**** the status, and their gold

Discover your own imagination
Live through your own interpretation

Search for treasure in the crowds
Let your mind transcend the clouds
Emancipate your inner child
To take a step, into the wild
Nov 2011 · 741
Alexandra Nov 2011
Slowly I am slipping
The time around is dripping
Like a tragically peculiar Dali
Everything is merging into one
While the cigarette stench permeates the fun

Faces blur,
And thus the confusion begins to stir
Cluttered in the utmost bizarre way
To the pounding music, bodies start to sway
Twisting, turning
Grinding, yearning
For a fervent hip
A hot seductive lip

Dancing to a heartbeat
Eyes eventually meet
Electricity ignites the numbness
Stumbling and mumbling, a clear disastrous mess
Grabbing at the fabric, of the jewel encrusted dress

Passion like the bubbles of champagne
Intense but quickly fades to yet more isolated pain
Bodies intertwined, faking a connection
Clear lack of recollection
Slightly soothes the soul

Beginning under an infatuated spell
Ironically ending, with an awkward farewell
Perhaps an attempt to feel well
Or the perfect chance to rebel
Nov 2011 · 818
Alexandra Nov 2011
A simple room of solemn faces
She comes around, she leaves her traces
Of smiles and laughter, fascinations

A cockiness, distinctly hers,
Somehow so naturally occurs
This trait is to all clear
It tends to often reappear
Ironically it goes so far as to endear  

She speaks and her speech captivates
She dances, and with a twirl she is carefree
This mesmerizing energy that anyone can see
Radiates around her in a blissful glee

She can be demanding, when she sets out her orders
Confident and strong, without concern for borders
Like a dictator, not a bit demure
Yet even this, has a unique allure

Inspiring, a pain
Beautiful, but surely not as twain
Loved in spite, and with her flaws too
Because she is a mother, but mostly…
Because she’s you
Nov 2011 · 3.1k
Take me higher
Alexandra Nov 2011
Laying naked in my bed,
I’m thinking about you
And all the raunchy things we do

Hot sweaty skin moves rhythmically against the satin
Craving one another’s touch
So overwhelming it can sometimes be too much

Beginning with a tender stroke,
Escalating to a choke

Still full of heat and untamed desire
I yearn for you to take me higher
Away from my reality to a place of instinctual bliss
Where nothing is more satisfying then your ardent kiss
Nov 2011 · 537
Him & her
Alexandra Nov 2011
He was flawed,
But she was too
And their flaws reflected,
In one another
In each others eyes,
beyond the dark separating skies
Their emotions stirred

His spirit captivated her
Her stare captured him
Against the obstacles
They were magnetically pulled together

Their story was not meant to be
But they made it
Their chemistry was easy to see
And so they fit,
Perfectly into each others crooks
They lay there,
twisted in a grip of passion

She craved the curve of his tongue on hers
Her feelings were heard,
even in between their drunken slurs
He'd pull her in, and hold her close
With his "goodbye",
and tragic sigh,
It was all clear

— The End —